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North Korea *Facepalm*


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One part of me knows that it's just an attempt to control the population by diverting their attention to another government while telling them that it's said government's fault for their condition; not their government's fault: however, another part of me thinks Truman was a wuss who should have allowed McArthur to wipe the country off the map.

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This made my day. Stupid North Korea. This was like watching one of those crappy commercials for graphic design school.

The scene where it shows New York under missile attack is almost certainly stolen from the video game Modern Warfare 3. I am almost positive of it.

I don't know whether to laugh or be sad that there is an entire country that only get exposed to this kind of stuff and have no idea how good things would be if they rose up and overthrew their government.
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Man, you guys are a bunch of sheep. Can't you see that North Korea made that crappy video in conjunction with the current administration. The video is intentionally bad so that you will be lulled into a false sense of security while Obama herds all of the gays, blacks, jews, mexicans, asians,caublanasians and welfare queens into a secret bunker so that he can finish destroying The Constitution, confiscate our guns, completely implement socialism and build a "New Europe". Wake up people!

I hope that you've done your prepping. ;)

*I just wanted to be the first one to say this today.*
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Man, you guys are a bunch of sheep. Can't you see that North Korea made that crappy video in conjunction with the current administration. The video is intentionally bad so that you will be lulled into a false sense of security while Obama herds all of the gays, blacks, jews, mexicans, asians,caublanasians and welfare queens into a secret bunker so that he can finish destroying The Constitution, confiscate our guns, completely implement socialism and build a "New Europe". Wake up people!
I hope that you've done your prepping. ;)
*I just wanted to be the first one to say this today.*

First today in this thread or the site, because if it's the latter than you may have already been beat..... like 5 times over.
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Note the video is gone from YouTube. Pulled because of copyright claim by Activision!


N. Korea is known for their lack of respect for copyrights. Their great leader had front row seats to rip off disney play awhile back. hell, they even have fake artillery. This was taken from inside china.




More photos here http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/04/peering_into_north_korea.html

Edited by NoBanStan
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Why doesn't someone take out N Korea?

They are a puss filled boil on the ass of the world



few weeks back or so  maybe more (days running together due to overtime at work) N Korea was talking about testing a missile and atomic bomb together.


I thought that would be the prefect time for a stealth raid to fly in and drop a precision bomb on target and take out the launch facility with minimal lose of lives and never take any credit for it.


Headlines around the world would have read N. Korea test rocket and bomb blows up on pad.  While in N. Korea news would read, successful nuclear test.

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