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Bought my first gun but can't find any .22LR ammo!

Guest beeteep

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Guest beeteep

I just bought my first gun, a Ruger SR-22 but I can't find any ammo for it in the Nashville area! (yes, I'm now realizing that it was probably dumb of me to buy a .22 right now). Does anyone know anywhere in Nashville where someone can find this ammo?

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im having trouble finding any ammo as well, and im looking for 9mm and .22LR pretty much exclusively .. i also have a SR22 and it's an awesome lil gun you wont regret it .. and i still think calibers such as .22 and 9mm will be back on shelves in normal ammounts fairly soon, as the guns that shoot them (for the most part at least, i know there are .22 and 9mm AR's and such) arent on obamas radar for now ... seems to be mostly ammo hoarders and profiteering off of the current scare that's wiping out these unlikely calibers for now

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Guest ShoreZ11759

The ban comes up for vote this week, I think it will be defeated and people will calm down. If/when it gets defeated, bans will be off the radar for quite a few years and people will resume to normal gun and ammo buying habits.



CA also needs to get rid of Feinstein.

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Guest Krieder

With even the online dealers out. .22 will be scarce, the largest size i have seen was a few 50 rnd cci boxes at most. i was in the gun room in lebanon a few days ago and they were running out, having to hold back some for all the carry permit classes but he had no large quantity boxes. same thing goes for the stores in cookeville too. Shore is right though, let the fanatics, hoarders, and gougers play it out then they will cease the silliness and regular supply will return. 

Maybe we will get lucky and they will dump a bunch on th market just as the frenzy dies and we will catch a bulk discount....wonder if they can pawn .22 shells when these people realize they spent their rent on ammo? *shrug*

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The ban comes up for vote this week,...


What? There will be no "vote" on Feinstein's bill this week. Likely ever, as is..


But there will be an ongoing series of bills. Feinstein's effort is just the first foray.


This stuff isn't likely to be "settled" even by end of the year.


- OS

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Good on you. Would likely have done same if he were local to me.


- OS


Thanks for the compliment - I'm happy to have the chance to help a new gun owner get started out.  I'm also really glad SGammo.com still had some cases of Eley Sport on hand 2 weeks ago when I needed .22lr so I could swing this deal.  That said, the rest is all mine! :pleased:

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What? There will be no "vote" on Feinstein's bill this week. Likely ever, as is..
But there will be an ongoing series of bills. Feinstein's effort is just the first foray.
This stuff isn't likely to be "settled" even by end of the year.
- OS

The politicians don't want it settled. That would be bad for business. Look at the transition from election bickering to the proposed gun ban.
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