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Finally heard back from Jim Cooper

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At least 2 weeks ago I used the Ruger letter thing to write all my legislators. I heard back from Corker. David Shepard wrote me to tell me it was Saturday and he would look into it and give me a response on Monday. Monday never came. Then yesterday out of the blue here comes a response from Jim Cooper. i am less than pleased. 


Thank you for contacting me regarding possible firearms legislation in Congress.


I share your concerns because I am a gun owner and, like tens of thousands of Tennesseans, have a carry permit. Like you, I know many law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day for our protection. And we all have families whom we love dearly and whom we want to keep safe from violence.


It is too early to say what gun legislation will move through Congress. The President is pushing Congress to act, as you probably heard him say in his State of the Union Address, saying that each of several different ways to reduce gun violence deserves a vote. He mentioned more background checks, stopping straw purchases of guns for criminals, and keeping our police officers from being outgunned. He said that "Each of these proposals deserves a vote in Congress." He did not try to tell anyone how to vote.


I think the President is generally on the right track with this approach. More background checks are particularly interesting because the National Rifle Association has supported them in the past, a poll indicates that 74% of current NRA members support them, and the Republican Leader in the House, Rep. Eric Cantor, recently said that background checks need to be stronger. Apparently 40% of gun sales today involve no background check. Because Republicans schedule all the votes in the House, Cantor's comment could be significant.


The Feinstein bill to ban the future manufacture of certain types of "assault weapons" has received most of the media's attention, but Senator Feinstein has expressed doubts about whether her bill could pass the Senate. House passage would be even more difficult, according to most observers. No one is seriously proposing banning or confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens.


I will do my best to study any pending legislation and to vote in accordance with the U.S. Constitution that I am sworn to uphold, including, of course, the Second Amendment. My guess is that no votes will occur until this summer.


Let's stay in touch as the issue advances. Thanks again for taking the time to share your views with me.

Jim Cooper
Member of Congress


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That's not the form letter I recieved from him recently, but has the same bullet points in it and a few different phrases.. I've said it in the past and still think so...Cooper most assuredly has no help in mind for us. He needs to be gone in the worst way.

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Guest Wildogre

I got the same reply and I sent him back this:


Thank you for your comments but I fear you are mistaken on several points.

The most recent survey of members of the NRA concluded that 92% of its members are against any law that would prohibit private sales. In addition the same survey shows an 82% of the respondents are against any ban of the so called high capacity magazines. In my own opinion a magazine capacity of 15 rounds for a handgun and 30 rounds for a rifle are normal. The results are similar for an Assault Weapons Ban.
As for the 40% number that is based on a study done prior to the 1994 Brady act that only surveyed 251 people and the actual percentage is 36%. So this number is actually a non issue because in using it you are comparing sales prior to any National background check. Significantly it only asked if they "thought" they had purchased a firearm from an FFL.
At that time there were many FFLs who were operating out their home, a process that has been significantly curtailed in 2013. It also included Firearms that were gifted to a person by a family member. 
My own observations of Gun Shows in the Nashville and Knoxville area the number is significantly less than that. In my own case it is less than 10%.  The actual number is one and that was purchased from someone who had a valid TN Handgun Carry Permit. A process as you well know is much more involved than a simple NCIS check. John Lott estimates that the current number is less than 10%.
Please keep these numbers in mind as you decide how to cast your vote on any bills that come before the House during this session. 
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I got the same reply and I sent him back this:


Thank you for your comments but I fear you are mistaken on several points.

The most recent survey of members of the NRA concluded that 92% of its members are against any law that would prohibit private sales. In addition the same survey shows an 82% of the respondents are against any ban of the so called high capacity magazines. In my own opinion a magazine capacity of 15 rounds for a handgun and 30 rounds for a rifle are normal. The results are similar for an Assault Weapons Ban.
As for the 40% number that is based on a study done prior to the 1994 Brady act that only surveyed 251 people and the actual percentage is 36%. So this number is actually a non issue because in using it you are comparing sales prior to any National background check. Significantly it only asked if they "thought" they had purchased a firearm from an FFL.
At that time there were many FFLs who were operating out their home, a process that has been significantly curtailed in 2013. It also included Firearms that were gifted to a person by a family member. 
My own observations of Gun Shows in the Nashville and Knoxville area the number is significantly less than that. In my own case it is less than 10%.  The actual number is one and that was purchased from someone who had a valid TN Handgun Carry Permit. A process as you well know is much more involved than a simple NCIS check. John Lott estimates that the current number is less than 10%.
Please keep these numbers in mind as you decide how to cast your vote on any bills that come before the House during this session. 

Let me know if he responds. Lying bastard.


That isn't true.

No it isn't. Why would he even say that. He mus think we're stupid.

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