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TGO David, Why Did You Lock My Thread?

Guest Troubadour Patriot

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Not psychic.. but when you come on to a gun forum and talk nothing but  how bad the.gov is.. something smells funny.. least to me...
 There is a forum for the government haters. I won’t name it here but I would hate to see TGO become anything like that. Threatening armed violence against American citizens is ridiculous.
Anyone else surprised the thread is still open? I would have thought there'd be a blanket of ash on the ground by now.
He got sat in the corner for 14 days.
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You know what. My wife is psychic. She has called every single member to get banned for at least the last 9 months. Not saying you are going to get banned OP but it isn't looking good unless you tone it down a bit when you come back, if you do.




The lottery drawing is 2 days away. Can you have her send me a PM with the winning numbers?  :wave:

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Guest The Dude
Anyone else surprised the thread is still open? I would have thought there'd be a blanket of ash on the ground by now.

Id leave it up so others can read it and see what not to do. Many people dont bother to read the rules prior to posting. I lock it and sticky it as a warning to heed others that may come along and troll.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Dude" data-cid="873373" data-time="1356993339"><p>
Id leave it up so others can read it and see what not to do. </p></blockquote>

That is normally what I do. I have had members be a little upset with me doing it though. I figure leaving it up serves two purposes, first others can see what not to do and second it adds a little sting to the rule violator.

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  • Administrator

Eh, I could have closed the thread but I'm seriously just not a fan of closing threads or heavy-handed moderation.  Sooner or later we'll all get bored with this thread and move on to something else.  Until then, it can entertain us...




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