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Get together at Waldens Range

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Location: off of exit 105 on I-24

Waldens Gun Range

1862 Sixteenth Model Rd

Manchester, Tn  37355


Range is open all day Mon-Sat and Sun opens at noon


Date-TBD  Date doesnt matter to me, I live 5 miles away from the range. But we need atleast a 2-week notice to reserve.


Range fee $10/person


Pistol side has no cover and is very muddy this time of year. Wont really dry up till April or so. Rifle side has 300 meter range with a covered area to shoot off a bench, and an uncovered concrete slab beside it. Berms, target stands, and a little steel at 100, 200, and 300 meters. We need atleast 15 people to reserve 1 side for 1 day, or if we have less people they would have to be willing to pay a little more.


Its hit or miss on how many people are there, I have been the only person there and I have showed up and both sides be overcrowded. So to guarantee a place for 10-15 people to shoot I think we would need to reserve the rifle side, in my experience it is more likely to be full than the pistol side.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I had to make a trip out to Cali to visit some family and friends, got the flu, had to attend my aunts funeral out of town, etc., so I just couldn't make it to anything up to this point.

I'm still open for future gatherings, though. :up:
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to warm for you?


He's from Cali. It hardly gets down to 40F at night in SoCal and I've seen temps swing up 30F+ by noon. So it can get cold at night, but in the day when your awake and moving around, it feels like summer in Dec/Nov. :lol:

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 I thought it was going to be a TGO get together, if not then let's do this...

It was but we can't reserve anything if we dont have enough people. Atleast 10 for it to cost $15/person, 15 or more for it to cost $10/person. I will be there Sunday at noon or a little after, thats when it opens on Sun.

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Oh, it was you then. I guess i shouldhave introduced myself. ( green durango) I had my s&w AR, my .22 semi-auto rifle and my 2 pistols with me. We was on the pistolrange and heard the rapid fire of an automatic. I should have come over and watched ( but getting someone into handguns). Maybe next time.

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