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e-mail from Joe Biden?

Guest carter

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Hello --

Today President Obama announced a plan to help protect our kids and communities from gun violence. You're going to hear a lot about it, but I wanted to make sure you got a chance to get the facts, straight from me.

After hearing from Americans from across the political spectrum, we decided to focus on some key priorities: closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons, making our schools safer, and increasing access to mental health services.

The ideas we sent to President Obama are straightforward. Each of them honors the rights of law-abiding, responsible Americans to bear arms. Some of them will require action from Congress; the President is acting on others immediately. But they're all commonsense and will help make us a little safer.

Now is the time for all of us to act.

Read about the events that brought us to this point, learn about the plan we've proposed to help protect our kids, and then add your name in support to help build momentum for this plan.

Here's what we've put together:

We're calling for requiring background checks for all gun sales and closing the loopholes that allow dangerous individuals to make their purchase without going through one of these checks.

We're asking for a new, stronger ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that allow a shooter to fire dozens of bullets as quickly as he can pull a trigger. And we're asking Congress to help protect law enforcement by make it illegal for members of the public to possess armor-piercing bullets.

We're going to give law enforcement more tools and resources to prevent and prosecute gun crimes, and we're going to end the freeze on gun violence research that prevents the Center from Disease Control from looking at the causes of gun violence.

We're calling on Congress to help make schools safer by putting up to 1,000 school resource officers and mental health professionals in schools and ensuring they have comprehensive emergency management plans in place.

And we're going to increase coverage so that students and young adults can get access to the mental health treatment they may need.

We know that no policy we enact or law we enforce can prevent every senseless act of violence in our country. But if we can save the life of even one child, we have a deep responsibility to act.

Now is the time to come together to protect our kids. Learn about the plan, then add your name alongside mine:



Vice President Joe Biden


This was more than likely a mas email sent out...but i did go to the White House web site to write a response... 




good evening sir, i appreciate your e-mail explaining the key points of gun control, I am an avid shooter and supporter of my rights, not just the second amendment, I support you wanting to do back ground checks and mental health... i do NOT support more gun control over what type guns can be owned and what type magazine i put in them, the second amendment gives the people a fighting chance over a tyrannical  government, and we need to be as armed as the government, you need to verse yourself on what an assault weapon is and that they are already banned in the NFA act of 1934, an assault weapon is a firearm that shoot more than one round of ammunition with a single pull of the trigger...aka a machine gun... the weapons you are wanting to ban are merely semi auto rifles, was there not a ban in place when the shooting happened at Columbine high school? and what did that solve...nothing... more back ground checks and mental health issues are to blame... not guns...guns do not go off and shoot by them selves...they need a person pulling the trigger, we the people need to be just as armed as our government, you already made it illegal to manufacture new machine guns, now your wanting to take semi auto guns away...what else is there...attacking religion and banning a few of those too? you took an oath to abide by and up hold the constitution...lets see you do that please...  

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You want my opinion? Not to be a grammar nazi, but your spelling, grammar and punctuation suck if that's an exact copy of what you sent. I learned long ago that if you wanna be taken serious then any written letters need to be as formal and well edited as possible. I get where your going with your letter, and I do agree with you, just saying it would have a better chance of getting a response if it was written a little better.

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You want my opinion? Not to be a grammar nazi, but your spelling, grammar and punctuation suck if that's an exact copy of what you sent. I learned long ago that if you wanna be taken serious then any written letters need to be as formal and well edited as possible. I get where your going with your letter, and I do agree with you, just saying it would have a better chance of getting a response if it was written a little better.


he will get my point non the less... when i get on a rant i don't pay attention to my "I's" being capitol ...i do think all my words are spelled correctly :)

and it's you're not your :) if grammar is an issue with you, no offence

Edited by carter
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he will get my point non the less... when i get on a rant i don't pay attention to my "I's" being capitol ...i do think all my words are spelled correctly :)

and it's you're not your :) if grammar is an issue with you, no offence

Ha!  You should put down your Black Ops game console controller and read a grammar book before you type another reply.  No offense but it's uphold, nonetheless and semi-auto.  I agree with Spots that to be taken serious you need to use proper English.  

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he will get my point non the less... when i get on a rant i don't pay attention to my "I's" being capitol ...i do think all my words are spelled correctly :)

and it's you're not your :) if grammar is an issue with you, no offence


No, it is still "your".  My point is that your letter will garner more attention, and a more favorable response if it sounds like you have more than a third grade education. I couldn't care less about grammar and spelling on a forum, but if I am going to send something to an elected official that I want to be taken seriously, I would type it in word and use the free grammar and spelling checks. Its not perfect, but it helps. Also, putting several periods in between sentences doesn't make it sound more serious, it makes it read like a teenager writing a text message to their friends. I understand your sentiment, I'm just saying that it would come across a lot better if it was more grammatically correct, and easier to read with less run on sentences and more proper punctuation. Just my :2cents:

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 I agree with Spots that to be taken serious you need to use proper English.  



Ummm.... I think you meant to say "I agree with Spots, that to be taken seriousLY you need to use the English language correctly" 




Just razzin's all :D

Edited by robtattoo
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He did not respond to mine.  But I pretty much said what I thought about it in blunt terms.  Polite, but blunt.  I informed him that mag caps and AR bans were stupid and exactly why (criminals that ignore the law, and the 0.00000000001% of violent acts that involve a rifle or more than a couple of shots fired).   I told him the governemnt has to pay for the background checks on individual sales, giving the money to the FFL holder who does the service, at a rate of $50 per transfer.   If the govt does not pay for the transfers, I warned him that people would probably avoid the expense and skip the FFL.   How can he expect people to volunteer to give away money, after all?  No one is going to do that.

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Uh, no, it's not. Unless you WANT it to read "you are spelling..." It's your.


" I get where your going with your letter "


shouldn't it be " I get where you're going with your letter" ???


maybe i should have specified what i was talking about... or you read correctly

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I saw this basically the same thing our dear leader said. The thing that really pissed me off is the it will be worth it thing if it saves one life. I think of the thousands of people who have fought and died to protect out freedom and rights. Now we should give them up if it will save one person. What a bunch of horse ----.

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Just wait, the list of things illegal will continue to grow...fairly soon we might see things like .223, .308, .338 and 50 cal and anything that uses them added to their list. I wonder just how many people were killed with an armor-piercing round last year? This was one that I had not seen on O's list. 

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I saw this basically the same thing our dear leader said. The thing that really pissed me off is the it will be worth it thing if it saves one life. I think of the thousands of people who have fought and died to protect out freedom and rights. Now we should give them up if it will save one person. What a bunch of horse ----.



I agree, and all that is a bunch of horse shiiit anyway.  If it is really worth it to save one life, lets start by banning things that really aren't protect by specific rights.  Swimming pools come to mind; lets ban swimming pools.  Perhaps after that, we could ban bats, fireworks, peanut butter, tobacco, small toys in Happy Meals, maybe tornados too.  Those damn tornados really wreak hell on some stuff. 

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