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TGO David, Why Did You Lock My Thread?

Guest Troubadour Patriot

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Guest Troubadour Patriot

I said NOTHING Illegal or subversive. If loving the law and supporting this country is a crime I do not want to be a part of this community. I'd like to hear why you don't support our views and feel the need to lock us out of a very through provoking discussion. Please explain what the problems are here publicly. Thank you.


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It looks like he did tell you why he locked it:

Guys, you all really need to be careful about what you post on the Internet.   I don't mind you posting links and articles and expressing your concerns, but TGO is not an anti-government website and I'd appreciate it if you would keep the secessionist / anarchist stuff off of our forum.  If the time comes for the citizens to take up arms against our government, God help us.  But until then, we'll work within the law and through the ballot box.


Further, there's no need to belittle or "call out" your fellow members with talk of them being boot-lickers and the like.  There are a lot of people on TGO who have served this country in the armed forces, some of whom who have been injured in the line of duty and who have watched friends, brothers in arms, die for the same.  The person you call to question here may have the same strong feelings you do but isn't willing to put his name on any sort of watch list just to beat his chest for all to see on a forum.


Just something to keep in mind.




It appears that he was stopping the conversation before it went too far down a road that didn't need to be traveled.  It's his forum, thus his rules, and I understand his point.

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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I said NOTHING Illegal or subversive. If loving the law and supporting this country is a crime I do not want to be a part of this community. I'd like to hear why you don't support our views and feel the need to lock us out of a very through provoking discussion. Please explain what the problems are here publicly. Thank you.


The way you have been talking to other members one can only hope that next he locks your account.  I don't know if maybe you are new to forums, but here is a tip in case you are.  No forum out there, be it about guns, cars, or anything else will put up with someone that starts insulting other members, especially if that person is brand new to the forum.  People like that are known as trolls, and you will not find a reputable forum willing to put up with them.

Edited by Will H
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I  aways love it when people come on here and make demands of the guy that keeps this place up and running. Amazing. Don't like the way something went down here? Simple, don't come back. Either way, it does seem you already got an explanation. 


Absolutely, seems to be a growing trend as of late on the site in general.

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David said something a long time ago on another forum he ran.  "Treat this place as an extension of MY home, if there is anything I find wrong with you or how you are treating my guests, you will be escorted out."  Something to that effect.  I always keep that in mind...we aren't entitled to be here...we are here because he let's us...

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  • Administrator

Ugh... I hate breaking out the rules, but dammit we've got so few of them.  :ugh:


14 day vacation issued.  If he's lucky the rebellion won't happen while he's away, otherwise he might miss the whole thing.



TNGunOwners.com Forum Rules
Revised December 7, 2011

1.) You are a guest here.

All members are reminded that they are guests of the forum Owner and should conduct themselves accordingly. No one has a God-given right to be here and all members are expected to follow the rules of the house. This site is not run as a democracy and majority rule does not prevail. If you have a question about or disagree with an action taken by a moderator, discuss it with them in private. Do not debate them in public. If you do not like the answer that you receive, feel free to contact the Owner or an Administrator. Anyone who engages in insubordinate behavior will be removed from the site without question.

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Those SC guys have been creeping in here for the past few months. Some of our members are taking the bait hook, line and sinker. It's one of the reasons that I participate less. I now sit back, read and wonder how far it's going to go. Good job David!
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Those SC guys have been creeping in here for the past few months. Some of our members are taking the bait hook, line and sinker. It's one of the reasons that I participate less. I now sit back, read and wonder how far it's going to go. Good job David!


Some of them might even be from Health and Human Services or Homeland Defense or the alphabets baiting the crazies or lookiing for low hanging fruit. It would be like LEO's joining a Green forum to find the Marijuana growers. It would be something that we might do if it were our gig.

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Some of them might even be from Health and Human Services or Homeland Defense or the alphabets baiting the crazies or lookiing for low hanging fruit. It would be like LEO's joining a Green forum to find the Marijuana growers. It would be something that we might do if it were our gig.

Love the LOW HANGING FRUIT , my wife wondered why I busted out laughing while on the IPad. Edited by Threeeighty
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Some of them might even be from Health and Human Services or Homeland Defense or the alphabets baiting the crazies or lookiing for low hanging fruit. It would be like LEO's joining a Green forum to find the Marijuana growers. It would be something that we might do if it were our gig.


You beat me to it, Dan. This is what I was thinking last night when I was reading the thread.

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