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Shotgun and Pistol Match - Music City Tactical Shooters

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You will load your shotgun to capacity as directed in the COF.  When you run the shotgun dry, you will transition to the pistol to finish up the stage.  There will not be reloading the shotgun after the first initial start.  This match will be a true two gun transition.


Cardboard will have to be hit with the pistol to count as birdshot will be hard to score.  No slugs accepted due to steel target distance.

Edited by HOGNUT
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Whether it is carried on a single point sling or laid on table, it shall be an empty chamber.  I do not have any perferences either way.


*Note:  If the long gun is slung around and not empty, that is a different discussion. 


This match will be done as a true transition match.  No shotgun reloading will be done. 

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There is no way to setup a decent two gun match on the day of the event and not be extremely exhausted.  With a few core members going to be out this weekend, it will need to be mostly setup tomorrow. 


There is another option:  Cancel the shotgun/pistol match and run an easier setup match like an IDPA classifier.  I am not in favor of that but will make adjustments as necessary.  I will post something no later than 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.

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I hate to miss the classifier but also glad to get to shoot the shotgun match in Feb.
Guys instead of burning through a hundred rounds standing in a line somewhere, come out and shoot this match. You will draw and shoot 13 times with one weak hand start. Move and shoot. And shoot from cover. Shots from 5 yds. out to 20 yds.
You are only competing against yourself and the timer.
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