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Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

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Wish I could find the rest of the show. Had Alan Dershowitz right after, and of course they both made much of Alex as being just the kind of guy who should NOT own guns, not to mention his millions of followers. Then two Kennedys, etc.


Apparently, Jones was a mover behind the Deport Piers petition (or has claimed to be), so he led off with that.


I'm telling you, this was one of the greatest disservices to our side since CT, excerpts are gonna be played to death by the MM.


And Piers knew it, and that's why he had him on.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Yeah, Morgan knew what he was doing when he brought him on there.  Kinda like when O'Reily brought Rosie O'Donnel on his show a long time back, just so she could act like a raving lunatic while he sat back and looked like the sane one.  I guess there are rabid loonies on both sides, but the ones on our "side" need to keep their tin foil crap to a minimum right now while the adults are speaking.

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Alex has the intelligence and research that he could've made that interview epic in a good way, but as usual he started in on the loon stuff and destroyed any hopes.

Especially when he laid into piers for leaving the UK, but piers changed the subject to 9/11 and Alex jumped down that hole without a chute
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Guest 6.8 AR

Okay, so he got spirited, but was he wrong? I'm sure there will be a lot of sound bites taken from the interview, but I

think he was right on just about everything he was allowed to get out. It's really about time someone got a little excited

and started defending the 2nd Amendment, instead of expecting it to just sit around and wait for people like this idiot

Brit to get his way.

You let the liberals control the narrative and you lose. I'm not sorry to say this at all, that Alex Jones actually did a

service when he took the offensive. Maybe it's just me, but I think ridiculing Alex Jones for his spiritedness is becoming

tedious. You guys keep on doing it, all you want, but I'll take him fighting, along with Ted Nugent doing the same. The

liberal is much more dangerous to society than this type of spirit from someone like Alex. There is a lot of fear in this

country. I wish it wasn't the case, but, until we stand up to these bastards who are trying to destroy this country, you

and I will see a lot more soft, and then hard tyranny.


It's just too convenient to blow off Alex Jones. I don't go to his website unless someone posts a link around here. He

says what's on his mind. I'm ready to see more people do the same.


Y'all just keep bashing away. :D

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

6.8 AR, I agree with what you said in your post. Haters of Alex are gonna hate until the truth smacks them in the face, awaken and join the fight. 1776. 

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Okay, so he got spirited, but was he wrong? I'm sure there will be a lot of sound bites taken from the interview, but I
think he was right on just about everything he was allowed to get out. It's really about time someone got a little excited
and started defending the 2nd Amendment, instead of expecting it to just sit around and wait for people like this idiot
Brit to get his way.
You let the liberals control the narrative and you lose. I'm not sorry to say this at all, that Alex Jones actually did a
service when he took the offensive. Maybe it's just me, but I think ridiculing Alex Jones for his spiritedness is becoming
tedious. You guys keep on doing it, all you want, but I'll take him fighting, along with Ted Nugent doing the same. The
liberal is much more dangerous to society than this type of spirit from someone like Alex. There is a lot of fear in this
country. I wish it wasn't the case, but, until we stand up to these bastards who are trying to destroy this country, you
and I will see a lot more soft, and then hard tyranny.
It's just too convenient to blow off Alex Jones. I don't go to his website unless someone posts a link around here. He
says what's on his mind. I'm ready to see more people do the same.
Y'all just keep bashing away. :D

As usual, well said.
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I think he went overboard myself. He really should not have taken the 9/11 bait, that was really bad. Piers definitely knew what he was doing. We all know that Alex Jones makes some good points on his talk shows and is an intelligent man, but we have to also view this interview at face value too. We, as politically involved gun owners, know the truth. We know that the main stream media has cranked up the propaganda machine against gun owners. We may not look at this interview the same as what the average American see's it. You have to remember that the average American likely watches CNN, MSNBC, and the like without a second thought about whether or not those media outlets have an agenda. A huge portion of the population are oblivious to it.

And there is the problem. Millions of Americans will view this interview and likely have the thought that is guy is a nut case that has no business owning a firearm. Piers and his followers are likely hoping that those same viewers start to generalize this perspective onto the average law abiding gun owner.

We need to actively engage the anti-gun lobbyists in this debate, but we also need to be very careful. Words need to be chosen very wisely because the media will always try to take what you say and quote it out of context. Edited by Seabeejason
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6.8 AR, I agree with what you said in your post. Haters of Alex are gonna hate until the truth smacks them in the face, awaken and join the fight. 1776. 


I have no problem with the way he handled the limey douche, until we went full retard with the 911 conspiracy crap. He should have stuck to guns.

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Guest 6.8 AR

His argument could have been a little more finely tuned, but I think Piers, the Brit, was on Valium, also, which some may

think made him appear somewhat sane. What is it going to take to get you guys to understand what's actually going on?

