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Watch Magpuls response closely

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

The Colorado House passed strict anti gun legislation last night. Since Magpul threatened to pull out and take their 600 jobs with them, the House threw them a bone by amending the anti gun bill to allow Magpul to manufacture Magazines of greater than 15 round capacity to be sold only outside the State of Colorado.


If Magpul bites, and thats "good enough" for them, that they can still manufacture while the citizens of the State they manufacture in cannot buy their products legally, I will buy no more Magpul products.


Ill do a pre-emptive here and say "No thats not falling for the left anti gun agenda by not supporting an Industry Manufacturer", thats not supporting a Manufacturer who would throw the citizens of their own state under the bus for dollars.


So I, and I hope a lot of others will be watching. The people of Colorado are asking Magpul not to fall for the 30 pieces of Silver thrown to them by the left. Lets see what they do.

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Ouch. Tough situation. Gonna say I agree with you ... but wonder how tough my resolve would be if mags ever got back down to pre-crazy prices.

Lets be real though ... the CO House threw these guys a bone ... FOR NOW. I seriously hope Magpul sees thru the bs and realizes this is just a temporary pause on the anti's agenda towards their business to save face in front of the 600 or so employees. I hope they stand firm and I will buy stuff from them now AND after they relocate.
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I feel for Magpul. Being in manufacturing I know you don’t just up and move a plastic injection molding company; it would be a tremendous expense.

Between this and NY It seems the gun haters may have a new plan; get us to turn on the companies in our own community. Boycotting gun companies
because of gun laws would be ridiculous and playing right into the hands of those that would like to see those companies gone.

Don’t fall for it.




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I feel for Magpul. Being in manufacturing I know you don’t just up and move a plastic injection molding company; it would be a tremendous expense.

Between this and NY It seems the gun haters may have a new plan; get us to turn on the companies in our own community. Boycotting gun companies
because of gun laws would be ridiculous and playing right into the hands of those that would like to see those companies gone.

Don’t fall for it.


I think that over analysis has been running wild throughout this entire situation, it's not a plan to have us turn on any of the companies. They, as always, do not think any decisions out more than a step or two. My guess is that most of those politicians passing the laws didn't even know who Magpul was, much less that the factory was in their own state.


We as consumers have a choice to drive the market in ways that we want, that is capitalism. I don't think anyone wants to boycott Magpul, but if they stay in a state that supports state imposed restrictions, then why should anyone out of the state buy from them? All they're doing is pumping $100mil into an economy that despises them and us. 

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I think that over analysis has been running wild throughout this entire situation, it's not a plan to have us turn on any of the companies. They, as always, do not think any decisions out more than a step or two. My guess is that most of those politicians passing the laws didn't even know who Magpul was, much less that the factory was in their own state.
We as consumers have a choice to drive the market in ways that we want, that is capitalism. I don't think anyone wants to boycott Magpul, but if they stay in a state that supports state imposed restrictions, then why should anyone out of the state buy from them? All they're doing is pumping $100mil into an economy that despises them and us.

So you would rather bankrupt them with a boycott, or causes their prices to go through the roof because of a move? They are the victims here, right along with us.

And don’t under estimate the enemy; they have some people willing to turn on manufacturers that are trying to support us. You don’t think they are having a good laugh?
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So you would rather bankrupt them with a boycott, or causes their prices to go through the roof because of a move? They are the victims here, right along with us.

And don’t under estimate the enemy; they have some people willing to turn on manufacturers that are trying to support us. You don’t think they are having a good laugh?


Unless there is some kind of Federal legislation, those boys ain't going bankrupt any time soon if they move some place like Texas.  They might miss a few months of production, but they will make it back for sure.  Hell, I'd buy some more Pmags and I don't even need them.  Apparently they are backordered into the millions on mags right now.  That is in the 10's of millions in merchandise that is already purchased and hasn't even been manufactured yet.  They ain't gonna starve, and a show of solidarity will only add to their customer base.


The victims here, as always, will be the hard working employees of that company who will lose their jobs.  I think that is a friggin shame.  I don't suppose I'd boycott them for staying in Colorado, since they could have stayed there anyway with no one ever caring if they moved or not, but they are the ones that decided to act on principle.  If they stay they would be going back on their word, which I would have little respect for, but it won't stop me from purchasing from them.  They are trying to do the right thing, and this is one of those situations where what is "right" isn't exactly clear.


At any rate, it's not like their doing what CTD is doing... trying to create more panic so they can screw people and gouge prices.  Those sons of bitches will be boycotted by me for life.

