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Press release from school


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Here is a press release from my sons school that just came out tonight. I was OK with all of it until the end, 2nd to last topic.


That's a pretty nebulous claim. In the context of the school maybe but that's a pretty broad statement.


Interested in comments on this.





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I see where your coming from, but taken in context I see no problem with it. If a school kid knows another school kid has a gun they should tell someone. That's just basic Eddy Eagle stuff. Likewise, if a child sees a gun on campus they should alert someone. Don't see the problem when taken into contexts?
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Yeah ... Its a bit broad, but then again, you have to remember 90% of parents don't raise children to handle/treat firearms with respect.


I plan to raise my son shooting firearms.  Teaching him to treat every firearm as loaded, and should one get left out, run & tell daddy.  If all parents did this, we'd see a lot fewer accidents involving children & firearms :)

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I guess there's a rash of juvenile violence in Sumner County, also? Calm the public, yeh. I guess the boss

had to do something, didn't he? Don't get me wrong on this, but this event happened about a thousand miles

from here and if the Sumner County, or Montgomery County(my area) isn't on top of their kids, writing a letter

to calm the public or whatever, isn't much to write about. You don't have to publicize to be proactive.

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Guest Mad4rcn

I see where your coming from, but taken in context I see no problem with it. If a school kid knows another school kid has a gun they should tell someone. That's just basic Eddy Eagle stuff. Likewise, if a child sees a gun on campus they should alert someone. Don't see the problem when taken into contexts?


I take it as one student seeing another student.

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It's the slippery slope of, "Jimmy's Dad has guns at home" kind of potential comments I was thinking about.

Yea, I can easily see that happening.

Then Dad gets a call from the school to determine if all the guns are properly secured, and it's not proper for kids to be around guns, and you're a bad parent...
Edited by Trekbike
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[quote name="Trekbike" post="861632" time="1355710574"]Yea, I can easily see that happening. Then Dad gets a call from the school to determine if all the guns are properly secured, and it's not proper for kids to be around guns, and you're a bad parent...[/quote] I can see a whole lot of "none of your business" happening after that.
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Little up date from my sons school today. He came home from school and said they discussed it at length and did mock drills to prepare.


He said they went into the locker room and they said, "if you hear shooting, you could hide in a locker to protect yourself from gunfire".


And my son said, "uhm, no it won't".


He's shot enough .223 to know better. Might be a good place to hide, however.


As a result, now you have to be buzzed in to get into the school which I think is a good thing.

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My kids go to Sumner too. I didn't get this, my son probably lost it...

I understand why this was sent home, but I feel it is the parents job to speak to their kids.  I certainly don't need Dr. Doofus telling me how to talk to my kids. 

I do have nieces in Westmoreland schools, and they are already having visitors "buzz" in.  While I do think this can be a deterrent, I also believe a determined criminal will not be affected by these steps. 

It is a sad day when our schools are no longer safe.

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[quote name="Tempest455" post="862216" time="1355791997"]Little up date from my sons school today. He came home from school and said they discussed it at length and did mock drills to prepare.   He said they went into the locker room and they said, "if you hear shooting, you could hide in a locker to protect yourself from gunfire".   And my son said, "uhm, no it won't".   He's shot enough .223 to know better. Might be a good place to hide, however.   As a result, now you have to be buzzed in to get into the school which I think is a good thing.[/quote] Didn't you know, they are building school lockers out of the same bomb proof material as the school desks of the 50's and 60's?
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My kids go to Sumner too. I didn't get this, my son probably lost it...

I understand why this was sent home, but I feel it is the parents job to speak to their kids.  I certainly don't need Dr. Doofus telling me how to talk to my kids. 

I do have nieces in Westmoreland schools, and they are already having visitors "buzz" in.  While I do think this can be a deterrent, I also believe a determined criminal will not be affected by these steps. 

It is a sad day when our schools are no longer safe.

That sure didn't slow Lanza down much.

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I see where your coming from, but taken in context I see no problem with it. If a school kid knows another school kid has a gun they should tell someone. That's just basic Eddy Eagle stuff. Likewise, if a child sees a gun on campus they should alert someone. Don't see the problem when taken into contexts?

That's the way I'm taking it too. At least it doesn't appear your school is reacting on feelings and emotion but thought it through.

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Its confusing... a mishmash of a letter to parents telling them what to say then the strange stay away from guns line ---- is that for the adults?  Or is it a warning to keep kids away from guns (which should be unsupervised access only)??  


Also the blanket statement that violence does not solve problems.  This is simply untrue.  If someone is raping you, and you blow their head off, the problem is solved.   While it is regrettable,  some problems can ONLY be solved by violence.  

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Its confusing... a mishmash of a letter to parents telling them what to say then the strange stay away from guns line ---- is that for the adults?  Or is it a warning to keep kids away from guns (which should be unsupervised access only)??  


Also the blanket statement that violence does not solve problems.  This is simply untrue.  If someone is raping you, and you blow their head off, the problem is solved.   While it is regrettable,  some problems can ONLY be solved by violence.  

Look what is being taught in 99% of public schools on "conflict resolution"!


Your on the play ground getting beat up by the school bully, and if you defend yourself at all you're as guilty as the bully and get suspended / expelled. You're suppose to run away and cry to a teacher or administrator.


That's how all these alternative schools come about, no monster left behind.

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Your on the play ground getting beat up by the school bully, and if you defend yourself at all you're as guilty as the bully and get suspended / expelled. You're suppose to run away and cry to a teacher or administrator.

Yep. I told my son if someone is messing with him, tell the teacher.. BUT: If someone puts their hands on you, break their hands and they will not do it again.

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I don't disagree with what it says about notifying an adult if you see a gun. I have a story that I will attempt to keep as clear as possible. One time my brother and myself were at my Aunt's house. I was probably 12 or so at the time. My Aunt was watching me, my brother, and my 2nd cousin that day. My 2nd cousin was probably 6 at the time. Another one of the cousins was a reserve/volunteer police officer at the time, and often stayed with his mom (my aunt).  Well that day we we three (myself, brother, and 2nd cousin) were in their side room playing with some things. I noticed that there was a holstered gun on the desk. My 2nd cousin saw it and wanted to play with it. He thought it was a toy/unloaded because he had never really been around guns and his father never really taught him the basics of safety. 


You'd better believe I told my aunt about it in a hurry! In my viewpoint, this is the sort of situation that this press release is talking about. Unfortunately, there are many students out there who are as alien to guns as aliens are to us! It could have been worded better, but then again I'm afraid that within a few decades "Tell an adult if you know someone has a gun" will turn into "Tell a police officer if you know someone who owns a gun". In its current form it doesn't bother me, it could save many students lives. 


What I have a problem with are schools' "Zero Tolerance" policy for violence as stated above. We were told that if someone was beating on you, after (I believe) three hits you could defend yourself and you not be considered guilty. But that was a few years ago and I am sure it has changed for the worse.

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