Not you, Mike. Obama will try to make us all mentally incapable just to get our firearms. He will also try an EO. We have

to put the brakes on this assault on our rights. This is getting completely ridiculous.


I can't help but think if more people stood up to these mealy-mouthed fools and hit them head on by destroying their

argument, we are only letting the statist/ commies control the argument. I especially like it when Alex told the Brit that

he will never get our guns, with spirit added.


The time for intelligent calm debate is past. The media won't allow it, by their method of displaying their shows. All they

do is propagandize, anyway. Alex Jones was fine with me when compared to that idiot Brit, who is not an American

citizen. That is something I resent to the hilt. Some damned foreigner trying to advocate against Americans. We screw

up enough without those fools interjecting their nonsense.

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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="878816" timestamp="1357654367"]He says what's on his mind. I'm ready to see more people do the same.   [/quote] Yeah, but when he does it he is effing crazy. There are certainly more intelligent people who can communicate better with the other side without just becoming ammo for the libtards. Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at. I don't believe Alex Jones is so stupid that he doesn't realize he is hurting the image of gun owners. I believe he is so narcissistic that he doesn't care. So he is either incredibly stupid or he is self serving ego maniac. Either way, I don't need him defending my rights. That's like putting out KFC biscuits to defend your bucket of extra crispy from Rosie O'Donnell. Not only is she gonna eat the biscuit, it's just gonna make her more appetized for the whole bucket.
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Guest 6.8 AR

At this point in the game, do you really think our image is going to change in front of the camera? And also, do you see

anyone standing up for your rights, other than the political speech that most have a hard time understanding? I agree

that comparisons can be made to people like Rosie, all day long, but just means there is no platform for the debate to

exist intelligently any more.


The NRA says to put police in public schools. Fine! What about all the compromising that goes on politically, to get a small

gain? What will be compromised away, the next time, which will be in a store near you sooner than you may think. Yes, the

liberals have lost the argument, but they still control the media and enough of our government to cause too much harm without

someone getting a bit spirited in an argument with a coward Brit. Find someone to stand along with him, instead of this tripe

we always do by killing off the messenger. It gets old.


This is late fall for our country and not enough people are standing up to progressive/statist ideology.

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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name="6.8 AR" post="878889" timestamp="1357660739"]At this point in the game, do you really think our image is going to change in front of the camera? And also, do you see anyone standing up for your rights, other than the political speech that most have a hard time understanding? I agree that comparisons can be made to people like Rosie, all day long, but just means there is no platform for the debate to exist intelligently any more.   The NRA says to put police in public schools. Fine! What about all the compromising that goes on politically, to get a small gain? What will be compromised away, the next time, which will be in a store near you sooner than you may think. Yes, the liberals have lost the argument, but they still control the media and enough of our government to cause too much harm without someone getting a bit spirited in an argument with a coward Brit. Find someone to stand along with him, instead of this tripe we always do by killing off the messenger. It gets old.   This is late fall for our country and not enough people are standing up to progressive/statist ideology.[/quote] Well said again.
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Jesse Ventura and Uncle Ted have been far better in their interviews. Jesse's was actually my favorite probably. I think it was right after Aurora that he was on?




If Jesse & Ted can chill out and debate intelligently, then Alex could have.  Unfortunately, Piers handled this perfectly.  Instead of being the raving lunatic he's been over the past few months, he sat back and let Alex look like the unreasonable one.  There is no way in Hades that performance helped our cause in any way.  Fortunately, Piers' ratings suck, so it didn't hurt us too much. 

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Guest 6.8 AR

Alex is well known enough that anybody with a brain will know that he's not our spokesperson. The diehard anti's don't matter.

He's an over the top concerned citizen. :D A little crazy, but I'll take his crazy compared to the crazies on the left. Look

at all the lies people like Shumer has spread. All the liberals keep repeating the same crap to the point of people

actually believing it. Reminds me of Goebbels every time I think of it. And some say history won't repeat itself. 


We're going to see a lot more crazy if or when firearms are taken, or worse, used on someone for some crap law. The

politicians are so well armed by security they will say this with no fear of reprisal and they think we will eventually just

fight against each other. They may be right. That's why I said I would take Jones any day of the week. Someone is

going to have to put their foot down on these commies so we can get back to Honey Boo Boo.

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More people should be "crazy" like that. Why should you act like civilized with regards to the 2nd amendment or any other constitutional right that is being so heavily attacked right now. If Alex wouldn't have done that the way he did, Piers would have done the same thing to him like he did to the last pro gun rights gentleman he had on that show.

Alex is right, and I love it. The head producer came out crying after the 2nd segment and demanded he leave lol.
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