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Yeager on Ed Show Tomorrow

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He was on CH4 this morning. Part of his YOUTUBE video was aired on the gun ban . It did not look well. They then interviewed him where he stated he would shoot anyone trying to take his gun.

One interesting side note,it was stated that neither him or his business is state certified. His comment was he had let them lapse.

Is what James said really all that different than what many have been thinking in the privacy (or sometimes not so private) of their own thoughts?

I've read similar statements from some posters here on TGO as well as heard people say basically the same from people in face to face conversations.

Beck made an interesting observation on Thursday (I think)...he was referencing Alex Jones' little rant but per Beck (highly paraphrasing of course); if you go the route of Jones and start another 1776 "we lose"...if you go the route of Martin Luther King Jr and passive resistance and allowing arrest, "we win"...the theory being that if enough people simply refuse to comply and say "arrest me", it will overwhelm the system.

I don't know if Beck is right but seems to be the idea has some merit; I certainly don't see armed rebellion/fighting 1776 all over again as being a winning course of action.

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Here's a shot of Yeager when he was a contestant on "One Man Army". As I remember he was eliminated early in the episode so I guess he's not as tacticool as he thinks he is.


Yep, I remember now. He didn't know how to slide down the rope bridge and got stuck half way.

http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Xxf1TAsqaVY/0.jpg Edited by EB-SF
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I would disagree with Beck's game plan...  They'd be happy to put another million gun owners through the system, convict them as felon's, let them stay on house arrest, remove their ability to own any firearms, or vote ever again.


If the future was only a fight over the 2nd amendment, maybe...  but this is just one major issue out of many more to come between people who want to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit without hurting other people, and progressives that want to control everything we do down to the food we're allowed to eat.


An argument can be made that a 'rebellion' or 'insurgency' has better odds of resulting in a greater restoration of liberty than a 'peaceful' we will not comply.


Anyway you cut it, even if we resolve the gun issue (which we won't), we still have a likely sovereign debt crisis on the near term horizon, and the continued loading of debt on the next 3 generations to pay for the healthcare, retirement and spending of the current generations.


Is what James said really all that different than what many have been thinking in the privacy (or sometimes not so private) of their own thoughts?

I've read similar statements from some posters here on TGO as well as heard people say basically the same from people in face to face conversations.

Beck made an interesting observation on Thursday (I think)...he was referencing Alex Jones' little rant but per Beck (highly paraphrasing of course); if you go the route of Jones and start another 1776 "we lose"...if you go the route of Martin Luther King Jr and passive resistance and allowing arrest, "we win"...the theory being that if enough people simply refuse to comply and say "arrest me", it will overwhelm the system.

I don't know if Beck is right but seems to be the idea has some merit; I certainly don't see armed rebellion/fighting 1776 all over again as being a winning course of action.



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Anyway you cut it, even if we resolve the gun issue (which we won't), we still have a likely sovereign debt crisis on the near term horizon, and the continued loading of debt on the next 3 generations to pay for the healthcare, retirement and spending of the current generations..


Besides all the currently planned battles over debt ceiling, sequestering, confirmations, and whatnot, which should take well into the spring at earliest, SOMEthing else hot will likely happen to be dealt with. I think whole country is running with scissors right now.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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[quote name="RobertNashville" post="882354" timestamp="1357965662"]Is what James said really all that different than what many have been thinking in the privacy (or sometimes not so private) of their own thoughts? [/quote] Yes. Besides, there is a big difference between thinking something and saying it... intent or something along those lines. I fantasize about doing some very awful things to the Westboro Baptist Church guy, but if I come out and say, "if he protests one more Soldier funeral I'm gonna kill him", I have entered into a new territory. No, Yeager didn't make a threat specifically toward a person, so he didn't commit a crime as far as I know, but the sentiment of an unstable trigger happy roid-rager was clear to see. And it wasn't as if he said that he would shoot anyone trying to take his guns, he left off with, "if they move another inch I'm gonna start killing people." I don't know what that means. Do you? Certainly if I heard a heavily armed lunatic say that in any venue, I'm going to contact law enforcement, because I would feel as if someone's life is in imminent danger, wouldn't you?
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I never would have thought there were so many Internet commandos on this forum. The way some of you bad mouth him I would swear you must have caught Yeager slinging it to your wives. If you have never had your shit rattled by a rpk,pkm,or ak47 while sitting in an unarmored car you should probably lay off the coward thing a bit. For example some have said they think exactly what Yeager stated but would never say it, why not, are you a coward? I'm sure your reply to the previous is "No because I'm not an idiot" so I now ask have you ever shot up a car with 7.62x39, well I have and they zip right through so call him a coward for taking cover in a ditch rather than staying behind the giant light skinned lead magnet, I don't think you're much help to your team dead...just saying.

