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Brown Santa...

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My brown santa came this morning with my shipment of the same thing. I have been satisfied over all with cabelas. They have good prices and great shipping time. Ordered and to my door in less than 4 days. I cant wait till they open the store in bristol. Id happily give them my business.
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aka the UPS guy, dropped off these little gems today. No they aren't for sale but I will trade all four of them for a NIB Les Baer TRS. :D

You are trying to rip people off. Those beautiful Baer pistols are worth at least five Pmags.;)
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Speaking of happy deliveries, shortly after Christmas I was digging around online looking for PMR 30 magazines. Like everything else they had become unobtanium. I stopped by the Kel Tec company store on a whim and found them in stock. However, there was also a banner that popped up that said they were on holiday break for a few weeks. I assumed that the inventory system hadn't caught up with orders and they were sold out but I ordered anyhow.


Short story long, two PMR 30 magazines arrived in the mail today! Yay Kel Tec!

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