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Kool-Aid Drinker Destroys Gun

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'Thank God I'm free of the damn thing'




Love the first comment! - 



“Warren, a former infantry soldier, stressed that he is not an activist and did not want to make a political statement.”

Um…this whole event, including the press coverage was a political statement. You could have sold it or destroyed it in private.

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The guy is nothing but a liberal begging for attention. Otherwise he could have got rid of it in pvt and no one would have ever known.  Btw if your gonna try to make what your doing a religious/morals thing, you might want to read the WHOLE bible.


He quotes the bible here,


Isaiah 2:4


"They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into
pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will
they train for war anymore."




But maybe he missed these


Psalm 144:1-2

Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who
trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle; My lovingkindness
and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer; My shield and He in
whom I take refuge; Who subdues my people under me.


Joel 3:10

"Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong."


Ecclesiastes 3:8

A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.

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Based on my understanding, the verse from Isaiah refers to the end times and world peace.


Unfortunately, we are not at the end of the world yet and there is no world peace.

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He has found a market for him to make money and he is using those children as the means to line his pockets.


Warren, a former infantry soldier, stressed that he is not an activist and did not want to make a political statement.

He doesn't want to make a statement yet he does this in public. I wonder who called the media? 


He just wants to make a buck and I bet he is the top wage earner in his nonprofit.



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well, he is out a few hundred bucks and that is one down, 400 million -1 to go. 


Hey liberals ----


If the police and government and a few individuals can destroy guns at a rate of 2000 per year, and manufacturers can produce them at a rate of 100k per year, how long before there are no guns left in the US?   Show your work.

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Does anybody really care that he cut up his AK? He managed to garner a crowd of all of about 2 dozen.


It actually kind of looks like he turned a perfectly legal AK into a illegal SBR from where he cut it. I can't really tell from the pic but it looks like he just cut the barrel and gas piston and not the reciever. Maybe we should press to get him charged.

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Does anybody really care that he cut up his AK? He managed to garner a crowd of all of about 2 dozen.


It actually kind of looks like he turned a perfectly legal AK into a illegal SBR from where he cut it. I can't really tell from the pic but it looks like he just cut the barrel and gas piston and not the reciever. Maybe we should press to get him charged.

Kind of like Sandra Fluke, eh? :D

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