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Machine gun fire from helicopters over Miami

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I have no military experience but I understand the importance of training exercises. 

As the man on the ground, the citizen, I would have to say that if I heard guns firing and military helicopters flying above my house I would step into defense mode immediately. And I would be extremely pizz't off when I found out it was a training exercise that I wasn't informed of. 

Just my two sense


They notified the public.  I'm not sure why no one seems to acknowledge that.  Should they have gone door to door to everyone in Miami to let them know?  Would that make everyone feel better?


They dynamited a bridge near my house at 11 pm a few years ago.  I heard the explosion as I was lying in bed drifting off to sleep.  I was not aware they were blowing the bridge that night.  Having a background in explosives/demo I could tell that the blast was pretty close, and having no logical reason in my head for why there would be such a large explosion near my residential neighborhood I called the 911 operator to report the explosion.  I was told what the explosion was and that they had put this out in the newspaper multiple times.  At first I was upset because I don't normally read the local paper, and thought that there should have been some other form of notification.  Then I realized that the world doesn't revolve around me and the only negative ramifications from the incident was a few moments of WTF before the question was answered and the "problem" was resolved.  Once again, I don't see the problem here.  Just because a few people were caught off guard means nothing.  Besides, what decision would it drive in a person if they saw helicopters flying tactically over a city?  I don't see any situation where a person would immediately begin engaging that helicopter unless the person was an inbred yocal who had seen Red Dawn one times too many.  Seriously, I have Chinooks, Kiowas and Blackhawk helicopters buzzing around my house all the time.  For some reason it doesn't make me feel as if I am in danger.

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Carter  I dont mind a regular civilian using a public venue to train in, if they go to the local government and police and get prior approval for the training and ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place.  Thats the key peice of the argument that people seem to be overlooking.  The local authorities supported this training excersize.  They support it because it is mutually benificial. 

is this why ? http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/feb/05/obama-kill-list-doj-memo
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