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Wonder what North Korea has in mind

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My legos are all old-school, back when you had to use your imagination.  Now they make all these fancy formed and moving parts....   :yuck:




About all I was ever able to build out of a pile of Legos was a stack of Legos.

And I'm sure those things are still stuck together after 30 years of sitting in a landfill somewhere. Yeah, they didn't make'em unclickable back then either :lol:

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You are such a nerd... and I'm so jealous!  I'd fly that sucker around the house right now.  I would even be making jet and missile noises.

This is the big plus of having a son. I get to play with all his toys under the guise of bonding, and it doesn't make me look like I'm juvenile.
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Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Nothing has changed in over 50 years.

Until the technology becomes available to stop our ballistic subs from being able to deliver their payload; no one will be launching any nuclear missiles.




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