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Liberals should not own guns. Problem solved!

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I do not know if this is true or not. I got it off the internet so take it with a grain of salt.


  It seems that if you would deny gun ownership to democrats,
 liberals and progressives the problem would be solved.

 Interesting data!

 "Why is it the progressive liberal that steals guns then goes and
 kills movie goers and children in school has never been an NRA

 Ft Hood - Registered Democrat- Muslim

 Columbine - Too young to vote - both families were registered
 democrats and progressive liberals

 VA Tech - Wrote hate mail to Pres Bush and to his staff. Registered

 Colorado Theater - Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama
 campaign, occupy wall street participant, progressive liberal

 Connecticut School Shooter - Registered Democrat, hated Christians

 Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal


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Guest Gunbunnie

Columbine - Too young to vote - both families were registered
democrats and progressive liberals


I do remember reading that one of the shooters' parents were anti-gun activist. I can not remember where I read it, but it was Time, Newsweek, one of the national news media.

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