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Custom knife giveaway

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Always wanted a custom knife, but can't afford to have one made? How about I give you one free. Heres how the competition works. Write an essay in the soon to be posted thread. Nothing crazy just 1-3 well thought out paragraphs. Describe the knife you'd have made, why, and what you would use it for. Write the essay by Jan. 1st and then the members here will have a week to vote on their favorite one. If you win the knife, you'll then send me a detailed description or picture, and I will do my best to replicated it. After you receive the knife, I only ask for an honest review in a resonable time. Post here if your in and get those essays rolling.

This is my way of giving back, since I can't afford to buy anyone memberships.

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Well, I am not shy so I'll go first.


I have always thought about having a Gurkha kukri-style blade. I remember seeing my first picture of one back when I was in the 2nd Armored Division in 88-89. There was another private on our FIST-V that was as gung-ho as me. We would always discuss weapons, tactics and history.

It seems like those kukri knives would be great not only for hacking through a jungle, but also as a self-defense weapon. Just the look of it would intimidate your opponent.

In terms of why I would like one for myself, I think it would be the perfect blade for the outside of my "Oh Shit/G.O.O.D." bag. Keeping it within reach, I would have a nice back up weapon while on the move with my family. (Assuming something happens, of course, that makes us ex-fil out of the house)

I have seen cheap versions in stores previously, but nothing that I would bet my life on. To have a well-made, solid piece of steel in my hand that I had confidence in, would be a good thing for sure.

Sorry if the "essay" isn't the best, but it is honest.


Great little contest, and cool giveaway, Spots!

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If you want to do a give-away just ask folks to reply to you privately, put their names in a hat and draw one. This thread as designed is going to become nothing more than guerilla marketing and we've already discussed that.

This was designed to be a fun Way to do a christmas giveaway for fun. I havent advertised anything but free classes in awhile. Jack dont worry bout the story. You replied first you get it. Somebody lock this
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If you want to do a give-away just ask folks to reply to you privately, put their names in a hat and draw one. This thread as designed is going to become nothing more than guerilla marketing and we've already discussed that.



I respectfully disagree. I think it's a cool way to get people discussing Spots passion. It doesn't seem like it's a marketing thing, as much as a community involvement in knife making.

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  • Administrator

Closing thread.  The reasons for this are best stated here:




[quote]We realize that some folks may make holsters, tumble brass, fabricate knives, refinish firearms or provide other services as a sideline business. A pro-hobby if you will. However, once they engage in marketing that on TGO they simply do need to become a Vendor as they are competing [unfairly] in a space that our Vendors have the special privilege of operating within.[/quote]


We have Vendors who make the very existence of TGO possible.  We are too big of a forum to operate without their support.  If someone wants to engage in something that for all practical sakes appears to be advertising (if it looks, walks and quacks like a duck...) then they are operating in that space whether they intend to or not.


Spots, no more threads like this.  If you want to share your knowledge, do so without strings attached or without the appearance of advertising.  I'm sure the members will appreciate it.  But if you want to advertise, the other Vendors would appreciate you playing by the same rules they do.

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