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I didn't see this posted anywhere, so please delete if this is a repost


You will have to view the video from one of these sites, since James took the video off his YouTube channel










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I ain't getting involved in that stupidity. Just remember, anything that goes out on the internet in any form, cannot be magically deleted. Not offering legal advice (as I would be incapable of doing so anyways), but threatening to kill people outright like that is not going to end even remotely well

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Guest bkelm18

Ha, OS posted the vid on the EO thread. Too funny. Like I said there, somehow I have a feeling when the shooting starts he'll be curled up in a ditch like a little b**ch. Low blow, but appropriate.


I believe it's called the Tactical Fetal Crouch. The tears are meant to cleanse your eyelids of any dirt so you can survey the battlefield better. Psh. Newb.

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@ Mad4rcn Can honestly say, he is the first person I know that has come out and said something so stupid. A lot of people are upset, but they are intelligent enough not to go out and make a blanket statement threatening the general public. 


Expect this video to be on MSM shortly to add into the crazy people categorization they are trying to label gun owners as. It was completely stupid and irresponsible

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Guest Mad4rcn

@ Mad4rcn Can honestly say, he is the first person I know that has come out and said something so stupid. A lot of people are upset, but they are intelligent enough not to go out and make a blanket statement threatening the general public. 


Expect this video to be on MSM shortly to add into the crazy people categorization they are trying to label gun owners as. It was completely stupid and irresponsible


Yes,I agree.

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  • Administrator

May not be the worst move he can make.


I think the most ironic part is that he posted a video on the 3rd (I think?) declaring his "line in the sand" and then yesterday this video full of awesome declaring that just one more inch taken and he'd start killing people.  And now the retraction.  So basically he erased his line in the sand and told his audience that it was utter bullshit.



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I think the most ironic part is that he posted a video on the 3rd (I think?) declaring his "line in the sand" and then yesterday this video full of awesome declaring that just one more inch taken and he'd start killing people.  And now the retraction.  So basically he erased his line in the sand and told his audience that it was utter bullshit.




I agree that he's shooting himself in the foot. Just a matter of degrees. The "I'm gonna kill people" statement gave lots of ammo to the enemy. So far, I haven't taken him seriously about any of his lines in the sand. That's just more of his style of marketing :)

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[quote name="BimmerFreak" post="880624" timestamp="1357839640"]Well, if they did, it would certainly give him the opportunity to validate that "line in the sand"[/quote] Ha, the only sand he should be worrying about is the sand in his vagina. It seems to make him quite agitated.
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