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Unless there is some kind of Federal legislation, those boys ain't going bankrupt any time soon if they move some place like Texas.  They might miss a few months of production, but they will make it back for sure.  Hell, I'd buy some more Pmags and I don't even need them.  Apparently they are backordered into the millions on mags right now.  That is in the 10's of millions in merchandise that is already purchased and hasn't even been manufactured yet.  They ain't gonna starve, and a show of solidarity will only add to their customer base.
The victims here, as always, will be the hard working employees of that company who will lose their jobs.  I think that is a friggin shame.  I don't suppose I'd boycott them for staying in Colorado, since they could have stayed there anyway with no one ever caring if they moved or not, but they are the ones that decided to act on principle.  If they stay they would be going back on their word, which I would have little respect for, but it won't stop me from purchasing from them.  They are trying to do the right thing, and this is one of those situations where what is "right" isn't exactly clear.
At any rate, it's not like their doing what CTD is doing... trying to create more panic so they can screw people and gouge prices.  Those sons of bitches will be boycotted by me for life.

I’m just looking at it from a manufacturing stand point. We needed a bigger building and looked at a bigger building across town. Our company could not have survived the cost of moving machinery and loss in production. Luckily our owner was able to purchase the building we are in and we are expanding.

If they can afford to open a facility in another state and slowly move production there; they might have a chance. But then any employees at the facility they have now that didn’t want to move would jump ship if they could. Even if they had the money to move it would be crazy from a business stand point with a possible ban on their product line.

If I owned Magpul or was an employee I would be sick to think that pro-gun customers would turn on me. If that happens the anti-gun politicians get to put a check mark in the win column.
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I’m just looking at it from a manufacturing stand point. We needed a bigger building and looked at a bigger building across town. Our company could not have survived the cost of moving machinery and loss in production. Luckily our owner was able to purchase the building we are in and we are expanding.

If they can afford to open a facility in another state and slowly move production there; they might have a chance. But then any employees at the facility they have now that didn’t want to move would jump ship if they could. Even if they had the money to move it would be crazy from a business stand point with a possible ban on their product line.

If I owned Magpul or was an employee I would be sick to think that pro-gun customers would turn on me. If that happens the anti-gun politicians get to put a check mark in the win column.



Magpul has already stated that their operational structure will allow them to move out of state, they said it's not what they want to do, but will.


As far as the company/employees thinking we are turning on them, why should we fight any legislation then? Based on your proposal, we should continue to pump billions of dollars into these state economies that are doing everything in their power to destroy exactly what we stand for. That's a completely ludicrous action on our part, and I submit to you, it is EXACTLY like the US sending fighter jets and battle tanks to people who have sworn the complete destruction of us and our allies.


I for one, won't support either of those causes.

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The logistics of moving a manufacturing operation like Magpuls would be a nightmare for sure. I don't think anyone expects them to be able to accomplish this overnight. One thing they would have going for them is the highly competitive environment of attracting business to communities right now. Depending on what they negotiated they may be able to offset some of the costs of relocating. They have backed themselves into a pretty tight corner though, and I respect the stand they have taken. I am interested to see where they go from here. 

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The house vote is Monday. Magpul has been very clear on how they will react. If CO bans their products, they will move. The manufacturing exemption has been there.


If they choose to move, I'm sure one of the better states, like Texas will do everything they can to soften the blow. IMO, it they take Colorado's deal, it could easily kill them in the gun business. I think they're too smart to allow that.

Edited by mikegideon
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I don't blame them for wanting to stop funding a state that is actively seeking to reduce their customer base. I would move too if feasible. I'm sure they counted the costs before making such a bold statement, and I'm sure there is no shortage of incentives from other states wanting the revenue.
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Magpul has already stated that their operational structure will allow them to move out of state, they said it's not what they want to do, but will.
As far as the company/employees thinking we are turning on them, why should we fight any legislation then? Based on your proposal, we should continue to pump billions of dollars into these state economies that are doing everything in their power to destroy exactly what we stand for. That's a completely ludicrous action on our part, and I submit to you, it is EXACTLY like the US sending fighter jets and battle tanks to people who have sworn the complete destruction of us and our allies.
I for one, won't support either of those causes.

Smith & Wesson, Savage, Kahr, Troy Industries, and Yankee Hill are in Massachusetts. Connecticut has Colt, Marlin, Mossberg, Ruger and Stag Arms. Illinois has Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms, ArmaLite, and Lewis Machine and Tool. Kimber is in New York. I’m sure I’ve missed some, but are you going to boycott all these?

That would be a dream come true for the anti-gun people; divide and conquer.
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Guest TankerHC

It's not Monday, it was last night. It passed Committee, the only thing they have left to do is count the votes before it goes to the Governer.


After several hours of impassioned testimony mostly from opponents to a
measure to ban ammo magazines of more than 10 rounds, Colorado's House
Judiciary Committee late Tuesday night passed the measure.
But the bill, sponsored by state Rep. Rhonda Fields, D Aurora, was amended by
her colleagues to increase that limit to 15 rounds.