I mean I don't expect everyone to like him but damn,everytime I've seen a coue of you post in any thread mentioning his name you can't seem to help yourself from spewing rediculous BS in your post, and honestly I can't help but to think your manly hood must somehow be threatened by him.
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I never would have thought there were so many Internet commandos on this forum. The way some of you bad mouth him I would swear you must have caught Yeager slinging it to your wives. If you have never had your shit rattled by a rpk,pkm,or ak47 while sitting in an unarmored car you should probably lay off the coward thing a bit.

I've had my sh** rattled more times than Yeager, that is for sure. More or less doesn't really matter though; he is an idiot, and the fact that he played "just the tip" in regards to making threats against the government, then told everyone who told him to tone it down for his own good to f*** you, then suddenly TOOK that advice from a lawyer and is now trying to zap every video of him making that statement off of YouTube.

This clearly defines his cowardly nature. Don't say you're gonna do something, then back down like a little b**ch. he would have been smarter not to say anything at all, but now that he did and can't stand by his statements shows me everything I need to know about that waste of oxygen; he is a coward. Normally I wouldn't second guess anyone's actions under fire, but based on the evidence he has supplied us with, I would be silly to believe he is anything but a coward.

Getting in to a fire fight doesn't suddenly make you a badass, nor does getting injected with HGH and challenging everyone on the internets to an MMA fight. This guy is a cartoon character, and I enjoy the comedic value he holds, but I will be DAMNED if I would accept that he is some kind of combat hero when he has never once raised his hand and took an oath to serve his country while we have so many that do. He does not fall into the same category as our veterans. Edited by TMF
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I never would have thought there were so many Internet commandos on this forum. The way some of you bad mouth him I would swear you must have caught Yeager slinging it to your wives. If you have never had your shit rattled by a rpk,pkm,or ak47 while sitting in an unarmored car you should probably lay off the coward thing a bit. For example some have said they think exactly what Yeager stated but would never say it, why not, are you a coward? I'm sure your reply to the previous is "No because I'm not an idiot" so I now ask have you ever shot up a car with 7.62x39, well I have and they zip right through so call him a coward for taking cover in a ditch rather than staying behind the giant light skinned lead magnet, I don't think you're much help to your team dead...just saying.

I mean I don't expect everyone to like him but damn,everytime I've seen a coue of you post in any thread mentioning his name you can't seem to help yourself from spewing rediculous BS in your post, and honestly I can't help but to think your manly hood must somehow be threatened by him.

As with TMF, getting in a bad situation takes about 3 seconds to seperate the soldiers ( and marines for you purists :p ) from the sissies. Yeager didn't see anything spectacular that any of the rest of us seen in combat except we cared about making sure every set of boots got back home and not just our own. Edited by Sam1
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Great, Yeager is part of lead story on Hard Ball, about "gun crazies".


Yeager and Alex Jones featured as "worst of the worst". Showing end of Jimbo's first vid and part of the Jones rant on Piers show.


On right now.


- OS


I think this is part of the gun grabbers' strategy - showcase the blowhards and present them as being representative of the gun "culture" and as such, very dangerous to the public at large. By doing so, they hope to gain the support they need for their agenda, constitution or no constitution.

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I never would have thought there were so many Internet commandos on this forum. The way some of you bad mouth him I would swear you must have caught Yeager slinging it to your wives. If you have never had your shit rattled by a rpk,pkm,or ak47 while sitting in an unarmored car you should probably lay off the coward thing a bit. For example some have said they think exactly what Yeager stated but would never say it, why not, are you a coward? I'm sure your reply to the previous is "No because I'm not an idiot" so I now ask have you ever shot up a car with 7.62x39, well I have and they zip right through so call him a coward for taking cover in a ditch rather than staying behind the giant light skinned lead magnet, I don't think you're much help to your team dead...just saying.

I mean I don't expect everyone to like him but damn,everytime I've seen a coue of you post in any thread mentioning his name you can't seem to help yourself from spewing rediculous BS in your post, and honestly I can't help but to think your manly hood must somehow be threatened by him.


So... you GetofftheX.com guys have had a chance to rally together, determine if there's a good chance or not of you getting fucked by the government right along with him, and have come out to support your guy and be brave now.



