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Portland shooting

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Y'all mind if an old fart interjects his opinion?


Back in my day, we still had TV and the published newspaper with fair and balanced reporting at that time. All major news stories were eventually reported, albeit not as fast as today's technological instant coverage. Murder and heinous crimes have been committed throughout all of U.S. history, no one would argue that fact.


But, back in the day (1952 - 1965), it was a rare occurrence to hear and read of such monstrous acts, though they did occur on rare occasions. These days the atrocities continue to increase in frequency and body count. I don't need to quote government statistics to realize that fact, it should be common knowledge to senior citizens, parents and grand parents.


I won't bore anyone with my Biblical views of the problem but, who would disagree the problems with humanity are getting worse by the year?


There is black and white, up and down, left and right, good and evil, total opposites IMHO. When our government legislates a change in our moral history, and by law, legislates evil as acceptable and a protected class, and good is subjugated into submission... Houston, we have a problem!


As a nation and people, we are not advancing to Utopia and the promised land, we are devolving into a cesspool. Knowledge is increasing expotentually and wisdom is as common as "common sense".


Look at the values and morals your beloved grandparents and great-grandparents had and compare them to today. Any change? Does our generation despise our forefathers so much as to destroy our traditional values and spit in their face and think they were stupid and old time?


What's changed to create this mess since my up bringing in the 50's?


Internet porn, the Internet in general, violent video games, Hollywood, FCC restrictions lifted on smut and violence on free TV, welfare, one parent families, hundreds of thousands of gang members, rap and violent music, borders unprotected, going to war where we have no business, liberals, separation of church and state, abortion on demand, public school liberal indoctrination, liberal college and universities, rewards for not working, drug use out of control, every one's a victim and protected class, no one should be responsible or accountable, NAFTA, GATT, NATO, WTO, UN, World Bank, on and on and on...


No wonder we're in the predicament we're in today with no natural compassion or respect for life. And our former and current government representatives are a reflection of the "peoples will" and created what we are now experiencing. And folks, it's not going to get any better!


I myself don't intend to be force fed anything that detracts from what made this nation great and "one nation under God".



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Yep things were so great in the 50's that the active duty Soldiers had to escort kids to school to keep them safe.  It is also worth noting that there is not much difference in the homicide rate from the 1950's than there is today.  I would say that some of the perceived increase in violence comes from the ability to immediately see news from all over.    I do agree though that mass murders are more common today than they were in the 50's and 60's.    what i think is interesting that the numbers indicate is that if mass killings have increased and the per capita murder rate is about the same now that would indicate per capita there are less murderers now than there were in the 50's. 

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