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Groupon New Policy: No Gun Ranges or Training

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I just saw this posted to Facebook via the TGO Facebok Page. (Didn't see a thread started about it.)


Basically "Defensive Shooting Instructors" out of Palm Beach posted...



Groupon just announced that their NEW corporate policy 'effective immediately' will not allow any firearms training (where people learn firearms safety), or gun range deals system wide.

If you are economically impacted, or upset by this please write/call Groupon and make your voice heard.

Groupon, Inc. Corporate Office & Headquarters
600 W Chicago Ave Ste 620 Chicago IL 60654
(312) 784-2366



I have sent Groupon support a message and am waiting to hear back. They sent me an email saying that usually they respond in 24 hours but they are running behind. When I get a response back I will post it.


If you use Groupon and this policy change bothers you I would suggest you contact them and let them know your feelings. Here is a LINK to the support area if you want to go that direction.


Here is what I said...


I was just recently made aware of a new corporate policy that will not allow any firearms training (where people learn firearms safety), or gun range deals system wide.

Is this true?

If so I will be very disappointed and will need to cancel my account and thus end any business with Groupon.

Firearm safety is a very important issue and one I would have thought you would have supported.

Contrary to some opinions in the media gun owners are not unfeeling monsters nor crazed anti-government extremists. A conversation about how best to keep people safe from all types of harm should be just that. A conversation... not a lecture. We won't learn anything from each other that way.

We're Americans like you. We don't deserve to be demonized and treated like 2nd class citizens for supporting the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

A right, not a privilege, that allows me to defend my family from any who wish to do them harm as well as a right that allows my son to compete in the JROTC National Championships this February at Camp Perry.

I look forward to your response.


This is just the tip... they (meaning the admin, mayors, gun control groups, etc.) will be pushing businesses to alienate us every way they can. They want to demonize us, ostracize us, dehumanize us to achieve their goals.


This is just the tip... they (meaning the admin, mayors, gun control groups, etc.) will be pushing businesses to alienate us every way they can. They want to demonize us, ostracize us, dehumanize us to achieve their goals.

You forgot "Tax". They also want to tax us.


Just like cigarette smokers, make us appear evil and ignorant and it’s okay to tax us.

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I got a reply back today. As I read it they are a business and are hearing from more anti-gun people than pro-gun people. However they are saying a decision has not been made yet.


This tells me two things...

1. The silent push to ostracize gun owners has begun. This is just the start. This is part of the plan.

2. To stop this gun owners are going to have to invest the 3-5 minutes to call, write, email businesses that are feeling anti-gun pressure.


Make no mistake, this "war" against gun owners has started and we need to take every "battle" seriously. We need to win on every front. On the media, kitchen table, business decision and social media fronts.


=================  Reply =================



Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your feedback and take these inquiries seriously.


Gun-related deals, including shooting ranges, conceal-and-carry, and clay shooting, are on hiatus as we review our internal policies for the types of deals that we feature. Groupon has always aimed to offer deals driven by local consumer preference and request; at this time, enough consumers have asked us to eliminate the category that we believe a review is warranted. A decision has not yet been made.


Please note that all existing purchases for gun-related Groupons are still valid and deals that were previously offered are not being canceled.


Thank you again for contacting us, and please let me know if I can do anything else to help.



Brittany H
Groupon Customer Support


I received the same response except the line about existing Groupons still being valid.

Thank you for taking the time to contact them!!!

Stupid companies - never mess with politics in your business. Who is going to NOT use grouoon because they have a gun training class vs who Can they sell this to? Total stupidity

I wrote them this morning.  Thanks for the heads' up.




"Groupon Wizards and Scribes,


     We love Groupon; it has always been a source of fun and joy for our family.  However, with recent news of Groupon's suspension of all firearms related deals, we, as a family, are respectfully suspending our use of Groupon.  


     I understand that pressures may be constant from those who have been led to believe that their preferences regarding firearms may be imposed (unconstitutionally) on others.  Where the law is against them, they wisely turn to social pressure such as this.  I also believe that we, as a society, may be incredibly short sighted in our zeal to "curb" gun violence - using measures that have proven inneffective in the past - seeking a "reward" that may be a fool's ransom.


     If litigation liabilities are a concern for Groupon, you may consider requiring firearms related vendors to perform background checks on training/event attendees.  Any responsible training facility that I have ever heard of or dealt with has strong policies in place - ensuring that no one who is a danger to society receives training from them.  These are people who deeply care about the safety or our children and our society as a whole.

     As you have probably heard many times, criminals intent on violent actions are not concerned (in the least) with the laws that bind the rest of us responsible citizens.


     Please keep me informed of your decision.  If this suspension - which contributes to a villainization and marginalization of a law-abiding, caring segment of society continues, we will cancel our family accounts no longer use Groupon.  We will also respectfully advise friends and family to cease using Groupon.


     Our actions come with full respect for the entire Groupon family.  We understand that you are looking after the welfare of a business.  We are looking after the welfare of current and future generations of American children - ensuring that they continue to have the protected freedoms which have silently provided the environment for great businesses such as Groupon, and the incredible opportunities for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which we have all known our entire lives.


     Our family hopes that each of you and your families are well - finding joy and peace in each day.



Greg Watlington

Nasvhille, TN"


Here is their response to my cancellation request:



Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.

We understand that this is a sensitive topic, and that some of our customers may not agree with our choice to pause the promotion of firearm-related deals. Groupon has always aimed to offer a diverse range of products and services to meet the various tastes and interests of our subscribers. However, at this time, enough customers and merchants have voiced their opinions that we believe a hiatus is warranted.

Please note that we have never sold guns, and this hiatus only applies to firearm-related deals including shooting ranges, clay pigeon shooting, and concealed weapons training classes. We have not made a final determination regarding this category -- we are simply taking a break and may reevaluate in the future.

Per your request, I've unsubscribed this email address and deleted your account. You will stop receiving Groupon promotional emails within 48 hours.

We genuinely appreciate your opinion and the feedback you've given us. I'll be sure to share your comments with the appropriate people.


Kevin K.
Groupon Customer Support

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