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Watch Magpuls response closely

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

These types of legislators seem so juvenile to me. The knee-jerk reactions to the "crisis of the day" shows off their lack of wisdom and judgement. Spine-less, brain-less drones following the crowd with near-vision googles on. It's embarrassing.


I agree wholeheartedly, my only question would be is why do they keep electing them knowing how thier votes will turn out and what legislation they will propose?

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Again, they already know it passed, its a matter of getting the vote "count". This is nothing more than a matter of symantics, it passed, and when the votes are counted Monday and it goes to the Governer it will be law.


EDIT: I should add, nothing would be better than to count the Votes tomorrow and see this shot down in flames. Its just not going to happen. The Democrats in the House outnumber the Republicans 57% to 43%. There is no way this has not passed, whether through Committee (Already has), voice vote (Already has) or after counting the votes tomorrow.


Magpul is waiting on the official count. This also has to pass the Senate, right? I know these are technicalities, but it's not a done deal yet. If I was Magpul, I wouldn't make any hard moves until it was signed into law. Once it is, I don't blame them one bit for moving.

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I agree wholeheartedly, my only question would be is why do they keep electing them knowing how thier votes will turn out and what legislation they will propose?

For the same reason Obama is President.

We are not in control anymore. Those that support big government, handouts, and blaming others for their problems are united and they vote.
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Guest TankerHC

One thing, about that issue of pulling up stakes and moving. Remember Winchester? Took 7 months from shutdown announcement to begin manufacturing by Miroku in Japan, and Herstal and FN only took 23 months to setup and start manufacturing the Model 70 in SC. And it can be done a lot faster than that.

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I agree wholeheartedly, my only question would be is why do they keep electing them knowing how thier votes will turn out and what legislation they will propose?


I don't think they do know. Most folks vote based on other issues. I'm sure a lot of them are waking up now, since there's an all out war on guns.

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One thing, about that issue of pulling up stakes and moving. Remember Winchester? Took 7 months from shutdown announcement to begin manufacturing by Miroku in Japan, and Herstal and FN only took 23 months to setup and start manufacturing the Model 70 in SC. And it can be done a lot faster than that.


Now we're in full blown TGO speculation mode :). Magpul's products are real simple (compared to a gun). Add the fact that they make a whole lot of units for each product. Because of the high unit count, they probably have multiple lines running. They can probably move one line at a time. You can't really compare them to somebody that makes a totally different product.


I'm guessing they already ran the numbers and rough logistics on a move. Crawfishing on their statement would be a lot worse than not making the statement at all.

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I don't think they do know. Most folks vote based on other issues. I'm sure a lot of them are waking up now, since there's an all out war on guns.


Progressive libs don't vote based on what legislators do, they often pay no attention to what's being done. They vote based on what's said, such as Barry says he has the most transparent administration in history so it must be true, or they vote based on what others around them say. Progressive libs don't react to things based on what they think, they react based on how they feel. They're emotionally driven and that's exactly how they're controlled by those in power.

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I don't think they do know. Most folks vote based on other issues. I'm sure a lot of them are waking up now, since there's an all out war on guns.


Oh they know what they are doing.


This is what happens when Liberals destroy one state (California) move away from that mess to another state (Colorado) and then vote in the same type of Liberals who continue their attacks on liberty. 

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Oh they know what they are doing.


This is what happens when Liberals destroy one state (California) move away from that mess to another state (Colorado) and then vote in the same type of Liberals who continue their attacks on liberty. 


Not talking about all of them. I'm talking more about the ones that voted because they thought guns wouldn't be an issue. You're talking about liberal cancer, and CO has plenty of that.

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Smith & Wesson, Savage, Kahr, Troy Industries, and Yankee Hill are in Massachusetts. Connecticut has Colt, Marlin, Mossberg, Ruger and Stag Arms. Illinois has Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms, ArmaLite, and Lewis Machine and Tool. Kimber is in New York. I’m sure I’ve missed some, but are you going to boycott all these?

That would be a dream come true for the anti-gun people; divide and conquer.


It's not some big conspiracy; CO is banning the primary product that magpul produces. If MA, CT and NY ban the primary products those companies produce for the nation and they decide that they still want to submit to the idiocy and keep pumping money into those markets, then no I will not do business with them and anyone that continues to do so might as well be cutting a check to the politicians that are making these idiotic decisions.


I'll gracefully bow out of this one because it's getting to the point of splitting hairs for the purpose of winning a debate. Makes both of us look silly

Edited by Sam1
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Most folks vote based on other issues..

