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I joined the church of JMB...

Guest utarch00

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Guest utarch00

and I must say that I like it. I mean, I really like it.

I took my first 1911 out today and I must say that I am in love, or is it lust. I can see my others guns getting jealous quickly.

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:D We're not worthy.

Anyone who has an interest in what makes a firearm work and how... or has ever thought about how they would design a firearm MUST acquaint themselves with the designs of Mr. Browning. A truly gifted designer.

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Just one thing bugs me about the 1911 design, and that's the grip safety. Why? Why? Why? I've got a hunch Browning was forced to put it there by some government committee looking for more safety.

You are correct. It was one of the Army's requirements. None of his .38 Super or .45 models had the grip safety.

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If you love your browning, then verily I say to thee that thou ART a follower of JMB.

and though the grip safety design was instituted in ONE design, it also was found in a host of other designs, in point of fact the colt .32 auto and .25 auto also has it in their designs..and lo even today the springfield XD has it and has far less KABOOMS than the Glock.

though that design vexes you it was put there for a purpose. That purpose was to ensure that thou dost not shoot yourself while reholstering your weapon, so as to ensure you don't look like an idiot ...like our FBI bretheren who have been suborned by the evil one.


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It has been claimed on these forums that 1911's are an obsolete design, jam-o-matics, too heavy, inaccurate, and lose value about as fast as a Kia being driven off a used-car lot. Not to mention, of course, that with only 7 or 8 rounds, you'd be lucky to scare off a hungry tomcat, much less actually get through a self-defense situation alive and un-laughed at.

One issue I don't see raised very often (and this is definitely a problem) - Lots of 1911 owners find that they can't own just one.

Currently I have one norinco, a Springer GI, a Springer mil-spec, an officers' model, a combat commander, and a remington rand. I really really want a colt WWI repro. I most regret giving my 1927 colt-built Sistema to an older brother. I'm hoping that in 2011, which is both Colts' 175th anniversary and the 100th anniversary of the 1911, that they release a repro of the early commercial model. I occasionally haunt the internets looking for WWII style thumb safeties or early wide-spur hammers.

Save yourself, while there is still time - send me your new 1911 and get a plastic-fantastic futura blaster. They're functional, relatively inexpensive, and don't threaten to completely dominate your firearm hobby.

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Guest superslacker

Get out while you can!! I bought a Springfield Lightweight Loaded and turned around and bought a Kimber TLEII three months later.

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Guest utarch00

OK guys, sorry it has taken this long to post pictures. I have been helping my wife move to her new school. Anyway, here they are. It is a Springfield Armory Mil Spec that has had a overhaul and reliability tuning. All parts except frame, slide and barrel have been replaced.



This will definitely not be my last 1911. Next I am looking at a Springfield Armory Operator and a smaller carry one in 9mm. Does anyone know where I can sell some body parts.:rolleyes:

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Tried to warn you...

There is a 4 gun commemorative set on GB right now... engraving aside, they are pre-70 1911's. Saw a set for sale at Cherrys a couple years ago, they went for 2600. This set might do about the same... So, 4 unfired pre-series 70's with the features I like - wide spur hammer, small thumb safety, flat mainspring housing - for maybe 700 each.

Get thee behind me, satan.

Don't none of you SOB's post about how we'll split the set, y'hear!

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Guest Grout

You are well on your way.John Moses Browning is but only one prophet of the Tactichrisna cult.The others are Gaston Glock,Sam Colt,Bill Ruger and Horace Smith and Daniel Baird Wesson.To acheive the ultimate order of the Tacti Grand Pooh Pah you must own and master one of each prophets creations.I personally was excommunicated a few years back when I ran afoul of the S&W congregation.:hat:

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Guest Ghostrider
It has been claimed on these forums that 1911's are an obsolete design, jam-o-matics, too heavy, inaccurate, and lose value about as fast as a Kia being driven off a used-car lot. Not to mention, of course, that with only 7 or 8 rounds, you'd be lucky to scare off a hungry tomcat, much less actually get through a self-defense situation alive and un-laughed at.

I've heard the same thing many times.

However, it's always interesting to me that the guys whose lives depend on them, most notably GIs, still pack a 1911 every chance they get, and in.45acp, not a euro caliber...

Sure, I may be wrong, but I love my commander and my mil-spec...

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You are well on your way.John Moses Browning is but only one prophet of the Tactichrisna cult.The others are Gaston Glock,Sam Colt,Bill Ruger and Horace Smith and Daniel Baird Wesson.To acheive the ultimate order of the Tacti Grand Pooh Pah you must own and master one of each prophets creations.I personally was excommunicated a few years back when I ran afoul of the S&W congregation.:screwy:

well, im working on ultimate order, lol

nice pics, get it refinished and it'll be a whole new gun.

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Guest utarch00

I plan on getting it refinished at some point, but right now I want to just enjoy it. I still want to do some more tweaks to also.

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You are well on your way.John Moses Browning is but only one prophet of the Tactichrisna cult.The others are Gaston Glock,Sam Colt,Bill Ruger and Horace Smith and Daniel Baird Wesson.To acheive the ultimate order of the Tacti Grand Pooh Pah you must own and master one of each prophets creations.I personally was excommunicated a few years back when I ran afoul of the S&W congregation.:screwy:

I'd have to agree, it's always good to have something from several great designers. Personally I'd add more to the list. I enjoy my Glock 27, Colt .45 and Colt revolvers, S&W revolvers and Ruger Single actions as well as rifles.

I also love the contributions of the Beretta family in shotguns, Winchester in rifles and many more.

As far as JMB goes, my prized 1911 is a true 1911 made by Colt for a relative of mine in 1918, an officer in the military. A member of my family carried that pisiol in every war until Vietnam. The bluing and fitting were pristine and despite wear in numerous wars it is in excellent shape. That being said, my favorite JMB is the High Power.

1911's, quality ones at least do not ever lose their value, they are not inaccurate and have excellent positive qualities. They are also not inexpensive, and if they are it is usually because they need work to get them to true combat defensive standards for reliability and accuracy. That is not cheap, once it is done they may be as good as anything better even than almost anything, but it is still necessary. I have owned and shot many from many manufacturers and before I carry one certain things have to be done. You may disagree but that is my experience from hundreds if not thousands of them shot, held and watched of others and talking with them.

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