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Where are all of the pro- gun voices?

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I'm curious as to what you guys think-


Since last Friday, I've not seen or heard anything from the NRA, and very little from any pro-gun congressmen(women) or Senators.


I've seen several news outlets who have aired gun control advocates en masse, but they can't seem to find any pro-gun people to interview-  they all seem to be declining.


What's up with this?  Why the silence?  It's weirldly conspicuous.


Do you think they are trying to be more 'classy' by not jumping on the topic while the tragedy is still so fresh and on-going, or is there another reason?


Someone has to say something at some point-  can't just get beat up in absentia, right?


I just find it curious.......

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Let me assure you, their reasoning isn't for trying to be "classy".  If they thought they could win the discussion right now, they would be out there. They know they are outnumbered by all of the emotional responses and it would be in great detriment to try and give reasons why their views are correct.

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Guest TNSovereignty

The best pro-gun voice is ... us.  I think the NRA, GOA, etc do a great job but right now they should stay off the news ... NOT the right timing to defend our battle rifles when victims' families are still burying their children.  Actually, keeping the gun lobby off the airwaves right now is the classiest move they could possibly make.  In the meantime we should all be making a difference around the watercooler, over a beer, at church, ball games, etc.  Our neighbors need to know that the gun culture is us ... regular joes who work hard, pay taxes, and responsibly use their weapons to deter reckless violence in our community.  

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Everyone is too emotional to have a rational discussion now. It's better to wait until more time passes and more facts come out. For example, nearly every mass shooter has been taking prescription drugs that can have violent side effects.  The Aurora shooter was taking Vicodin. Eventually, we'll learn that this kid was also on some mood altering drug. Read about it here.



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Because none of them can currently come up with a reasonable explanation of why "high capacity assault clips" and weapons actually have a "sporting purpose" without absolutely being torn to shreds.


And unfortunately, we can't really assert the ultimate reason that effective offensive weapons should always be available as per the Constitution.


Have not heard one person state that, and probably won't mainstream, as the majority of the country now sees that view as lunatic anarchist crazy talk.


- OS

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The best pro-gun voice is ... us.  I think the NRA, GOA, etc do a great job but right now they should stay off the news ... NOT the right timing to defend our battle rifles when victims' families are still burying their children.  Actually, keeping the gun lobby off the airwaves right now is the classiest move they could possibly make.  In the meantime we should all be making a difference around the watercooler, over a beer, at church, ball games, etc.  Our neighbors need to know that the gun culture is us ... regular joes who work hard, pay taxes, and responsibly use their weapons to deter reckless violence in our community.  

Good advice. I have been quietly trying to convince others, who are wavering on the issue, of the uselessness of gun control legislation when it comes to the sort of safety many desire and that it, in fact, does qquite the opposite. I get through to some and not to others. We'll see.

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Guest bkelm18

And unfortunately, we can't really assert the ultimate reason that effective offensive weapons should always be available as per the Constitution.


Have not heard one person state that, and probably won't mainstream, as the majority of the country now sees that view as lunatic anarchist crazy talk.


- OS


I've wanted to explain to a couple people that our right to own such weapons isn't just because they're cool, but because the true purpose of the 2A almost necessitates that type of weapon... but I figured that someone who wets their pants at the mention of the words "assault rifle" isn't going to respond well to the suggestion of insurrection.

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I don't much care if the NRA or GOA is speaking out in public as long as they're running rough shot over any Republicans in the House who even think about supporting gun control....


It's very unlikely that the Senate can get 60 votes for gun control, but the real firewall is the house...  We just have to remind representative that if they pass gun control, and there is a government left in 2014 they will be out of a job for life.

Edited by JayC
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I've wanted to explain to a couple people that our right to own such weapons isn't just because they're cool, but because the true purpose of the 2A almost necessitates that type of weapon... but I figured that someone who wets their pants at the mention of the words "assault rifle" isn't going to respond well to the suggestion of insurrection.

I've been taking a different tac...  I ask them to see what even one of those police officers are carrying everyday, Glock's and AR's...  They are some of the best firearms on the planet to protect yourself from a threat, so why should we have the same ability to protect ourselves as the police have?


So far so good.

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Some MSNBC twit was blowing off at the mouth last night about how the NRA was refusing to respond to them.  This was just after he interviewed Mayor Bloomberg.  I think the NRA and others are being very smart right now.  They are showing respect for the families by not taking the bait from the media trash employed by NBC, ABC, and others.  


I have no doubt that the pro 2nd Amendment government officials and NRA are preparing for a massive offensive.  I also think the manufactures of AR-15's should file a law-suit against the media outlets for falsely claiming that AR's are "assault rifles".  

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The NRA has never been one to jump out right after a tragedy. A lot of it is out of respect. You can bet your bottom dollar there's a bunch going on behind the scenes.


I haven't sent in a donation to the NRA in awhile. I think it's a good time. I've even thought about handing out memberships for Christmas presents this year.

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The NRA has never been one to jump out right after a tragedy. A lot of it is out of respect. You can bet your bottom dollar there's a bunch going on behind the scenes.


I haven't sent in a donation to the NRA in awhile. I think it's a good time. I've even thought about handing out memberships for Christmas presents this year.


That's a great idea!

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Everybody else is screaming and yelling and wailing and foaming at the mouth. The NRA is wise to not waste their breath and to let everybody else vent their spleen and make fools of themselves for a while. When everybody settles down and moves onto the next feeeeeelings story, the adults can come out with more sensible points. Right now it would be like pissing into the wind.

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That's a great idea!

That or.....





A professor of history turned to Twitter over the weekend to call for the death of National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre, branding the gun rights group he heads as a terrorist organization.

“[I] want Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick,” Erik Loomis, a professor at the University of Rhode Island (URI), tweeted.

It “looks like the National Rifle Association has murdered some more children,” he added.”

Can [we] define NRA membership as dues contributing to a terrorist organization?” he  asked in a separate tweet.

Loomis’ comments come on the heels of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which left 20 young children and six faculty members dead.



Edited by kieefer
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Say Uncle blog reports hearing that they were on alert due to threats to staff from protesters.

 Threats and intimidation coming from the left-wing-democratic crowd. It wouldn't surprise me if BHO adds to it and spews his form of rhetoric on national TV.


This just is not right.  :censored:

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