I agree. Also, I don't believe that most citizens support antigun legislation. I do believe that because some people don't care for or own guns that they don't pay much attention or don't care about antigun legislation because it doesn't affect them. This apathy allows the politicians to only have to fight against a smaller group. Por exemplo: None gun owners agree that 30rd mags are overkill. Why, because they don't use them. I didn't pay attention to legislation against cigarette companies because I don't smoke. We have no problems with anti saggings laws because we are adults and don't wear our pants under our asses. I'm not attempting to justify not paying attention when the government attempts to strongarm its citizens. I'm simply throwing out some examples.

In my opinion, antigun measures are not getting a lot of support from ordinary non-gun owning citizens, but neither are pro gun measures. The reasons can be found in some of these post. Instead of reasonably informing the uninformed, we do the same things as the gun snatchers and start the emotion based name calling. Calling people names because they don't understand or agree with you does little to gain their support.

I believe that this war can be won even with the apathetic sitting on the sidelines, but you want them sitting on the sidelines on our side with a clear understanding of where we stand as opposed to on the sidelines because the antigun side ran a better emotion driven campaign.

Just my opinion. That and $3.19 will get you a gallon of gas.
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Those are good examples of the divide and conquer game that's being played out.


It's also part of the "Obama traveling anti-gun game" going on in a state near you. He's taking his "Organizing for America"

and using it at the state level since he knows Congress won't pass it.

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I too originally thought this was a "knee-jerk reaction" to the Sandy Hook shooting, but the more I have read and thought, I am convinced this is no knee-jerk reaction.  Rather, the anti-gun crowd is taking full advantage of what they see as an opportunity to pass legislation they have wanted for over 20 years.  When the VP admits that the policies they are proposing will have no significant effect on gun violence, you know that this is only an exercise in exploiting a tragedy for political gain (just so I'm clear, both major parties regularly do this).  
I would like to see Magpul stick to their guns on this, but I'm afraid the cost would be so massive that any bone that gets thrown to them will be good reason for them to stay put.  I'm not sure how I will react if they do that.  Unless some other folks step up, there will come a point where there will be nobody left to boycott that has products worth owning.  I think that Magpul would have an opportunity to take a financial hit now, but establish a reputation for being a stand-up company that would pay off over the long haul.

I agree with you completely, but I also think there is both happening. The head of the snake has an agenda taking full advantage of every opportunity, but the tail follows because they think it is popular or what their high-profile leaders expects. The anti-gun crowd is exploiting those childen no doubt, but I don't think every state level lib is privy to the "big picture" agenda.
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Progressive libs don't vote based on what legislators do, they often pay no attention to what's being done. They vote based on what's said, such as Barry says he has the most transparent administration in history so it must be true, or they vote based on what others around them say. Progressive libs don't react to things based on what they think, they react based on how they feel. They're emotionally driven and that's exactly how they're controlled by those in power.


This type of voting behavior is not limited to progressive liberals.  It's applicable to the vast majority of voters in America (easily 75% or more).  People simply do not vote based on a candidate's record.  They vote based on party loyalty, candidate rhetoric, and for the person they think has the best chance of beating the candidate they dislike the most.  

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There is a lot of speculation brewing. If you want to hear from the horses mouth follow their Facebook page. They are using it to communicate. In fact it states they took out a full page ad to try and stop the legislation. There is little doubt in my mind they will follow through if the time comes.
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There is a lot of speculation brewing. If you want to hear from the horses mouth follow their Facebook page. They are using it to communicate. In fact it states they took out a full page ad to try and stop the legislation. There is little doubt in my mind they will follow through if the time comes.

I don’t do much Facebook. Has S&W, Glock or SIG made any statements?
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I don’t do much Facebook. Has S&W, Glock or SIG made any statements?


I haven't seen Glock make any such statement yet. I have been on their page urging them to do so though. I saw the ad Magpul put out today. It seems they are fully committed to leaving the state if this goes through. If they do that I can guarantee I will never buy anything that isn't a pmag again. They will earn my loyalty as a consumer to no end. 

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Guest ThePunisher

Smith & Wesson, Savage, Kahr, Troy Industries, and Yankee Hill are in Massachusetts. Connecticut has Colt, Marlin, Mossberg, Ruger and Stag Arms. Illinois has Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms, ArmaLite, and Lewis Machine and Tool. Kimber is in New York. I’m sure I’ve missed some, but are you going to boycott all these?That would be a dream come true for the anti-gun people; divide and conquer.