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[quote name="daddyo" post="882540" timestamp="1358001070"]I think this is part of the gun grabbers' strategy - showcase the blowhards and present them as being representative of the gun "culture" and as such, very dangerous to the public at large. [/quote] I think you are 110% right. They have an effective strategy, and we are losing the battle in terms of public perception. Granted, it is easier for them since they control the media, and the parts they don't control still need to get ratings. We don't get the benefit of parading the anti-gun nuts to the American people. The only people that get to see how looney some of those folks are will be folks like us. We need a better strategy. We need the NRA to stop sending so much junk mail and reinvest that money into a working strategy to change public perception. Eddie the Eagle ain't cutting it.
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After watching the video and reading the reports of that "incident" with Yeager, I guess I don't get what everyone is saying, any tactical training course I've ever been to will tell you that a car is NOT cover, get to real cover, and return fire. That's what the video and report show he did.
I would have just driven away , guess that makes me a coward too.
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[quote name="ProjectDexter" post="882624" timestamp="1358007639"]After watching the video and reading the reports of that "incident" with Yeager, I guess I don't get what everyone is saying, any tactical training course I've ever been to will tell you that a car is NOT cover, get to real cover, and return fire. That's what the video and report show he did. I would have just driven away , guess that makes me a coward too.[/quote] I've been to a course or two myself. Vehicles can be used as cover at the wheel wells and engine block. War is not an individual event. I would rather die than leave my buddies behind. Maybe that is stupid, but so long as I have a means to help them survive, I will use it. Perhaps that is what he was doing. Perhaps he assessed the situation and determined the greatest survivability for guys there was to act in the way he did. I don't know and neither does anyone else. However, based on his recent character revelations, my money is on cowardice.
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After watching the video and reading the reports of that "incident" with Yeager, I guess I don't get what everyone is saying, any tactical training course I've ever been to will tell you that a car is NOT cover, get to real cover, and return fire. That's what the video and report show he did.
I would have just driven away , guess that makes me a coward too.


Actually, the AAR basically said he SHOULD have attempted to drive off, and he did, but he screwed up by taking the car out of gear and setting the parking brake. When he freaked and couldn't get the parking brake off, he exited the vehicle, supressed fire for a few seconds, then ran for cover in the ditch. The biggest thing I found in the AAR is they state that he left the cover of the vehicle and retreated to an area where he could not return fire to the enemy. Which means he went and laid down while his guys got shot up and bled out. Despite all that, my biggest issue is the fact that he came home and talked crap about the guys who got killed and basically said their tactics sucked and that's why they died. Even if it's true, that's not something a professional does. Coward? Maybe, maybe not. Arrogant blowhard with an ego the size of Texas? In my opinion, definitely.

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I've been to a course or two myself. Vehicles can be used as cover at the wheel wells and engine block.War is not an individual event. I would rather die than leave my buddies behind. Maybe that is stupid, but so long as I have a means to help them survive, I will use it. Perhaps that is what he was doing. Perhaps he assessed the situation and determined the greatest survivability for guys there was to act in the way he did. I don't know and neither does anyone else. However, based on his recent character revelations, my money is on cowardice.

Lol after recent events, you may be right. I don't know anything about the guy, I just thought the AAR seemed to line up with what happened in the video.
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I think in every one of my posts concerning him, I have never supported him, just his rights. Yep, he probably is an idiot.

And, yep, don't want him representing me, personally, to the public, but in this day and age these choices aren't available

because of the use of the varying sorts of media.


There is an enemy much larger than any individual. It's the one group of positivists wanting to do a fashion makeover of our country.

Unfortunately, there are those like him, for the reasons he stated I can only guess, who respond that way. I would rather see my

time spent trying to get the idelogues who are wrecking the country shut up, rather than waste time worrying about the perception

of Yeager. He could very well be a symptom of a growing problem a lot of folks are not yet willing to admit publicly. 


As far as for him being a coward, TMF, your thoughts make a lot of sense about him and I respect the way you put it. I just think

there are bigger fish to fry than him.

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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="882739" timestamp="1358014240"]   As far as for him being a coward, TMF, your thoughts make a lot of sense about him and I respect the way you put it. I just think there are bigger fish to fry than him.[/quote] Yeah, I'm just pissy because this douche has given the antis ammo. He is actually worse than Peirs Morgan in that respect, because he validates all the reasons why libs think we shouldn't be allowed firearms and Yeager has an army of fanboys lining around the block to polish his dome. The comments and his following aren't lost on the libs, so he has done some damage, and that makes me mad because I already thought he was a douche. Now he is a douche that is harming OUR image.
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That's why I think we will never have a chance in the PR department until we have a chance in the media without the liberal bias.

