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Memphis renames city parks that honored Confederacy


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General Sherman once said "I want that devil Forrest dead if it costs us 10,000 troops and breaks the federal bank!"


After the war General Robert E. Lee was asked by a reporter "General, in your opinion, who was the best general of the war, north or south" Marse Lee responded "It is a man I have never met. His name is Forrest."


I have read Wyeth's book on Forrest and a few others. I still don't know what Forrest was really like. His tactics were brilliant. He never read a book on military tactics but he seemed to follow many of Tsun Tsu's doctrines.  He personally killed over 30 men and had nearly that many horses shot out from under him.  That was because he led from the front, a custom adopted by Patton and Rommel. If you have never read a book about Forrest, it is amazing what he did.  To me, he was the greatest cavalry leader I have ever read about. No offense to JEB Stuart but Forrest was not hampered by a West Point education.

Edited by Will Carry
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I knew it was one of them Yankees!  Thanks for the correction.  I am not sure about Sherman. I was taught that he was a pyromaniac that burned a sixty mile wide path through Georgia and South Carolina. Burned Atlanta and Columbia!  He was a villain when I grew up in Georgia.  Yet, after reading about him I don't hate him so much.  Houses, barns and even cities can be rebuilt but you cannot give a man his life back. I don't think Joe Johnston or John Bell Hood could have put the Army of Tennessee in a position to beat Sherman.  Who knows what Forrest could have done.

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""I don't care if the name is Nathan Bedford Forrest, he's a dead man," Councilman Harold Collins told MyFoxMemphis.com. "We need to be focusing on the living. But except for that, I'm going to vote for this and who knows, we may come back and name the park Nathan Bedford Forrest."

So with that logic we should rename streets named after certain dead men?

It's time to close the civil rights museum and rename the buildings and streets named after our politicians.

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I wouldn't mind seeing everything named after the Sundquists renamed. Every time I see anything that is, it reminds me of that slimy SOB.

The only monuments most politicians (Memphis in particular) should have named after them are hanging on the walls of a restroom.

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Guest copperhead_1911

That's all well and good but what exactly are you going to do about it?

I'm sick to death of political correctness. I'm disgusted that people know so little about history. I hate that our public school system is nothing more than indoctrination centers for the next wave of socialism. But I long-ago reconciled myself for the simple fact that I can only control "me". I can't stop the world from engaging in political correctness nor can I horsefeed people correct historical facts or control how the public school system is run. I can control myself and I can support organizations that fight against this stupidity. Other than that I'm at a loss for what else I can do.

What can we do?



I sadly think secession was the right thing to do and we are headed that way again. its not enough for the liberals to have MA, CT, DE, NJ and so forth. They want to agitate folks in Dixie. It is just like the confederate battle flag still being in the MS flag. I support it staying there and will continue to. You pretty much sum up all we can do is support the worthwhile causes and try to educate. I also believe liberals will destroy themselves as if you think about it as much as they like gay marriage and abortion there won't be as many white liberal elites around and without the white liberal masters the voting "foot soldiers" wont know what to do.

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Guest copperhead_1911

General Grant once said "I want that devil Forrest dead if it costs us 10,000 troops and breaks the federal bank!"


After the war General Robert E. Lee was asked by a reporter "General, in your opinion, who was the best general of the war, north or south" Marse Lee responded "It is a man I have never met. His name is Forrest."


I have read Wyeth's book on Forrest and a few others. I still don't know what Forrest was really like. His tactics were brilliant. He never read a book on military tactics but he seemed to follow many of Tsun Tsu's doctrines.  He personally killed over 30 men and had nearly that many horses shot out from under him.  That was because he led from the front, a custom adopted by Patton and Rommel. If you have never read a book about Forrest, it is amazing what he did.  To me, he was the greatest cavalry leader I have ever read about. No offense to JEB Stuart but Forrest was not hampered by a West Point education.

Most people also don't know Grant still owned slaves at the end of the war while Forrest freed his and also offered them land in exchange for service with him. Supposedly some of his best shots were former slaves.

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I sadly think secession was the right thing to do and we are headed that way again. its not enough for the liberals to have MA, CT, DE, NJ and so forth. They want to agitate folks in Dixie.

Secession won’t happen. It’s not about states and if it were Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville won’t be on the same side as Murfreesboro, Jackson or Columbia. There are similar situations in most states.

