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Gallatin Gun Club Classifier

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Yes, Gallatin will have the classifer match this Saturday. I have a fresh roll of clear plastic bags on hand in case of rain. Multiple guns allowed, seperate match fee for each gun. Standard fees for this match are $10 for Gallatin Members, $15 for non-members. The IDPA Classifer is 90 round min., Limited Vickers. Set up at 7:00, Match start at 9:00.  Each shooter is allowed to reshoot one stage because of a major screw up, gun malfunction, ect. Reshot score will stand. And Rickey,it is on the 9th. :wave:

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Saturday, 9 Partly Cloudy 57 | 43 °F Partly Cloudy 0% Chance of Precipitation


Rain has been hard on the classifier at Gallatin. Rained out and then almost rained out on the rescheduled day. Maybe this one will get in.

Edited by Mechanic_X
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You do not have to be a member of Gallatin Gun Club or IDPA to shoot this match. It is a great one for new shooters to come to.

Straight forward shooting and reloading skills benchmark. 14 different "strings" of fire and 90 rounds total(bring extra though).

Wait by the gate; someone will be along to let you in.

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...... Rain has been hard on the classifier at Gallatin. Rained out and then almost rained out on the rescheduled day. Maybe this one will get in.


And don't forget The "Ice Classifier" Jan 2012 when the wind chill temp was 8 degrees!  :ugh:

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And don't forget The "Ice Classifier" Jan 2012 when the wind chill temp was 8 degrees!  :ugh:


Yep - knowing my luck I'll probably shoot worse this year than I did during that classifier.  If it's not muddy, freezing, raining, or broiling I don't think I can shoot...

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Is a classifier still planned for the this sat the 8th? also will multiple guns be allowed?


Wait a minute - didn't you shoot only one gun today after stirring all this up???


It was a beautiful day for a Classifier though - and Robert ran a smooth match as always.  Lots of mulitple guns and shooters, and everyone made it through with only a little bit of wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Thanks for all your hard work, Robert and the other RO's!

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