15 Rounds is a reasonable number. 

The bill passed on a voice vote, though the actual recorded number of votes won't be known until Monday.


They know it passed with the voice vote, thats the reason the Democrats thanked both the Democrats and the Republicans (for fighting against it)


While they were at it, they passed the Amendment that bans CC from College Campuses and a couple of other things that were 'reasonable". 









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"After hours of debate yesterday, the Democrat- controlled House in Colorado passed four gun control bills on a voice vote:

  • House Bill 1224: Limits ammunition magazines to 15 rounds.
  • House Bill 1229: Requires universal background checks for gun sales or transfers.
  • House Bill 1228: Requires gun customers to pay the costs of their criminal background checks by the Bureau of Investigation.
  • House Bill 1226: Outlaws concealed-carry permit holders to pack heat in campus buildings.

The official vote will be Monday. The bills then move to the Senate."


This occurred on Friday, the 15th.

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Guest TankerHC

Smith & Wesson, Savage, Kahr, Troy Industries, and Yankee Hill are in Massachusetts. Connecticut has Colt, Marlin, Mossberg, Ruger and Stag Arms. Illinois has Springfield Armory, Rock River Arms, ArmaLite, and Lewis Machine and Tool. Kimber is in New York. I’m sure I’ve missed some, but are you going to boycott all these?

That would be a dream come true for the anti-gun people; divide and conquer.



I knew this would be one response (See OP), my answer is yes, I will, and the reason for that is there are States like TN, MS, and Texas that would not only gladly take these jobs, give them Tax deductions for moving, setting up and would welcome them with open arms. It would shut down production for a short time, who cares, as for me I am not going to support any manufacturer that will support these politicians with Tax dollars who feel they have the right to take away Constitutional rights from Citizens. If thats how the manufacturers of the products we use feel, then I do not need their products. I could say the opposite and it would be true. Will you continue to support these manufacturers, who pay taxes that are used to help implement gun control in Liberal states against the very people who buy their products? I wont. 

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Guest TankerHC

"After hours of debate yesterday, the Democrat- controlled House in Colorado passed four gun control bills on a voice vote:

  • House Bill 1224: Limits ammunition magazines to 15 rounds.
  • House Bill 1229: Requires universal background checks for gun sales or transfers.
  • House Bill 1228: Requires gun customers to pay the costs of their criminal background checks by the Bureau of Investigation.
  • House Bill 1226: Outlaws concealed-carry permit holders to pack heat in campus buildings.

The official vote will be Monday. The bills then move to the Senate."


This occurred on Friday, the 15th.



Again, they already know it passed, its a matter of getting the vote "count". This is nothing more than a matter of symantics, it passed, and when the votes are counted Monday and it goes to the Governer it will be law.


EDIT: I should add, nothing would be better than to count the Votes tomorrow and see this shot down in flames. Its just not going to happen. The Democrats in the House outnumber the Republicans 57% to 43%. There is no way this has not passed, whether through Committee (Already has), voice vote (Already has) or after counting the votes tomorrow.

Edited by TankerHC
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None of those bills were reasonable.  I hope Magpul stands by their word and pulls out of Colorado.  I hope other manufacturer's do the same. Remington is in a position to do this in New York as they already have a plant in Kentucky.  I would love to see other companies do the same in states that are not 2nd Amendment friendly and also stop selling to LE in those states as well.  I understand that it will not be an overnight thing.  In fact I think it wouild take years in some cases for these companies to move out of state.  And I hate to see their employees lose their jobs, but the States in question brought it on theirselves for failing to follow the Constitution. People should think about that when they vote for stupid politicians.


This is the first push back from our side.  We should highly encourage it!

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These types of legislators seem so juvenile to me. The knee-jerk reactions to the "crisis of the day" shows off their lack of wisdom and judgement. Spine-less, brain-less drones following the crowd with near-vision googles on. It's embarrassing.

I too originally thought this was a "knee-jerk reaction" to the Sandy Hook shooting, but the more I have read and thought, I am convinced this is no knee-jerk reaction.  Rather, the anti-gun crowd is taking full advantage of what they see as an opportunity to pass legislation they have wanted for over 20 years.  When the VP admits that the policies they are proposing will have no significant effect on gun violence, you know that this is only an exercise in exploiting a tragedy for political gain (just so I'm clear, both major parties regularly do this).  

I would like to see Magpul stick to their guns on this, but I'm afraid the cost would be so massive that any bone that gets thrown to them will be good reason for them to stay put.  I'm not sure how I will react if they do that.  Unless some other folks step up, there will come a point where there will be nobody left to boycott that has products worth owning.  I think that Magpul would have an opportunity to take a financial hit now, but establish a reputation for being a stand-up company that would pay off over the long haul.

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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