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Remembering the Clinton AWB

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I am fairly new to the "assault weapons" world, so I am asking this question of those members who remember the details of the Clinton AWB. Specifically, if someone owned a pre-ban AW, was that person legally capable of selling that AW to another citizen?

Based on my legal research, I think the answer is "yes." However, if you have any specific knowledge on this, it would be appreciated.

NOTE: For those who have read my Heller posts, you know that I have some concerns regarding the inevitable push for another AWB if the Dems take control in November. Assuming that happens, I am wondering (aloud) whether (at least if the new AWB looks like the old one) I could sell my AWs to others without legal liability.

Thanks, and have a great 4th! Pray for our troops (past and present) today. We owe today to all of them.

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Which is why stocking up on 30 round AR magazines might not be a bad idea before the election.

Exactly. What I am really thinking is buying a backup AR or an AK, but I would hold off if I had any confidence that prices would not go up significantly as we approach November. While I think McCain has a better than 50-50 chance, I'm really looking at a new purchase. Thanks guys.

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Guest Grout

Yeah the prices skyrocketed but did anybody sell those guns?.I remember dealers at shows having the same $1500 Colt AR15 show after show for several years.The only thing I remember that sold pretty briskly were the mags.I bought a couple dozen aftermarket Beretta 92 mags when Jumbo Sports went out of business for $5 apiece.I sold them 2 years later for $30 apiece.Glock mags went through the roof.

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Guest price g
Which is why stocking up on 30 round AR magazines might not be a bad idea before the election.

Or any high cap pistol mags too. I remember g17 17 rnders going for $50 during the ban

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I am fairly new to the "assault weapons" world, so I am asking this question of those members who remember the details of the Clinton AWB. Specifically, if someone owned a pre-ban AW, was that person legally capable of selling that AW to another citizen?

Based on my legal research, I think the answer is "yes." However, if you have any specific knowledge on this, it would be appreciated.

NOTE: For those who have read my Heller posts, you know that I have some concerns regarding the inevitable push for another AWB if the Dems take control in November. Assuming that happens, I am wondering (aloud) whether (at least if the new AWB looks like the old one) I could sell my AWs to others without legal liability.

Thanks, and have a great 4th! Pray for our troops (past and present) today. We owe today to all of them.

Why in the world would you sell them chip?? you may end up NEEDING them when the Democratik socialist come into power.

I say continue to stock up on ammo and put them all back as an answer to the day we may need them.

For some reason, this thread reminds me of that song "silent running" by Mike and the Mechanics.

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