Well, all these gun manufacturers better start realizing that if they are to continue their businesses with profits, then they're gonna have to plan on possible moves to gun freindly states. They're gonna have to take a stand for the American principles, and spirit that made our country, and our people so great and exceptional. When the communist take freedoms, they also take your businesses, and private property. I think that most of these gun manufacturers have been thinking, and probably been making contingency plans the last four years. They know their bread is buttered by gun owners, and advocates of the 2nd Amendment.

It's gonna have to be a full all out unity among gun makers, gun buyers, and all freedom loving Americans to win this war against these commies that want to take away our liberties and freedoms. The commies have drawn first blood, and it's time to show these commie b**tards that they're messing with Americans that don't take highly to being told they can't keep their liberties and freedoms any longer. .

Time will tell if we keep our country from succumbing to these commies, but it's gonna take everyone to learn more about our Constitution, and our historical values that has made America so great if we are to remain a free, strong, and prosperous nation. Right now, too many people don't have a clue as to what what has made America so exceptional from other countries; the answer is simply having the opportunity to live with freedoms and liberties that are written in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If we lose our 2nd A rights, then we will certainly lose our liberties and freedoms
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House Bill 1228: Requires gun customers to pay the costs of their criminal background checks by the Bureau of Investigation.


Just wondering why a poll tax has been declared unconstitutional, but not this? Both are a fee to exercise a constitutional right.

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Guest TankerHC

Well, here is thier answer and the only thing I can say is "Way to go Magpul". The owner of Magpul has both ethics and a conscience.


Magpul Formally Announces They Will Leave Colorado If Magazine Ban Becomes Law





Denver, Colorado – February 15th, 2013 – Magpul Industries, an Erie,
Colorado, based manufacturer of firearms accessories, announced today
that it will be forced to leave the state if House Bill 1224, which
would ban standard capacity magazines, becomes law. The announcement was
made to Governor Hickenlooper, state legislators, members of the media,
and in a full-page advertisement to appear in the Denver Post on

Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul
Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked
into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in
Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

“Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture
our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from
purchasing and owning them. ” Fitzpatrick said. “The passage of this
bill will do nothing to enhance public safety, but will force us to
immediately begin taking our business to another state.”

A proponent of the bill argued that with the amendment language, the
choice to stay or leave was up to Magpul. Fitzpatrick responded, “Our
relationship with our customers across the country would be severely
damaged if this bill passes and we stay. We’ve already heard word of
potential boycotts if that happens. They (legislators) really need to
understand that our customer base is as passionate about freedoms as we
are, and staying here if this bill passes would cripple the company.
Make no doubt about it…we have no choice, and would be forced to leave
in order to save the business.”

Magpul cited the example of the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show,
which was canceled earlier this year after the organizers announced that
it would not permit a popular category of firearm, like the ones Magpul
makes accessories for, in the show. Public outcry from the customer
base forced exhibitors to withdraw from participation, causing the
cancellation of the show, and an estimated loss of $70 million of show
revenue for hotels, restaurants, merchants, and other businesses in
Pennsylvania, where the show was to be held.

Magpul Industries directly employs 200 people, supports another 400
supply-chain jobs, and contributes over $85 million annually to
Colorado’s economy. Doug Smith, Chief Operating Officer for Magpul, says
that it is a difficult position to be in. “We could choose to stay in a
state that wants our jobs and revenue, but not our products, and lose
half the jobs we are fighting to save, or potentially the entire
business, when our customers stop buying. Or, we can take the company
and those 600 jobs out of Colorado to continue our growth and the growth
of American manufacturing in a state that shares our values. This is
not really a choice. It’s an unfortunate and inevitable result of the
actions of the Legislature if this bill passes.”

Magpul was started over a decade ago by Fitzpatrick, a former U.S.
Marine. It has become one of Colorado’s fastest growing businesses,
successfully marketing its products to American and allied military
forces, police departments, sporting goods stores, and thousands of
responsible private citizens. Fitzpatrick says that the rich western
culture and strong values of individual freedom and responsibility,
traditionally found in Colorado, were one of the reasons the company
chose to remain in the state.

“It is heartbreaking to me, my employees, and their families, to
think that we will be forced to leave,” Fitzpatrick said. “But if
HB13-1224 passes, we will simply have no choice.”



Edited by TankerHC
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Just posted to Magpul's Facebook page.

We're hearing some rumors that the Gov and the Dem caucus think we are bluffing. Just to clarify for them, then...we're not a political company. We dont play political games. We've made our position very clear, very publicly. We would not survive lying to our customer base, nor would we ever consider it. If you pass this, we will leave, and you will own it. We've already got plans in place to get PMAG manufacturing moved rapidly, and the rest of the company will follow. We will make sure to at least have a small remain-behind operation through the 2014 elections so that we can remind folks why we are gone.

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