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Jason Whitlock...NRA likened to KKK

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I'm speechless, sure the comparison is ridiculous but I thought that I would pass this along as I believe that it is important to know what the opposition is saying about us.

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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1354663266' post='854961']Another writer for FOX Sports wrote a rebuttal of sorts against Whitlock's hackery

That is an excellent article.
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Jason Whitlock is a childish hack with no notion of what principles this country wuz founded on or anything else for that matter. I think it is hilarious that a son of perdition like Whitlock would presume to lecture anyone about anything; much less call them names and attempt to draw comparisons on any subject
The real "kkk" characters in this story are the socialist political elites who have enslaved the black and poor commuities by tellin them they dont need men, sellin 'em dope, and keepin them on the dole. The "worshipers" and users of the sports world who have elevated these thugs to godlike status and provided cover for their irresponsible actions; and the appologisers who say "its too hard to be a star". I say:"...let 'em reap the harvest". No one with a sintilla of intellect is goin to believe his jiberish anyway.

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Guest cardcutter
"No one with a sintilla of intellect is goin to believe his jiberish anyway."
Unfortunately a lrge number of people do believe exactly this.
Read the replys to the second article and you will see how they think
I weep for the future of our nation! Edited by cardcutter
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