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Tea Party Is ....

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... being absorbed by the GOP, just as I have always predicted.

Boehner has morphed from a cop out to full thug, along with the rest of his steering committee. They make a list and check it twice, better not be naughty but nice, toe the official party line or you get whacked.



He's gonna give away more of the farm to "fix the cliff", too. And there won't be a buck less spent in coming year, and not a dime put toward principal of the national debt.

- OS Edited by Oh Shoot
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Sadly, not surprised.

There is a need for multiple parties. A critical need, as those who are not towing the party line, on either side of the isle, get kicked to the curb. It puts party over country. Look at where it got us, so far. . .
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Not sure how this equates to the GOP "absorbing" the Tea Party.

The "Tea Party" isn't one person or one group of elected Congressmen/Senators...it's a movement of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of individual people who agree on certain basic and central principles such as small government, low taxes and not spending money you don't have. Removing four congressmen from committee leadership can't kill the Tea Party nor erase the ideals the brought people together.

The GOP is in its death throws. The structure of a party is needed for any number of administrative needs but the more power that the Republican power structure tries to control the less relevant it becomes overall...most of the "Republicans" I know (and at nearly 60 years old I know quite a few) who hold to similar principles as I do no longer identify themselves as "Republicans" at all and I only see that continuing with moves like this.

In other words, I think the ideals that brought people together under the "Tea Party" banner are alive and will continue to be so no matter what the GOP power brokers do - the 2010 crop of "Tea Party" Representatives are just as committed to those ideals as they ever have been.
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Guest cardcutter
The Tea Party needs to absorb the GOP. The voters need to keep sendind the message of conservitisim to the party by voting out the moderates and getting more conservitives ellected. When the majority of the GOP are tea party members we will start to get the change we need.

I personaly don't care for third parties or multiple parties. Look at other nations who have gone that way. They are not doing so hot. Edited by cardcutter
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Republican National leadership is running scared. They cannot accomplish anything except by doing one of two things; either throw in with the Democrats, or the Tea Party. Either way, the national leadership is made ineffective.

Here in TN, the Republicans are feeling large and in-charge. But, once again, they are feeling the pressure from true conservative groups and the Tea Party. I expect that in another 18 months we will see several more of the current Republican leadership lose primary races.

That's how politics works. You have to keep beating on them until eventually they start seeing the light, or you can fire their butts.
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Guest cardcutter
"That's how politics works. You have to keep beating on them until eventually they start seeing the light, or you can fire their butts. "
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Edited by cardcutter
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[quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354687417' post='855153']
Not sure how this equates to the GOP "absorbing" the Tea Party.


The neutralized reps were Tea Party supported candidates.

- OS Edited by Oh Shoot
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[quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354742709' post='855384']
The neutralized reps were Tea Party supported candidates.

- OS
[/quote]If you'll allow me to be a presumptuous elitist; I think you missed my point. ;)

These "Tea Party" Republicans have lost some power and are being "punished" for not playing nice with the party elite but they still get to vote and speak out about their ideals and values and ideals which is what the Tea Party is really all about.

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Taking them out of committees to punish them isn't hurting the Tea Party one bit. It will probably help us in the long run
because, like Robert said, the Republican Party is dying, close to getting short of breath. Boehner is making his party
worse by doing it. Fine with me. And I called myself a Republican.

Of course you knew that. :D

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[quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354743078' post='855386']
If you'll allow me to be a presumptuous elitist; I think you missed my point. ;)

These "Tea Party" Republicans have lost some power and are being "punished" for not playing nice with the party elite but they still get to vote and speak out about their ideals and values and ideals which is what the Tea Party is really all about.

Nonetheless, they are being "diluted" by the GOP, and have less decision making power. Committees are "where it's at" in all legislatures. Anything that doesn't get out of committee can't affect change.

And of course, the real power is wielded during elections, so the "naughty" list will get no GOP support, and indeed likely will be sabotaged behind the scenes every two years.

I've maintained since its inception that the Tea "Party" will have to become an [i]actual[/i] third Party to affect real change. The GOP, even if it becomes only the "loyal opposition" for the next 20 years or more, will not be changed by true conservatives.

- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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[quote name='Oh Shoot' timestamp='1354743593' post='855392']
Nonetheless, they are being "diluted" by the GOP, and have less decision making power. Committees are "where it's at" in all legislatures. Anything that doesn't get out of committee can't affect change.

And of course, the real power is wielded during elections, so the "naughty" list will get no GOP support, and indeed likely will be sabotaged behind the scenes every two years.

I've maintained since its inception that the Tea "Party" will have to become an [i]actual[/i] third Party to affect real change. The GOP, even if it becomes only the "loyal opposition" for the next 20 years or more, will not be changed by true conservatives.

- OS
[/quote]I've been consistently opposed to the Tea Party becoming another actual political party but I am starting to think that doing so may be the only way to effect real change and save the country.

That's assuming, of course, there is anything left to save...with the country's present spending and debt I don't think we have a lot of time left.
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With the Republican Party "diluting" as you say, Mac., they are hurting themselves. The Tea Party can't be hurt
by the Republicans, only helped. Tea Partiers are not the loyal opposition types. With stunts like what Boehner is
pulling, it will only strengthen the Tea Party. There may be a lot of primary-ing going on next election. I wish
Boehner's seat wold get a primary Tea Party candidate. He needs to go.
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The Tea Party plays by rules based in ethics. That's why we will never win. The liberals have an agenda and are willing to do what ever it takes to achieve their goals. If that means they come off as the bad guys or hypocritical, so be it. The winner gets to write the history books. This is war boys and girls and all we do is yell while the liberals are taking action. If we don't start taking a more aggressive approach, we deserve what we get.
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Last time I voted there was no "Tea Party" candidate on the ballot. They were assimilated by the Republicans shortly after the movement started.

Regardless, it will take years to change the GOP structure and leadership to the point those idiots realize that ramming arcane social issues down people's throats is not going to win any more significant elections. For conservatives to ever have another voice in national government the Republican party as we know it must die and be totally revamped. Phoenix from the ashes if you will.

Am I missing something? Edited by Garufa
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Garufa said it, burn it to the ground clear away what's left and start over. The quicker the better
Putting the big O back in only makes it come more quickly.

Its going to require that the repubs. remain lost in the desert before they come around, let's just hope it doesn't take 40 years.
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The liberals want to raise taxes anyway, so the cowards like Boehner should push to reduce middle class
taxes on the entire middle class and leave the other rates alone as a gift for Obama to spit out, but they are
like Isaid:cowards!

The Republican Party is about to commit suicide and will not do that. Something will rise out of the Tea Party
and will replace it, whether or not this so-called fiscal cliff is even there. We are in so much debt, we should
have had this problem dealt with a long time ago, but both sides have been kicking that can a long time. The
only ones in the House who have those size balls are the conservatives who have been kicked off their
committee seats for punishment.

The Republican Party is dying right before us and a new one will come soon. Boehner can go to Hell! Edited by 6.8 AR
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The Republican Party is trying to stay in the middle of the road, even as the population moves more and more to the sides. They actively pushed conservatives away this election cycle. Small wonder that they lost. Being the lesser of two evils does not win elections.
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Guest cardcutter
Every time the GOP wins big it is because they go conservitive! Reagan in 80 & 84, Newt and the republican revolution of 94. The tea party in 2010.
Thye loose big when they back off those core principles .You would think they would learn from their own past.

I know it is going to get much worse before it gets any better. I just hate to see it. As is it will take genarations to rid ourselves of what obama has already done to us.
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