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IDPA Match - Music City Tactical Shooters 01/19/13

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Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a 5 stage IDPA style match.  The weather has not been kind for the last few days.  The COF will be based on each bay condition.  Setup will take place at 7AM on Saturday.  Any assistance from members and guests will be helpful to ensure we start on time.


5 Stages:  Each stage will be challenging from MM to MA level.  Different options to shoot the stage.

Round count:  Less than 100 rounds



We anticipate to being done early for those that are scheduled for other gun appreciation events to attend.  Hope to see you there!

Edited by HOGNUT
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Where is the match being held? Address or coordinates for use with GPS would be great. :)



And yes, I saw an address on the MCTS website but zillow popped it up as a 2 bedroom home so I figured I'd double check before heading out to someone's house. 

Edited by 2.ooohhh
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Guest rbrooks65

It was great to see all the new faces at today's match.  We hope you had a great time, and that you'll come back again soon.


Also, thanks to the members and visitors who helped with set up, SO'ing, and clean up.  It's so much easier to have a great match when everyone pitches in.



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Fun day.  I will have scores on the website by 9am tomorrow morning along with the COF shot.  It was hard to determine which stages to shoot in each bay due to the recent weather(rain) the previous week.  Hope everyone present had a good time.  Relaxing day!  Hope to see everyone back there soon. 


Next match will be a steel match.  This match will be a 5 stage - 3 (possibly 4) string per stage.  All strings will count.  I will try to set the steel so that it will not fall so stages will be quicker.  I am working on the stage design and should have this posted tomorrow also.

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It was a great day at the range yesterday, inspite of the cold morning weather - it was a lot of fun!!! Great to have met so many new shooters.

First time for me to set up stage 4 all by myself and stage 5 - with muscle help with the barricade and the one barrel half-filled with water, hahahaha, thanks guys...


Looking forward to seeing y'all again soon.. Have a good one..

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