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Ruger LCP, initial impression


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While they are very close in size to the KT p3at, in my opinion they are worlds apart. I did not get to shoot as much as I would like (less than 100 rounds), but I had no FTF’s, FTE’s, the trigger while long is very smooth, I was hitting my target low and to the left (yes, it was me not the gun), but consistently in the same spot, I was shooting more for feel than for accuracy.

I did clean the gun before shooting and lubed it with Weapon Shield CLP.

I was shooting FMJ for my test fires. I have not shot any JHP’s through it yet, that hopefully will be today.

Over all I am impressed with the fit and finish of this little bug, It might be a copy of a keltec, but then again isn’t imitation the sincerest form of flattery? To my untrained eye there are enough differences in the 2 to warrant at least checking the LCP out.

Also shop around; no way should you spend MSRP for it. I got mine at Coal Creek Armory for 289 plus tax and tics.

To me they are worth the extra 30 to 40 dollars you may spend for it.

Edited by dralarms
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Guest Todd@CIS

Thanks...as an aside, can you give me your thoughts on WeaponShield CLP? I've heard great things, but have not yet tried it.

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  • Administrator
Thanks...as an aside, can you give me your thoughts on WeaponShield CLP? I've heard great things, but have not yet tried it.

I'm not the original poster but I have been using Weapon Shield on my firearms for a little over a year now. In fact, I am still working through my free sample bottle. A little of the stuff really goes a long way.

I do not use it as a Cleaning agent but it works great as a Lubricant and Protectant (CLP). A needle applicator would be ideal for things like springs, slide rails, etc. It's very, very slick stuff and almost perpetually leaks from the bottle despite having the lid screwed tightly shut. :shrug:

This thread may actually serve as a reminder for me to go ahead and order more. I really can't say anything bad about it but can attest that it works exactly as advertised. One of the better such products available as far as my experience goes.

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Guest Todd@CIS
I'm not the original poster but I have been using Weapon Shield on my firearms for a little over a year now. In fact, I am still working through my free sample bottle. A little of the stuff really goes a long way.

I do not use it as a Cleaning agent but it works great as a Lubricant and Protectant (CLP). A needle applicator would be ideal for things like springs, slide rails, etc. It's very, very slick stuff and almost perpetually leaks from the bottle despite having the lid screwed tightly shut. :shrug:

This thread may actually serve as a reminder for me to go ahead and order more. I really can't say anything bad about it but can attest that it works exactly as advertised. One of the better such products available as far as my experience goes.

Thanks David. If you order some, grab me a bottle.

BTW, I had some SLIP2000 that also leaked (also great lube BTW).

I bought the small bottle of RemOil from WalMart for $1.99 (this one doesn't leak and has a needle applicator), poured it out and put the SLIP2000 into it. Worked much better.

dralarms...sorry for any thread drift. Interested in hearing more about your LCP.

Edited by Todd@CIS
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Thanks...as an aside, can you give me your thoughts on WeaponShield CLP? I've heard great things, but have not yet tried it.

WS is great, I am a sweater and I can clean my M&P40c with WS and I have gone 1 month without cleaning, you could still wiupe the slide with your finger and feel the stuff. But it's not "greasy"

dralarms, glad to hear that you like your new LCPs!

Thanks JWP,

I'm sending people to you for more. Also sending you a PM, something you might need to know about.

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A local dealer buddy told me yesterday Ruger is gearing up because of unseen

demand and within two months they will have quite a few coming in. He thinks

they will be able to sell them for $269.00 +TX/T

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A local dealer buddy told me yesterday Ruger is gearing up because of unseen

demand and within two months they will have quite a few coming in. He thinks

they will be able to sell them for $269.00 +TX/T

At that price Ruger will get some more of my money. Just 2 weeks ago I saw one sell for $400 at the gun show. I thought to myself why would you want one so bad.

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Guest janwbrown616

I'm still waiting for mine to come in. I've carried a little Kel Tec a few times with the clip attached to the frame. Appendix carry and it was perfect. I know a lot of people don't like the clip but it works great for me.

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I'm still waiting for mine to come in. I've carried a little Kel Tec a few times with the clip attached to the frame. Appendix carry and it was perfect. I know a lot of people don't like the clip but it works great for me.

Just curious. If you have a Kel-Tec, why did you order the Ruger?

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Guest janwbrown616

Don't have one, I baby sitted a friends while he was away. Carried it off and on for a week or so.

I played a little with the Ruger too. I like its fit better.

Edited by janwbrown616
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Guest janwbrown616

I only ran about 30 rounds thru the Kel Tec. It shot pretty good for the crappy sights. (The magazine DID come apart from the bottom, NOt while shooting but afterwards and it was pretty simple to put back together.) NO jams or anything else.

The Ruger although I have not been able to shoot it, seemed to fit my hand a little better. I think it's the contour in the grip.

I usually don't buy a brand name, I just buy what I like. But, I figure the Ruger will have a better resale value later on down the line should I ever decide to give it up.

I have a PPK/S Stainless that I'd carry before I would either of these, but it would be nice to have something this small just in case....

Again, with a clip draw and appendix carry, I think it will be perfect for me.

I've also researched a little and the clip that Kel Tec Sells for theirs will fit the Ruger with a little twiking, so, we'll see.

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Guest Julez

I'm looking at the Ruger LCP. Elliott bought me a Kel-Tec P32 without lettimg me try it out which was a bad idea because I'm picky about how a gun 'feels'. I love the size of the Kel-Tec and the fact that it fits neatly into my pocket (which is my preferred method of carry because I hate belts). However, I HATE the grip on the P32 because it really hurts my hands when I shoot it. If you're not careful it will literally rip the hide off. I will say that we've owned the P32 for a few months now and it has never had any failures of any kind. But since I really want something that's comfortable for me to shoot I told Elliott to take the P-32 and I'd look for something else. I'm hoping to get to fondle one soon and see if this is the gun for me!

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Guest Bob_in_TN

I qualified my LCP this morning as a back up weapon. scored a 88.4. Had a little trouble with the 15 yard shots. Hope to improve that by next year.

Qualified my new XD45 with a 98 score. I was pleased with that.

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I want one of these. When the "newness" wears off I'll get one. (when the price goes down a little)

you can afford it. you're such a tightwad when you pull a dollar bill out of your wallet, George Washington blinks at the light.:shake:

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(The magazine DID come apart from the bottom, NOt while shooting but afterwards and it was pretty simple to put back together.)

Wow! First time I've heard that. Normally, I have trouble getting the magazines apart for cleaning.

I qualified my LCP this morning as a back up weapon. scored a 88.4. Had a little trouble with the 15 yard shots. Hope to improve that by next year.

Yeah, those little guns have aiming problems if you get out very far. Not much sight radius.

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Guest janwbrown616
Wow! First time I've heard that. Normally, I have trouble getting the magazines apart for cleaning.

Well, me too. But on the Kel Tec mag it has a small piece of plastic in the butt that has two nipples on one side that fit into the mag spring. The nipple on the other side fits the mag base. It's a simple system but the small groves where the base slides onto the mag to retain the spring had slipped over the groves in the mag and popped out.

I'm sure it was a fluke. It has not happened again....

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