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Watch Magpuls response closely

Guest TankerHC

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Sorry but I highly doubt it. I don't imagine any of the swing states will go red anytime soon. The GOP is all but dead.

Oh, I agree, but the term "red" in this case means Tea Party conservative to me, nowadays. I want the GOP to die.

Karl Rove and his ilk need to go, also.

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Oh, I agree, but the term "red" in this case means Tea Party conservative to me, nowadays. I want the GOP to die.

Karl Rove and his ilk need to go, also.


So, a fraction of the GOP is gonna win elections when the whole GOP can't? That will work for congressional seats. They have a tough job ahead of them. Making their "market share" smaller and whiter ain't the path to regaining power. It's tough enough to win from a fiscal conservative platform right now, with all the folks hanging on the tit. The Repubs need to rebrand, and we're not gonna like all of it. I'll still take them over the commies, warts and all.

Edited by mikegideon
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Sad thing is a lot of people are likely to lose their jobs. I wonder if Magpul or its supporting vendors will offer to pay to relocate their employees? That will tell a lot about what kind of company they are.

I agree. It's always bad when a person loses a job. The entire responsibility for it rest with the CO legislature, the very group charged with watching the best interests of their constituents.

On the bright side, one person loses a job another person will get a job.
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Guest ThePunisher

Sad thing is a lot of people are likely to lose their jobs. I wonder if Magpul or its supporting vendors will offer to pay to relocate their employees? That will tell a lot about what kind of company they are.

The sad thing is that the people of Co. and this whole country were stupid enough to re-elect Obama; knowing the consequences were higher unemployment, higher taxes, Obamacare destroying the best healthcare system in the world, assualt on the 2nd A, assualt on the whole Constitution, higher energy costs, sequestration, and finally the total fundamental transformation ( destruction ) of America.

There were 4 years of warning signs that people were going to lose their jobs, private property, guns, health insurance, and their liberties and freedoms. But, the sheeple didn't believe those warning signs, and now they've got to pay the piper.
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Guest ThePunisher

This looks like token laws that really won't do much for the "cause". Except maybe the background checks which we knew were coming. This makes no sense to me. Why do anything?

Because the liberal commie democrats are stupid and mindless, and they've got to march in-step with their commie leader in the WH, or they will not be good comrades. Edited by ThePunisher
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The sad thing is that the people of Co. and this whole country were stupid enough to re-elect Obama; knowing the consequences were higher unemployment, higher taxes, Obamacare destroying the best healthcare system in the world, assualt on the 2nd A, assualt on the whole Constitution, higher energy costs, sequestration, and finally the total fundamental transformation ( destruction ) of America.

There were 4 years of warning signs that people were going to lose their jobs, private property, guns, health insurance, and their liberties and freedoms. But, the sheeple didn't believe those warning signs, and now they've got to pay the piper.


The very sad part is that the rest of us are going to have to suffer for their ignorance and gullibility.

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Something doesn’t make sense. The stories say 600 people work at Magpul. But a couple of other plastic injection molding companies actually produce the magazines (another couple of hundred jobs). If these numbers are right; what do the 600 people at Magpul do?
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The sad thing is that the people of Co. and this whole country were stupid enough to re-elect Obama; knowing the consequences were higher unemployment, higher taxes, Obamacare destroying the best healthcare system in the world, assualt on the 2nd A, assualt on the whole Constitution, higher energy costs, sequestration, and finally the total fundamental transformation ( destruction ) of America.


Not only were people stupid enough to re-elect this anti-American bastard but we had alleges conservative/libertarian voters extolling the virtues of either voting for Obama and/or voting for a zero chance to win third (or no) party candidate rather then Romney; allegedly in hopes or on the theory that it would "wake up the Republicans".


Well, I've see no evidence that the Republican party has gained any sense so far and in fact the establishment Republican party seems to be even more intent on ignoring and/or circumventing and/or making irrelevant the Tea Party/conservative movement of the party.


I predict that in the 2016 election we'll have even less palpable choices for President if one leans toward conservative principles.

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I predict that in the 2016 election we'll have even less palpable choices for President if one leans toward conservative principles.

Welcome to my world as a libertarian. Pull up a chair and we can watch it burn together. There was never any chance of changing the course when both of the major parties are two sides of the same worthless statist coin.
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Welcome to my world as a libertarian. Pull up a chair and we can watch it burn together. There was never any chance of changing the course when both of the major parties are two sides of the same worthless statist coin.

I hope that people learned from voting for the lesser of two evils in 2012.
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Something doesn’t make sense. The stories say 600 people work at Magpul. But a couple of other plastic injection molding companies actually produce the magazines (another couple of hundred jobs). If these numbers are right; what do the 600 people at Magpul do?


I guess they assemble, package, and ship them. Saw a pic on one of the stories, can't find it, shows guy with stacks of the various components around him.


I'm sure they have R&D part too. And accounting/billing.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Something doesn’t make sense. The stories say 600 people work at Magpul. But a couple of other plastic injection molding companies actually produce the magazines (another couple of hundred jobs). If these numbers are right; what do the 600 people at Magpul do?


Have you ever worked for a big company Dave? There is accounting, HR. finance, R&D, marketing etc etc. Each one of those departments likely has a manager and then a director. 


Hell, at my company we have planning, tactical planing, global planning, demand planning, plant network optimization, operation, logistics, transportation, finance, accounting, HR, sourcing, IT, S&OP planning, marketing, customer care, sales, etc.

