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NBC David Gregory Violates Federal Gun Laws Live On TV

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Latest word on talk radio is that NBC asked the DC police if they would let them borrow or allow them to have a magazine for the show and they said no. Then he turned around and got one on air any way.


“NBC contacted (the DC Metropolitan Police Department) inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high-capacity magazine is not permissible and their request was denied,” police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump told Politico on Wednesday.




So not only does the ban not work, being specifically told no by the police department doesn't work either. I would be really interested to hear on how his proposed ban would prevent criminals from having them, if "law abiding" people are ignoring legal information directly from the police, then rubbing it in their faces.

Edited by Sam1
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Latest word on talk radio is that NBC asked the DC police if they would let them borrow or allow them to have a magazine for the show and they said no. Then he turned around and got one on air any way.


If this is true, there may be some actual lash back on it








If true then that really no joking should be more then a slap on the wrist.  One thing to make a mistake but to be told it is against the law and then do it anyways just reeks of (I am going to do what I want because I can.)

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Looks to me like Gregory and NBC unwittingly proved that gun control does not work. After all, if you can obtain a firearm or firearm accessory that is banned, doesn't that kinda knock the props out from under your argument?


They did nothing "unwittingly".  Permission was asked of and denied by DC police for their prop.  Gregory and NBC knowingly broke the laws of that jurisdiction.

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They did nothing "unwittingly".  Permission was asked of and denied by DC police for their prop.  Gregory and NBC knowingly broke the laws of that jurisdiction.


Yes, but I don't believe they intended to prove our case for us, hence the use of the adverb "unwittingly".

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really following this story.  I am sure NBC and Gregory will beat the rap and I am interested to see how it plays out.


I am about positive if LaPierre had pulled a standard capacity mag out of his pocket he would have been arrested on air.

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Hindsight is 20/20, but wouldn't that have been great if he called him out on that right on the spot? That would've went down as one of the most epic things on tv.


That's why the NRA needs a newer, younger face. LaPierre never should have let that one get by him. Edited by DaddyO
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If LaPierre had called him on it, the political and media capital would have been expended prematurely, and it would have backfired on the NRA.


Let it cook a few more days, then come to Gregory's defense.  Liberal heads will explode in paradox.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Sam1" data-cid="869424" data-time="1356576286"><p>
Hindsight is 20/20, but wouldn't that have been great if he called him out on that right on the spot? That would've went down as one of the most epic things on tv.</p></blockquote>

That's why the NRA needs a newer, younger face. LaPierre never should have let that one get by him.


I have to admit... I was watching the interview.  It didn't jump out at me either.  I'm not particularly quick-witted, but I am quite a bit younger than LaPierre.  But if it was my job, maybe I'd have caught on quicker.


I'm torn.  Gregory broke the very law that he was arguing FOR against LaPierre.  But, I don't believe that the law is Constitutional.  It's as if he was asking to be locked up, but some of us are asking that he be excused.  I don't know...

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not excused, rather, defended from an unconstitional law (even if he is a hippocrit).  Shows a measure of grace and compassion well above that of the "anti" lobby.  It would divide them and bring them down in flames on this point. Not to mention displaying the NRA's higher level of understanding on the relevant issues.

Edited by R_Bert
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not excused, rather, defended from an unconstitional law (even if he is a hippocrit).  Shows a measure of grace and compassion well above that of the "anti" lobby.  It would divide them and bring them down in flames on this point. Not to mention displaying the NRA's higher level of understanding on the relevant issues.


I'm tending that way. 

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