The civil war was the most devastating war our country has been involved in. The only people that want to fight it again are those that don’t know their history and those that haven’t thought for single second what it would to the economy, their children, and the future of our Nation.

You use the term “Dixie” like it applies to southern states today. Who do you think controls Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Montgomery, Savannah?
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Guest copperhead_1911

Secession won’t happen. It’s not about states and if it were Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville won’t be on the same side as Murfreesboro, Jackson or Columbia. There are similar situations in most states.

The civil war was the most devastating war our country has been involved in. The only people that want to fight it again are those that don’t know their history and those that haven’t thought for single second what it would to the economy, their children, and the future of our Nation.

You use the term “Dixie” like it applies to southern states today. Who do you think controls Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Montgomery, Savannah?

Yankee agitators are the reason those states are controlled that way. You have a point, but I don't think our country will be singing cume bye ah?  


I do not want to see that no one does, but I think its inevitable.

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Yankee agitators are the reason those states are controlled that way. You have a point, but I don't think our country will be singing cume bye ah?  
I do not want to see that no one does, but I think its inevitable.

Oh I don’t think we will be either. But “Yankee agitators” and “Dixie”… Really? biggrin.gif

The War of Northern Aggression was 150 years ago; and will never be fought again. We may someday have a civil war but it sure won’t involve the “Yankees” and “Rebels” it will be economic and will know no state lines.
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.... We may someday have a civil war but it sure won’t involve the “Yankees” and “Rebels” it will be economic and will know no state lines.


I'm assuming it won't even have "sides", just anarchy. Maybe regional war lord factions might eventually square off I guess.


- OS

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Guest copperhead_1911

I'm assuming it won't even have "sides", just anarchy. Maybe regional war lord factions might eventually square off I guess.


- OS



We have much to thank abe and those northern agitators as they gave us the least educated system of voting. People could not just vote based on


"Democrats is fur us and da republicans is against us". People would actually have to think.

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Guest TankerHC

If anything were to happen like that, you can bet leaders will come through. The anarchy may be initial, but leaders will appear, organizations would form, and "Leaders" who are thoroughly trained in Leadership and Organization, technically and tactically proficient would take charge. There would be four groups (At least), Police trying to get everything back under control (Police including military put on Police duty), anarchists who will focus mostly on looting, Cowards and those who are not cowards. 


It would be messy, hope I never see it. In fact, hope it never happens. 

Edited by TankerHC
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What can we do?



I sadly think secession was the right thing to do and we are headed that way again. its not enough for the liberals to have MA, CT, DE, NJ and so forth. They want to agitate folks in Dixie. It is just like the confederate battle flag still being in the MS flag. I support it staying there and will continue to. You pretty much sum up all we can do is support the worthwhile causes and try to educate. I also believe liberals will destroy themselves as if you think about it as much as they like gay marriage and abortion there won't be as many white liberal elites around and without the white liberal masters the voting "foot soldiers" wont know what to do.


Meh, much as I hate to say it, I can see the confederate flag being kicked out of the state flag as the union did win. OTOH, that doesn't mean the flag should be banned from general public use and honoring the soldiers and officers is only right. The main thing to me is that it's such a long time ago, why worry about changing it other than some badly misunderstood history.


It's all about power and control as always.

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Guest TankerHC

I agree that the Confederate Battle Flag, Stars and Bars, Saint Andrews Cross, whatever you want to call it, should be removed from all Federal Government property. I think every decendent of a Confederate should get those flags or reproductions free of charge.  I think something should go in it's place that represents freedom and the feelings of most Americans towards this Government. Something we can remember this wonderful leadership and caring for the American people for all time. It took me a while to come up with a flag that could replace it, one that would represent everyone, but I think I have done it.


Here is what I feel is the perfect replacement. Since my favorite color is blue, and so many others favorite color is blue, I used blue, so as not to offend with the Stars and Bars it is a plain field.  I think every single State House in the nation should have a 200 foot flagpole erected on top, on top of this flagpole there should  a truck (If you don't know what a truck is, look it up), weighing 50  pounds, made of solid brass to represent all 50 states. It should fly a blue flag, and in the center of this blue flag there should be a giant white 5 pointed star. I feel that a flag of this type would not only represent every single American, placing us collectively under a single star, but would represent the collective thoughts and feelings of nearly every American toward their loving Government and it would show a final victory for the Patriots who love this Country. A lot of people wouldn't like my design, but I think a lot of people would. 


