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Bank of America Jumping on the Band Wagon

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I don't know why anyone still does business with Bank of America.  It's not just their anti gun stance.  Have they left any shadow of doubt in anyone's mind that they have total disregard for their customers by expecting them to bend over and take anything they dish out?


Seriously.  Why does anyone still do business with Bank of America.


Get your money out of there. 

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They gobbled up my previous creditcard company. Until I get back to work, I'm stuck with this dumb card. I said it in another post, all of my gun related purchases go on this card. Only way I can stick it to them.
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I am glad I walked away from BoA last year. They, as well as their employees, pissed me off on several occassions. We were wanting to refinance our house with them and when it took them over a week to call back we had found a CU to refinance for less. The loan person from BoA got upset that I didn't want to wait.



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I don't know why anyone still does business with Bank of America.  It's not just their anti gun stance.  Have they left any shadow of doubt in anyone's mind that they have total disregard for their customers by expecting them to bend over and take anything they dish out?


Seriously.  Why does anyone still do business with Bank of America.


Get your money out of there. 


THIS  :rolleyes:

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And I believe BOA should not be targeting illegal aliens for credit cards and home loans. BOA is damaging our economy.


The know they will get a bail out.  Seriously when business pick and choose who they want and don't want as a customer it just seems like that would be some form of discrimination but that is only my 2 cents. 


If not discrimination, seems like the business owner would have some legal grounds to sue for lose related to


"So they decided to hold the deposits for further review," he wrote, "meaning that the orders/payments that were coming in through the web" were being held for review by the bank.

because if there was no legal action being taken against the Firearms company then the bank had no reason to freeze the deposits.  Freezing income like that might cause a small business to miss payments on bills and or payroll.

Edited by vontar
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Guest HvyMtl

Well, I do have an actual FREE account there.   They keep trying to charge me for it.  Not my fault their uncustomer service person  attempted to cuss the wrong guy out.


I am looking for a new bank.

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