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Man shot when ammo fell out of box

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Well, we didn't need more proof but I just busted this myth this morning. Using 22 stingers, I took my new secret Santa gift, a sling shot and started shooting live ammo at a concrete block. Tried a coup,e dozen times before I got one to pop. Sounded like those paper ball Chinese snapping things you buy for kids. Bullet was on the ground, half the case was blown out. If people are going to make up lies to cover their blunders they should at least make them believable.
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Well, we didn't need more proof but I just busted this myth this morning. Using 22 stingers, I took my new secret Santa gift, a sling shot and started shooting live ammo at a concrete block. Tried a coup,e dozen times before I got one to pop. Sounded like those paper ball Chinese snapping things you buy for kids. Bullet was on the ground, half the case was blown out. If people are going to make up lies to cover their blunders they should at least make them believable.


Mythbusters style, nice!

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Guest Aces&8s

If people are going to make up lies to cover their blunders they should at least make them believable.

If he had been in CA or NY, he could have just said the gun attacked him. "There I was, minding my own business shopping for alfalfa sprouts, when this evil assault Cricket tried to kill me..."
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Well, we didn't need more proof but I just busted this myth this morning. Using 22 stingers, I took my new secret Santa gift, a sling shot and started shooting live ammo at a concrete block. Tried a coup,e dozen times before I got one to pop. Sounded like those paper ball Chinese snapping things you buy for kids. Bullet was on the ground, half the case was blown out. If people are going to make up lies to cover their blunders they should at least make them believable.

Pictures or it didn't happen.

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I can see a round going off.  I cant see it breaking the skin or causing serious harm.  But, the short news did not really say much about the injury --- I would buy a hospital trip was forced upon him even if it just bounced off his skin.  I would buy a minor shrapnel wound from the case as possible.   I doubt the bullet could break the skin or even leave an interesting bruise.   If it hit the eye, maybe minor damage there. 

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Caster" data-cid="870241" data-time="1356668862"><p>
I've hit 22s with a hammer as a kid. Proof God watches out for stupid children. All they ever was ring the heck out of my ears. I used set 30/30 cases in between rocks and shoot at the primers with a 22 as a kid too. Usually the bullet would be within a foot or two of where I stuck it. I'm calling BS too.</p></blockquote>

I did the exact same Thing with some .22 when I was about 6. . I was aiming at a wood pile, hit it every time. But you are correct about god watching over the goofy
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Back on August I was reloading some .38 spl and during the priming process I was having a hard time seating some primers... Long story short I had a delayed primer ignition on a open case in the tray. Scared me to death and it took about 5 min to figure out what had just happened.
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