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Guns are'nt dangerous. Frozen Gas Injecting Knives? Maybe...


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This weapon injects a frozen ball of compressed gas approximately the size of a basketball at 850psi nearly instantly. The effects of this injection will drop many of the world's largest land predators.

Here sharky, sharky, sharky...

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Did anybody else picture Rambo using one of these as soon as they saw it?

Haha, I actually considered posting two pics. One w/ a traditional combat knife and the caption "Rambo Knife", another pic of the Wasp Knife, captioned: "Rambo Knife on Crack, Steroids, and Acid".

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It is only a matter of time before we see some sort of emotional article about people wild pig hunting with these things.

I believe that they are really on to something!!! If it catches on they could make the canisters filled with "flavors" like cajun spice or apples/cinnamon. The additional marinade time would really bring out the flavor of the meat.

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It is only a matter of time before we see some sort of emotional article about people wild pig hunting with these things.

I believe that they are really on to something!!! If it catches on they could make the canisters filled with "flavors" like cajun spice or apples/cinnamon. The additional marinade time would really bring out the flavor of the meat.

Either that or some idiot will mess himself or someone else up with one and we'll be needing background checks and permits for knives too...

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  • 2 years later...
From their website "WASP Injection Systems, Inc. does not condone the killing of innocent creatures"

REALLY? You make a knife that BLOWS UP CRAP and you don't condone the killing of innocent creatures?

Pompus buttheads...I'll stick with Zombie Tools | Weapons Catalog | Zombie-Killing Machetes, Swords, Blades

I bet the WASP will be more effective on Zombies than the knives made by Zombietools, I will record in HD footage of me blowing them up the day they invade :P

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez
From their website "WASP Injection Systems, Inc. does not condone the killing of innocent creatures"

REALLY? You make a knife that BLOWS UP CRAP and you don't condone the killing of innocent creatures?

Pompus buttheads...I'll stick with Zombie Tools | Weapons Catalog | Zombie-Killing Machetes, Swords, Blades

I think they key word is "innocent." Honest, officer, that bunny was coming right at me. I had to defend myself! Haven't you seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?!

For reals, though, if you have to use that sucker on a shark, the shark probably had it coming. Ditto for a bear, etc. You wouldn't find me that close to either of them by choice.

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From their website "WASP Injection Systems, Inc. does not condone the killing of innocent creatures"

REALLY? You make a knife that BLOWS UP CRAP and you don't condone the killing of innocent creatures?

Pompus buttheads...

There are no innocent watermelons or pumpkins.

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Guest tommy62
Did anybody else picture Rambo using one of these as soon as they saw it?

Chuck Norris doesn't need one. He uses his mind.

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