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REPUBLICAN INSIDER: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash

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I admit after New Yorks new laws I was expecting the worst.


I do believe he met with some real backlash and had to back off on a lot of things he was planning.


I also believe we still need to be very vigilant and continue to let our voices be heard.


We still have to make sure that the AR and mag ban does not take place.

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I'm not going to call him President, I refuse to give him any respect whatsoever, he's crapping all over the office and constitution so I consider him an intruder.


I share your sentiment, I was referring more to the office not the person. He disgraces all those before him. When I type his last name, I won't even capitalize the 'o', lol.

Edited by Batman
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I share your sentiment, I was referring more to the office not the person. He disgraces all those before him. When I type his last name, I won't even capitalize the 'o', lol.

I give those respect who return respect, Obama has no respect for you or I and our rights as American citizens.
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I'm not going to call him President, I refuse to give him any respect whatsoever, he's crapping all over the office and constitution so I consider him an intruder.



I share your sentiment, I was referring more to the office not the person. He disgraces all those before him. When I type his last name, I won't even capitalize the 'o', lol.



I give those respect who return respect, Obama has no respect for you or I and our rights as American citizens.

remember in the Bush years, the "alleged Rev". Jackson always used the term Mr. Bush.

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I'm afraid I agree with David on this one. I don't understand how some of you can outright dismiss this like it couldn't happen. It happens all the time. Gun owners around the nation - millions of us - were very nervous about what was going to happen. Hell, even our Republican representatives in the gun friendly state of TN wouldn't go on record saying they were going to support the 2nd Amendment. So what do you think Republicans, and especially Democrats, in states like California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey were saying? 


Luckily however the NRA is an extremely powerful lobbying organization thanks to those of us who are members. They certainly were telling every Congressman and Senator who would listen that they would be "gunning" for them - if you'll pardon the pun - if they supported the President's gun-grabbing efforts. And you think that has no effect on how they vote? Sorry, but it has an effect, like it or not.


I'm not saying this article is the Gospel. I'm just saying it is entirely plausible, especially given Obama's stance on guns. If you don't know that he would outright ban just about every gun we own if given half the chance you're part of the problem. Complacency is what they hope for. If we had been complacent during the last month and hadn't been contacting our representatives demanding they uphold the Constitution there is a very good chance his speech and calls for legislation would have been much more scary. 

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As Dave said never let your guard down but it's hard to imagine King Hussien would even think about an EO pushing confiscation, that would definatly push many many many many many many people over the edge but maybe that naive tyrrant really thought he could pull something like that off. Anyway, they are going for more and that's a fact, just what and when.


Of course he would try it. Most of the gun owners who could mount an offense wouldn't fire on their "brothers" in LE/MIL. He would be banking on that!

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