If there is ever a contest to pick a Flag to replace the Confederate Battle Flag on Federal Government property, I am going to enter "my" design, 


I also have some ideas on some plaques on which some statements could be changed and a few statues that need to be erected, as well as some facts about Morris Island, General Hunter and General Gilmore that would make the liberal's and especially the black liberals proud(er), Americans are in desperate need of a massive History enema (Most of them) and not overly dramatized movie History. I would venture to guess that most Americans could not tell you where the first Union blood was shed, and it wasn't Sumpter, or the first Confederate blood was shed, and it wasn't Mannassas. I would venture to guess not a single person voting to rename those streets could tell you the Haiti connection to the Civil War, that may also make them proud, or the reason Liberia is a country today, and why it is the disaster it is, that may make them proud as well, especially proud(er) of Mister Linkum the savior. I think, and this isnt just my opinion, I believe the hyphenated Americans would agree, Henry Clay should be considered the man who "gave them freedom", not Lincoln, but they probably have never even heard of Henry Clay. But if they want, they can REALLY become hyphenated Americans simply by following Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln and James Monroe. James is so famous he even has his own Capital! And that Capital represents absolute total freedom, LONG before the Emancipation Proclamation. Instead of renaming streets, the door is open, for all of them, black or white Liberal. I have something that would really make them proud. The "bravery" shown at the Battle of the Crater. 


I would like to quote a great modern speaker, Stewie Griffin. "Six hundred thousand, yea, we wrote a really big check for you guys". 

Edited by TankerHC
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If anything were to happen like that, you can bet leaders will come through. The anarchy may be initial, but leaders will appear, organizations would form, and "Leaders" who are thoroughly trained in Leadership and Organization, technically and tactically proficient would take charge. There would be four groups (At least), Police trying to get everything back under control (Police including military put on Police duty), anarchists who will focus mostly on looting, Cowards and those who are not cowards. 


It would be messy, hope I never see it. In fact, hope it never happens. 

If we would have those leaders "then"...why can't we find them now. If real leaders and real statesmen who loved the country, our history, and what it right would step up to the plate maybe we wouldn't have to have a complete breakdown in society that IS coming.

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Guest TankerHC

If we would have those leaders "then"...why can't we find them now. If real leaders and real statesmen who loved the country, our history, and what it right would step up to the plate maybe we wouldn't have to have a complete breakdown in society that IS coming.


They are there. 

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Guest TankerHC

BTW, my previous post was in jest. History doesn't just go away because someone renames a street. If it makes them feel better about themselves to do something completely meaningless, not a whole lot anyone can do about it. Its a Battle in itself to keep History alive but it doesnt go away no matter how bad they want it to. Couple of examples.


Czarist Russia. The Communist's killed all of the Czarists, are at least as many as they could, wiped out any mention or symbol of the Czars. Then spent the next 100 years occupying Government buildings the Czars built.


Bad or good, History does not go away. Plenty of Germans know more about "The War of the Roses", part of which did take place in modern Germany, than Naziism. but they have done their best to wipe out any semblance of Nazism, but it hasnt and will never go away.


Plenty of people still know about the Turkish Armenian's, in fact it has been brought up by our own Government as recently as the last decade.



As far as the Blue Flag with the white Star, someone has already thought of that.  There are a lot of people who do not have a clue. In 2001 certain Mississippians tried to have Saint Andrews Cross removed from the State Flag. Just like those people who want to rename those Streets in Memphis. 67% of Mississippians wanted to keep it. It stayed. And that other flag?



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Guest copperhead_1911

Fly this flag, most of the haters don't know what it is when they see it.

I always liked that one myself. The southern cross is nice, but it does have two stars on it for states ( Kentucky, and Missouri) that were just nominally confederate.

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If we would have those leaders "then"...why can't we find them now. If real leaders and real statesmen who loved the country, our history, and what it right would step up to the plate maybe we wouldn't have to have a complete breakdown in society that IS coming.


Those leaders are being over-run by the corrupt politicians looking for a lifetime of power. Term limits would send many of them running and make way for the real leaders we need. Without term limits, we'll continue to see the power hungry in office. There's a reason why today, for the first time in our country's history, over half the members of congress are millionaires. Those that aren't millionaires when they enter, become millionaires in a short time, through corrupt policies which, for them (but not us), are legal.

Edited by PapaB
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