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New Caracal Issues

red dirt

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This will surely stir things up considering the source but still, after seeing this and having a good friend whose caracal slide locked back for no apparent reason I'm sending my remaining Caracal back for the refund too. 


the good stuff starts at msg # 109



Edited by red dirt
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Well, I do find it interesting that they make reference to if it had happened HERE, there would be big news and a recall.


I guess maybe he's trying to say that in the US, that would have been taken seriously by the manufacturer. From the locations on all of those members, it would seem they're all pakistany perhaps. Lots of "thank Allah your brother is ok" references.

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would have been nice too in the magazine in one of the pics was inserted the right way.... something's wrong with it all. :whistle:

Good eye there man.

I didn't spot that at first. I had to go back and look at it.

I still think there is something wrong with the slide myself.

looks like it was brittle or something. After repeated sudden slams reward it just gave way.

It could happen to any firearms maker I suppose. It'll be interesting to see what route they take as to who does the testing and what is found.

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Well...I guess that does it for me. i have an F model. I had asked for a pickup, repair chech and the free mag. But I think I'll amend that to the refund process now.


My take on the slide is one cheap casting job, with or without poor materials in construction.

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Well, I really really like my Caracal. I did return the first for a refund and now have amended my recall / replace for my QS to refund.  Every time I have called Caracal when I can get through they have been courteous and helpful.  I was told my second refund box was shipped today.  I hadn't shot my caracal since the recall in October but did take it to the range last week. It shoots so sweet, I had forgotten how much I like it, it will be missed.

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