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When is it going to be OK to sale mags,ammo,and ARs for the going rate?


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I have been watching the prices of everything the last few days and they are high enough that I am thinking about selling some things for the (going rate). I have been buying things for myself for months and months but it seems that some other people need them more than me.


So wondering when it will be ok to sale them locally without all the bad press? If I list them here am I ripping off friends or giving them first crack at them? Do I just need to put them on the auction sights and let them ride?


Thoughts and comments?


PS I think this is going to rough but I have been thinking about it (I hope I am not selling my morals for the almighty $) and I am sure others are as well with the prices so high.

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*shrug* it is your stuff, sell or don't sell it is completely up to you.

Personally I don't buy/sell during bubbles, although it is tempting I would rather trade stuff I no longer want or need for things I do want or need, leaving money completely out of the transaction if possible.

Hopefully this bubble will be short & prices will go back to normal, until then its up to you what you do with your own property.
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[quote name="RichardR" post="865787" timestamp="1356141897"]*shrug* it is your stuff, sell or don't sell it is completely up to you. Personally I don't buy/sell during bubbles, although it is tempting I would rather trade stuff I no longer want or need for things I do want or need, leaving money completely out of the transaction if possible. Hopefully this bubble will be short & prices will go back to normal, until then its up to you what you do with your own property.[/quote] +1. I personally won't be buying or selling at what I consider to be inflated panic prices but nor will I look down upon those that do.
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It does feel like lots of people are taking advantage of a bad situation, but what happens if there is a ban? The prices things are selling for now are only about what half they were during the ban. So they would be a steal of a deal.

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First off please learn the difference between nouns (sale) and verbs (sell). 


Now that my retentiveness is out of the way (I really needed to get that off my chest, it's becoming increasingly annoying), you can do whatever you like with your stuff.  A lot of people are taking advantage of the current climate. If they are willing to pay then so be it, a sucker is born every minute.


Things are only going to get worse and prices will go even higher IMO.  Nothing has been banned, yet.  When mags or whatever are and assuming there is a grandfather clause....oh, brother.

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*shrug* it is your stuff, sell or don't sell it is completely up to you.

Personally I don't buy/sell during bubbles, although it is tempting I would rather trade stuff I no longer want or need for things I do want or need, leaving money completely out of the transaction if possible.

Hopefully this bubble will be short & prices will go back to normal, until then its up to you what you do with your own property.

If you are trading say hi cap mags (possible band items) for a revolver(or other items not on the chopping block) do you base your prices before all the hubub or current prices weather higher or lower? :ugh:

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First off please learn the difference between nouns (sale) and verbs (sell). 


Now that my retentiveness is out of the way (I really needed to get that off my chest, it's becoming increasingly annoying), you can do whatever you like with your stuff.  A lot of people are taking advantage of the current climate. If they are willing to pay then so be it, a sucker is born every minute.


Things are only going to get worse and prices will go even higher IMO.  Nothing has been banned, yet.  When mags or whatever are and assuming there is a grandfather clause....oh, brother.


First off please learn the difference between nouns (sale) and verbs (sell). 


Now that my retentiveness is out of the way (I really needed to get that off my chest, it's becoming increasingly annoying), you can do whatever you like with your stuff.  A lot of people are taking advantage of the current climate. If they are willing to pay then so be it, a sucker is born every minute.


Things are only going to get worse and prices will go even higher IMO.  Nothing has been banned, yet.  When mags or whatever are and assuming there is a grandfather clause....oh, brother.

Its all boating anyway :pleased: 

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I forgot to mention this.  In bubble markets I think the auction is best approach.  Utilizing the auction, you are not gouging.  You have offered a product for sale and are allowing the current market to dictate what your item is worth.  I don't use auctions, nor do I really sell much stuff, but that is what I think about it.

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Something's only worth what someone's willing to pay for it. Personally, I'm not into the whole panic buying/selling routine. Example...is gold really worth $$$$ an ounce or has the market convinced you this shiny mineral is worth it? Is bottled water worth $12 a gallon because they put it into 16oz bottles or has it been marketed that way to make a buck? Were Twinkies really worth $1,000 a pop a few weeks ago? Sell/don't sell, supply/demand...it's all relative anyway. B)

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="swim615" data-cid="865804" data-time="1356142647"><p>
If you are trading say hi cap mags (possible band items) for a revolver(or other items not on the chopping block) do you base your prices before all the hubub or current prices weather higher or lower? :ugh:</p></blockquote>

Well that would have to be determined by the parties involved.

I consider magazines to be "disposable" so I would be very unlikely to pay premium prices for them, regardless of any legislation.
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So here's my take on this...


Something is only over-priced if it is above fair market value.  Right now the market will sustain quite a bit of markup over what it did last week.  If you're really wanting to part with some items that are in high demand right now, you would be silly not to ask the current going rate for them.


It doesn't matter if you are asking a fair price now or three weeks ago, someone out there is going to bitch because they want the best deal possible and feel like you somehow owe it to them to give them that deal.  Don't worry about that.


I would caution you against selling something today that you might not be able to replace again later, though.  Unless you're hurting for cash, I'd sit on those items and see what happens.  It could come to pass that you would end up really, really regretting it later.

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I would caution you against selling something today that you might not be able to replace again later, though.  Unless you're hurting for cash, I'd sit on those items and see what happens.  It could come to pass that you would end up really, really regretting it later.

That is my main thought on all of this.


I have plenty of stuff that I don't have an immediate need for, but I didn't buy it to take up space. If that makes sense.


I can't think of anything I am willing to part with to make a quick buck, at the risk of kicking myself in the future for not having it.

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First off please learn the difference between nouns (sale) and verbs (sell). 

Thanks Garufa, You saved me from bursting a blood vessel.  


To the OP, you're free to ask what you want for an item.  It doesn't bother me at all.  You'll either sell it or not.  It's still a free market.  Supply and demand and all that.  Right now there's more demand than there is supply.  There's no arm twisting involved.  I'm bothered more by those that criticize an asking price.  

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I say sell now those things you can likely buy more of later. Mags will continue to be produced and the retail channel is waiting to be restocked. Magpul and others are still legal and will be working 3 shifts to crank them out as fast as they can. Congress is out until next year at this point. I don't see a sudden rush unless obama and Reid force the issue by tagging a ban onto the fiscal cliff resolution. Another reason there should be a prohibition from omnibus bills!
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I say sell... I personally have no problem with someone taking advantage of a situation. I would also say that magpul will probably over produce over the coming weeks to catch up with demand and prices will return to normal if there becomes a surplus. I don't think the panic will last too much longer.
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I say sell... I personally have no problem with someone taking advantage of a situation. I would also say that magpul will probably over produce over the coming weeks to catch up with demand and prices will return to normal if there becomes a surplus. I don't think the panic will last too much longer.


This is what I am hopping for as well. My work and cash flow is much better in the spring. So if there is a huge surplus of stuff and prices fall then I am really going to stock up :pleased:

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With all this panic buying, you might think some people would learn a lesson from it. But, I'm not a teacher. :D

Look at all that hanging on for a buck or two more, just a short while ago, did. Now, anyone caught in the scare

should be considering what "reasonable" really means.

Times are not reasonable any more.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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With all this panic buying, you might think some people would learn a lesson from it. But, I'm not a teacher. :D

Look at all that hanging on for a buck or two more, just a short while ago, did. Now, anyone caught in the scare

should be considering what "reasonable" really means.

Times are not reasonable any more.


Yup.  Two weeks ago we were all "tinfoil"... how about now? (rhetorical question, for those tempted to answer)

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