He's not the only one doing it. Youtube is crammed full of nitwits doing it. He is one of the loudest, though. I sometimes wish

Youtube never existed.

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So... you GetofftheX.com guys have had a chance to rally together, determine if there's a good chance or not of you getting fucked by the government right along with him, and have come out to support your guy and be brave now.




 Nope just dont like hearing him called a coward for the move overseas, when majority of people who call him that, have never been in that situation even if they say they have been. Big difference having pop shots taken at you from 800 meters than having you car instantly get shredded. If people talked crazy about that cop that hid behind his car and begged for his life while he was getting gunned down by the nut with the M1 I would defend him as well.  Not a member of Getoffthex.com,just seen the firefight video with James and think most people who judge it have no clue what they are talking about. Same thing with the steroids, is that even fact,or is it possible he really did get on a better diet and start working out?


 Yeager keeps getting compared to soldiers as well, he wasnt a soldier he was a cop and was definitely lacking the propper training. Soldiers are better trained to deal with situations such as dealing with friendly casualties than leo's imo.


It should be noted I dont think what he did in the video was good move by any means,I personally didnt find anything wrong with it because I always wrote it off as him talking shit,and never thought he would have been popular enough for that video to take off the way it did. I mean there are far worse videos on the net from people I consider to be true tinfoil hat batshit crazy that have never even been given a second look.

Edited by ~48_South~
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..... think most people who judge it have no clue what they are talking about......


If you are referring to me.


You would be Very Wrong.


I can assure you that I have the experience to judge men under fire.


Mr. Yeager fails for his actions after the fight.

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Mr. Yeager fails for his actions after the fight.



I have never called him a coward but I have called him a fool, a tool and probably a few other names but never a coward. And what he did from the fight was over until a few seconds ago has proven he is a fool, tool and idiot. And no matter what happens he will continue to be what he has become.



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If you are referring to me.

You would be Very Wrong.

I can assure you that I have the experience to judge men under fire.

Mr. Yeager fails for his actions after the fight.

Nobody in particular, fact of the matter is tons of soldiers come home and spew out bs battle stories that never happen to try and make themselves look like war heroes (Not referring to anyone here rather some I've met personally)so I'm hesitant to buy into the everyone overseas has experienced this type of combat environment hoopla. The ones that I know personally who have been through the ringer never bring it up,they don't down or diss people that do stupid things in battle,at most they simply say James or whoever made a mistake in the heat of the moment and leave it at that. Now take another marine I know, he would watch the Yeager firefight and call him a p**sy coward and go on to explain how he has been in worse situations and ran over and ninja chopped all the bad guys into submission while he used magic powers and healed all of his wounded team in the process, when in reality he was infact the punk who never saw any real battle and damn near went AWOL before deyployment and and did nothing but cry about how he didn't want to be in Iraq. As a matter of fact most soldiers I know personally that talk the big game are bullsh**ters and I know a bunch so you should understand why I'm more hesitant to just instantly believe what soldiers tell me they have in fact experienced.

Heros are still called heros for a reason,not everyone has it in them to sacrifice themselves in order to protect or save the lives of others. I have the most respect for people of all branches of military and law enforcement and thank God for their services and sacrifices they've made on our countries behalf and on the behalf of people such as myself. However some soldiers tend to give others a bad name and for whatever reason I seem to know more than a handful of those.
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Yes. Besides, there is a big difference between thinking something and saying it... intent or something along those lines. I fantasize about doing some very awful things to the Westboro Baptist Church guy, but if I come out and say, "if he protests one more Soldier funeral I'm gonna kill him", I have entered into a new territory. No, Yeager didn't make a threat specifically toward a person, so he didn't commit a crime as far as I know, but the sentiment of an unstable trigger happy roid-rager was clear to see. And it wasn't as if he said that he would shoot anyone trying to take his guns, he left off with, "if they move another inch I'm gonna start killing people." I don't know what that means. Do you? Certainly if I heard a heavily armed lunatic say that in any venue, I'm going to contact law enforcement, because I would feel as if someone's life is in imminent danger, wouldn't you?

IS there a difference? Yes, but only in the medium chosen.

If I understand correctly, the basis for suspending the HCP was that he was a "danger to the public" but who is truly "dangerous to the public"; the guy who thinks it or the guy who says it?

I would suggest that neither is truly a danger but if either are dangerous then both are and both, then, should lose their HCP; at least they would of the standard was applied equally.


I guess whether I'd feel threatened or call LE would depend on the entirety of the situation but as I've said in other posts; the meaning I took from his statements is not substantially different than I've seen posted on forums, TGO included.

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