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Judge Jeanine Pirro Rips Journal News For Outing Her As A Gun Owner

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That's right. Piss of the sleeping giant and see what's in store. This is actually what needed to happen, and we should all call a liberal and thank

them. They may have reached too far, this time. They think this will get their law approved, but it may topple their house of cards. And it is about

time. More people should be angry about things like this and come out of the damned closet, instead of cowering.


I guess you can tell I'm tired of seeing submission to a despot. There's a lot of work to do.

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Guest CigarGuy
I saw Juan Williams and another lib "debate" her,separately, and she tore 'em to shreds. They were left with "I thought you would be happy with everyone knowing!" That's how ignorant the left is.
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I love tough women. That's how my wife will read you your rights when you step out of line. She is showing the guys how to do it. No craziness, no foam around the mouth, just straight jabs until the opponent is out on their feet and she won't scuff her heels or smudge her makeup while destroying you. Edited by LINKS2K
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There are a bunch of women like this. I'm glad to say I'm married to one, also. You don't even see it coming until it is too late. It's

so refreshing when it happens. I have to read five books to catch up to my wife. I'll casually ask her about some minutia from out

of nowhere, and damn! It's like she has a photographic memory. She is the intellectual in our family, plus a damned good cook. :D


Pirro is one of those who can do more good for society right where she is. This idea of elected office to anyone we agree with

needs to be shaken. It's the attitude and knowledge we need to put in our kids so they grow up and become responsible leaders

in their own right. We just need to threaten our political class into their submission and wash, rinse, repeat until we get the best

we can get, throwing out the ones with stains on them.

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Guest USCavScout

She basically ripped them a new one and then some. I liked how they went to the editors house and as usual they had nothing to say. Like she said nothing but a bunch of COWARDS!!!!

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And she didn't need to march around town with an AR-15 on her back to make such a clear statement. Imagine that.

Agreed, but isn't she married to Geraldo Rivera? If she in fact is, then that is a clear indication that she has a history of either a massive capability for piss-poor judgement or at the very least a severe mental illness.
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name="TGO David" post="883927" timestamp="1358110813"]I could certainly look at her for a four year term if she were elected President.[/quote] She certainly would be be a lot better to look at at for four years than the b*tc# Hilary. I could vote for her.
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