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North Korea *Facepalm*


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The video is busted, much like their launch program. But i'm imagining it now.


Heeeeeyyy brainwashed baby... op..op..op.... starving children style


Hmmmmmmm....  works here.


Try this direct LINK.


It is hilarious because it truthfully touches on so many of the things we've talked about, but in a funny way.  Food, torture, oppression, etc.

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More proof of North Korean absurbness




Excuse me, what is the medal for on your left kneecap?



Third guy from the right.


He has a nut medal.


Very impressive!


The only recognition I've ever received was a blue ribbon. :(

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Starting on top right and working left:


1.)The peoples medal

2.)Valor of the people

3.)commemorative medal "military parade"

4.)medal of military service honour

5.)Kim Jong memorial pie eating contest: Runner up

6.)Kickball: Runner up

7.)Kim Jong's laundry award

8.)Master pokeman trainer

9.)Starcraft tourney 2006: 2nd place

10.)Bring your mother to work day commemoration

11.)Kill your mother in the name of the republic day

12.)Turn in a friend for treason award

13.)Three legged race 1st place


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The most ironic part about this is their military awards and ours are probably made at the same factory in China.

Sad, but closer to the truth than I would like to admit. I will say that when I retired in 05 every ribbon and medal I had at that time was US made. Probably not the case these days. LOL

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I'd be nice to have a president that took these threats seriously.



But nobody takes them seriousry.



North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

Feb 12, 2013

North Korea carried out a nuclear test Tuesday, possibly using a
plutonium-based device that was smaller but more powerful than its
previous bombs, drawing condemnation and vows of swift action from
governments around the world. What do you think?





“If we’ve learned anything from dealing with dictators, it’s that nothing’s more effective than condemnation.”

Susan Hayden – Prospecting Driller




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North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

Feb 12, 2013

North Korea carried out a nuclear test Tuesday, possibly using a
plutonium-based device that was smaller but more powerful than its
previous bombs, drawing condemnation and vows of swift action from
governments around the world. What do you think?





“If we’ve learned anything from dealing with dictators, it’s that nothing’s more effective than condemnation.”

Susan Hayden – Prospecting Driller






Screen shot or video or it didn't happen.



BTW, they probably earned another round of Merritt badges for the bomb test.

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North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

Feb 12, 2013

North Korea carried out a nuclear test Tuesday, possibly using a
plutonium-based device that was smaller but more powerful than its
previous bombs, drawing condemnation and vows of swift action from
governments around the world. What do you think?





“If we’ve learned anything from dealing with dictators, it’s that nothing’s more effective than condemnation.”

Susan Hayden – Prospecting Driller





hah, the onion, a source of geniune news since, never.  :D

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