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Feinstein says collapsible stock makes AR15 full auto

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she must of been thinking about that extra turn she makes the cylindrical object in her night stand run faster... I would love to know if the neighborhood she lives in has armed security... or if she has any personal armed security 

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she must of been thinking about that extra turn she makes the cylindrical object in her night stand run faster... I would love to know if the neighborhood she lives in has armed security... or if she has any personal armed security 

Well the fact that she has/had a CCW permit comes to mind. She is a classic example of the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality that we so often find in elected officials.

As for her cylindrical friend... Eww man, gross! Not the image I needed.
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You can say its like full auto, but that doesn't make it more dangerous. There is a reason the M16A2 and A4 have 3 round burst instead. Full auto is hard to shoot and get controlled hits. A hammer or controlled pair is more than enough to put down the average human. Ill take a good reliable semi over full auto any day for a bad situation. Me personally, not a slide fire AR is less dangerous if anything. More chance for a jam, less muzzle control. Ill take a spray and pray over concentrated and accurate sustained fire anyday
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You can say its like full auto, but that doesn't make it more dangerous. There is a reason the M16A2 and A4 have 3 round burst instead. Full auto is hard to shoot and get controlled hits. A hammer or controlled pair is more than enough to put down the average human. Ill take a good reliable semi over full auto any day for a bad situation. Me personally, not a slide fire AR is less dangerous if anything. More chance for a jam, less muzzle control. Ill take a spray and pray over concentrated and accurate sustained fire anyday

That is what I was trying to say!   It has never jammed (this is going to be a factor of the base AR system, though, not the stock add on) but what happens a LOT is it just stops shooting unexpectedly because you failed to keep up the push-pull pressure requred to operate it.   It makes an OK burst weapon actually, its much easier to make a series of 3-5 round shots with it than to sustain fire.  If for some reason you felt each target needed 3 rounds or more (?).   Its most practical use would be to make the enemy THINK you had a machine gun and run for cover, allowing you to run away.

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