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Wonder what North Korea has in mind

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North Korea is doing he same crap that they were doing when I was stationed in South Korea 25 years ago. It's all about controlling their people. They may be a minor threat to our allies in the region, but no more than a piss ant if they decide to play with the big boys.
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There's some speculation that the "stealth jet" they unveiled yesterday is actually a GI-Joe toy from the 80's



You mean the Night Raven?  I still have mine from the '80's....   :)







The thing I can't figure out with both Iran and North Korea.... What's the fascination with land based ICBM's?  Don't they realize that's 60 year old technology?  Don't they realize they're easy to detect and shoot down these days?  Why waste so much time and money developing something that borders on militarily irrelevant?

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You mean the Night Raven?  I still have mine from the '80's....   :)







The thing I can't figure out with both Iran and North Korea.... What's the fascination with land based ICBM's?  Don't they realize that's 60 year old technology?  Don't they realize they're easy to detect and shoot down these days?  Why waste so much time and money developing something that borders on militarily irrelevant?


You are such a nerd... and I'm so jealous!  I'd fly that sucker around the house right now.  I would even be making jet and missile noises.

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You are such a nerd... and I'm so jealous!  I'd fly that sucker around the house right now.  I would even be making jet and missile noises.



I'll take that as a compliment.  It's actually in my parents attic.  My 5 yr old saw it and the rest of my GI Joe stuff at their house before Christmas.  When his little brother gets bigger they'll both get the GI Joe stuff and about 40 billion legos.



heh... I also have one of these...





and one of these...






among other things...   :)

Edited by peejman
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I'll take that as a compliment.  It's actually in my parents attic.  My 5 yr old saw it and the rest of my GI Joe stuff at their house before Christmas.  When his little brother gets bigger they'll both get the GI Joe stuff and about 40 billion legos.



heh... I also have one of these...





and one of these...






among other things...   :)

I got a tub full of Lego`s from when our son was little.. Its not beneath me to dump them on the floor and spend hours building stuff..Lego`s are  very soothing and calming


Can you imgaine the embarrasment they would get if that is true?  Using fake stuff to get an photo op  for the press.. But it would too suprise me one bit..

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I got a tub full of Lego`s from when our son was little.. Its not beneath me to dump them on the floor and spend hours building stuff..Lego`s are  very soothing and calming


Can you imgaine the embarrasment they would get if that is true?  Using fake stuff to get an photo op  for the press.. But it would too suprise me one bit..



My legos are all old-school, back when you had to use your imagination.  Now they make all these fancy formed and moving parts....   :yuck:

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My legos are all old-school, back when you had to use your imagination.  Now they make all these fancy formed and moving parts....   :yuck:


Old school?  How many of us really remember old school.  My first gun for playing soldier....a stick.  My first sword....a stick.  My first hideout...a bunch of sticks. 


I miss that my boys never got to "play" the way we did.  Sun up, cereal, start heading to someone else's house till at least 3 were in the group and then into the fields or woods.  Ride bikes, walk, swim if we wanted.  Lunch optional.  Dinner was when the mom's in the area started hollering from the back porches. 


Where's the way back machine when you need it.

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I still have that bottom gi-joe plane, mine came with a guy that had on a spacesuit type helment and the chair had a parachute so he could eject.  I wore out the parachute throwing that guy off the high end of our house.


NK is doing the same play from the same playbook that it always has.


Goal: get the sanctions removed. 

Procedure: rattle sword @ anyone handy.

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I'll take that as a compliment.  It's actually in my parents attic.  My 5 yr old saw it and the rest of my GI Joe stuff at their house before Christmas.  When his little brother gets bigger they'll both get the GI Joe stuff and about 40 billion legos.



heh... I also have one of these...





and one of these...






among other things...   :)



I finally got a dream toy...Major Matt Mason.  You can still find them on Ebay.


I present the XRG-1 re entry vehicle circa the mid 60's. 


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You mean the Night Raven?  I still have mine from the '80's....   :)

I have one of them too. In a box somewhere. My mom took me to Hills Department store after my friend's funeral when I was in 3rd grade and bought it for me.
The thing I can't figure out with both Iran and North Korea.... What's the fascination with land based ICBM's?  Don't they realize that's 60 year old technology?  Don't they realize they're easy to detect and shoot down these days?  Why waste so much time and money developing something that borders on militarily irrelevant?

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Old school?  How many of us really remember old school.  My first gun for playing soldier....a stick.  My first sword....a stick.  My first hideout...a bunch of sticks. 


I miss that my boys never got to "play" the way we did.  Sun up, cereal, start heading to someone else's house till at least 3 were in the group and then into the fields or woods.  Ride bikes, walk, swim if we wanted.  Lunch optional.  Dinner was when the mom's in the area started hollering from the back porches. 


Where's the way back machine when you need it.



I grew up mostly that way as well, though I guess you'd consider it the suburbanite version.  Having just looked at the map, our normal play range was a good two square miles around the house.  Dad built me a tree house in the back yard so I really did have a fort. 




I still have that bottom gi-joe plane, mine came with a guy that had on a spacesuit type helment and the chair had a parachute so he could eject.  I wore out the parachute throwing that guy off the high end of our house.



Same here.  :)




I have one of them too. In a box somewhere. My mom took me to Hills Department store after my friend's funeral when I was in 3rd grade and bought it for me.



Hills.... wow.  I spent lots of leaf raking money in that place. 




.... Sorry for the thread hijack     :hijack:

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North Korea is doing he same crap that they were doing when I was stationed in South Korea 25 years ago. It's all about controlling their people. They may be a minor threat to our allies in the region, but no more than a piss ant if they decide to play with the big boys.

The North Korean Army is starved. They don't want to fight. They can't! 3/4ths of the army would surrender and/or refuse to fight.


Dave S

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