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ORSA Secret City Challenge

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The Staff shot the match today and everything went smooth.  The stages are a lot of fun and the SO's are great.  Still some slots open for walk-ins.  Come on down and join the fun.  Three guns on the prize table available for random drawing.  Do you feel lucky?  For $70 bucks you get to shoot a sanctioned match with 8 stages, free lunch, and a 1 in 30 chance to win a gun, and a much higher chance to go the prize table for some other goodies.

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The Staff shot the match today and everything went smooth.  The stages are a lot of fun and the SO's are great.  Still some slots open for walk-ins.  Come on down and join the fun.  Three guns on the prize table available for random drawing.  Do you feel lucky?  For $70 bucks you get to shoot a sanctioned match with 8 stages, free lunch, and a 1 in 30 chance to win a gun, and a much higher chance to go the prize table for some other goodies.


Not with my luck! I roll single digits in games on loot! But Who knows it might be my day lol

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Stats shack had a very bumps in the road but that will be ironed out before next time I'm sure. Really it felt like a regular match there to me......really dug the getting to lazy and not paste but I can see where not seeing the stage a few times just walking through to paste bit me in the butt HARD! 

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I thought it was an excellent match.


Many Thanks to Mike Madden, the SO's (Great Job Folks!), the organizers,and many fine sponsors.


It was also nice to meet the many fine folks from Nashville and surround areas...mighty fine shooters I might add.  :up:


As always getting to spend a day shooting with friends can't be beat.

And getting to hang with a buddy I hadn't seen in awhile was an added bonus...Good to see you Randy.

Edited by prag
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I thought it was an excellent match.


Many Thanks to Mike Madden, the SO's (Great Job Folks!), the organizers,and many fine sponsors.


It was also nice to meet the many fine folks from Nashville and surround areas...mighty fine shooters I might add.  :up:


As always getting to spend a day shooting with friends can't be beat.

And getting to hang with a buddy I hadn't seen in awhile was an added bonus...Good to see you Randy.


Same here. With work and teaching so much the last few years I do not get a lot of free time to go shoot many matches any more. So I was happy to be free this weekend. It was good seeing an old friend (and meeting some new ones). I was a little rusty, but still functional. Shooting is shooting but match shooting and defensive shooting do have some differences. I enjoyed discussing with Prag the differences in how a stage might be shot if there were real bullets going both directions and how that might change the strategy. I also enjoyed being in the same squad with Jason Edwards and getting to watch him attack each stage. That man can shoot.


 The stages were interesting and well thought out in my opinion. I especially liked the car stages. That is something that is VERY realistc.There is high probability of having to deal with criminal assault while either in or around your car and there are not a lot of opportunities for normal folks to engage targets from inside a vehicle at their local range. That may have been my favorite stage.


As far as the actual running of the match, a big hats off to the ORSA folks (and the folks from Cleveland) who ran the stages. Things went smoothly and quickly. We really appreciate the work you guys put in.


Looking forward to doing it again next year (assuming I'm not teaching that weekend).

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I was the "squad mom" for squad 3 there was several on that squad that could shoot really good. I didnt get to watch them shoot much but what little I did watch was a pleasure.


Mom = Man On Mission

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Scores are up at:




Thanks again to our generous sponsors:  Coal Creek Armory, Springfield, Shooters Connection, Randy Harris/Suarez International Training, Tom Carpenter, and the Dukemineers.


And thank you to all that Participated.  Look forward to seeing you at the Toys for Tots Match on the First Saturday in November.

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Guest sbcman

Decent revolver turnout! Congrats to my buds Rickey, Stanley and John Maclean. Good to see Stanley get a DC.


I hit the IL State match this year which was on the same day. Might make the drive down next year, Lord willing.


Congrats to all and to the range for this inaugural match!

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Decent revolver turnout! Congrats to my buds Rickey, Stanley and John Maclean. Good to see Stanley get a DC.


I hit the IL State match this year which was on the same day. Might make the drive down next year, Lord willing.


Congrats to all and to the range for this inaugural match!


I was on the squad with John and every time they called his name I half expected Bruce Willis with a 92F, Good times on that squad!

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Guest BigJ45

You couldn't ask for a better squad mom than Rickey, he did a great job putting up with us all day. Thanks for the compliment Randy, you shot pretty good yourself for somebody that's not a regular gamesman. Congratulations to Norma on beating all the rest of the boys, I think you did serious damage to some of their egos. CatsEye, I would be sure to thank Foley for helping you to find that other tenth. LOL!! Thanks to Mike, Mark, John and the rest of the crew for all their hard work.

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You couldn't ask for a better squad mom than Rickey, he did a great job putting up with us all day. Thanks for the compliment Randy, you shot pretty good yourself for somebody that's not a regular gamesman. Congratulations to Norma on beating all the rest of the boys, I think you did serious damage to some of their egos. CatsEye, I would be sure to thank Foley for helping you to find that other tenth. LOL!! Thanks to Mike, Mark, John and the rest of the crew for all their hard work.

Thank you very much (**,)!!!


And, all of them are awesome shooters, sir... Great people having lots of fun... Looking forward for the next one...

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