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Something doesn’t make sense. The stories say 600 people work at Magpul. But a couple of other plastic injection molding companies actually produce the magazines (another couple of hundred jobs). If these numbers are right; what do the 600 people at Magpul do?


Magpul has 200 employees. The 600 counts their supply chain.

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Have you ever worked for a big company Dave? There is accounting, HR. finance, R&D, marketing etc etc. Each one of those departments likely has a manager and then a director. 
Hell, at my company we have planning, tactical planing, global planning, demand planning, plant network optimization, operation, logistics, transportation, finance, accounting, HR, sourcing, IT, S&OP planning, marketing, customer care, sales, etc.

Yes I have. I work in manufacturing making aerospace components for such companies as Boeing, Lockheed, Airbus and Gulfstream. I was also the Applications Manager for a machine tool manufacturer and have traveled to manufacturing companies all over the U.S. and a couple of foreign countries. That’s why I was pretty sure someone was playing games with the numbers.

Magpul has 200 employees. The 600 counts their supply chain.

That makes more sense.
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So, a fraction of the GOP is gonna win elections when the whole GOP can't? That will work for congressional seats. They have a tough job ahead of them. Making their "market share" smaller and whiter ain't the path to regaining power. It's tough enough to win from a fiscal conservative platform right now, with all the folks hanging on the tit. The Repubs need to rebrand, and we're not gonna like all of it. I'll still take them over the commies, warts and all.

No, Mike, I want the party to change ownership. They keep on sending up losers at the national level, for some reason.

I remember Reagan wasn't even their favorite until he showed the party elite otherwise. I'm tired of fair weather Republicans.


And the fact that they like sacrificial lambs, you put someone up to win, not to place or show.

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So, a fraction of the GOP is gonna win elections when the whole GOP can't? That will work for congressional seats. They have a tough job ahead of them. Making their "market share" smaller and whiter ain't the path to regaining power. It's tough enough to win from a fiscal conservative platform right now, with all the folks hanging on the tit. The Repubs need to rebrand, and we're not gonna like all of it. I'll still take them over the commies, warts and all.

Mike, common sense would tend to agree but I don't think this is a "common sense" issue.


While it's just opinion, based somewhat on experience, I believe true conservatives can win elections (regardless of the candidate's sex or race or religion).  However, the elitists of the Republican party don't believe that and keep pushing to make Republican candidates look just like Democrats but only slightly less liberal.  Even when those candidates lose, they keep pushing the same thing; apparently thinking that the losing candidate didn't look "moderate" enough.


Perhaps more important, however, when Republicans have been in control of legislatures and Congress, they have proven impotent to act...they beg for power to "set things right" and when the people give it to them, they accomplish nothing.


That said, what do they need to re-brand to?  I suppose they could change their name to "Democratic Party 2"...at least that would be more descriptive.  :shrug:

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Mike, common sense would tend to agree but I don't think this is a "common sense" issue.


While it's just opinion, based somewhat on experience, I believe true conservatives can win elections (regardless of the candidate's sex or race or religion).  However, the elitists of the Republican party don't believe that and keep pushing to make Republican candidates look just like Democrats but only slightly less liberal.  Even when those candidates lose, they keep pushing the same thing; apparently thinking that the losing candidate didn't look "moderate" enough.


Perhaps more important, however, when Republicans have been in control of legislatures and Congress, they have proven impotent to act...they beg for power to "set things right" and when the people give it to them, they accomplish nothing.


That said, what do they need to re-brand to?  I suppose they could change their name to "Democratic Party 2"...at least that would be more descriptive.  :shrug:


Right now, they're perceived by some as white Primitive Baptists who have never been responsible for an orgasm other than their own. They need to fix that. They lose on social issues.


I agree, they don't accomplish anything when they ARE in power.

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Right now, they're perceived by some as white Primitive Baptists who have never been responsible for an orgasm other than their own. They need to fix that. They lose on social issues.

Hey, they tried with the Cain Train. He wasn't white AND he liked the ladies. For some reason he was demonized on both accounts by the press.
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Right now, they're perceived by some as white Primitive Baptists who have never been responsible for an orgasm other than their own. They need to fix that. They lose on social issues.


I agree, they don't accomplish anything when they ARE in power.

Yeah but Mike, many conservatives are just as concerned about social issues as they are with fiscal issues, foreign policy and returning to the true constitutional republic our founders set up...I know that because I'm one of "those kind" of conservatives (although I'm not a Baptist, Primitive or otherwise. :) ).

I'm not a prude but I do have strongly held beliefs about right and wrong and about such things as the right to life, what "marriage" actually means, and some of those other pesky social issues that, unfortunately, seem to drive segments of the people into the Democratic camp...I'm not going to ignore those beliefs just so we can get an "acceptable" Republican in office.

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The Republican Party is about to die, anyway. There are too many people dissatisfied with it and it just needs to be flushed

down the toilet. The core of conservatives will never go away. The independents, libertarians and disgruntled democrats(and

there are many) will get on board if things are done right, and people like Karl Rove are kept out. The John McCains and Lamar

Alexanders need to go, too. We should be infusing people like Cruz and Rubio from our state within the party apparatchik.

Teach these 'crats they should retire and be happy with the mess they gave us.


Eh, it may not get that far as fast as things are going downhill.

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