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Remembering Misty Mickle (Redhead 1911) ... February 10, 1985 - May 23, 2008

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I did not realize I had been away from the forum this long, but I saw this for the first time just now.

Eddie, I am truly sorry for your loss. My eyes teared up in reading this just now. I have not suffered this loss, I only came close. I know there is nothing anyone can say to make this better, but just know that we all want to do just that.

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  • 8 months later...
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Guest Bronker

Its always good to take a moment to count your blessings in life. Billy Graham once said that "we don't know what our future holds, but we know who holds our future." On this planet, I fear no man. I fear no circumstance. The only thing I fear in life, is living on with the loss of my wife or a child. My heart aches for Eddie and David, and others who have dealt with this type of loss. Hopefully they know the same Father that I know, who is for sure the only one who can give real peace.

I never knew Misty, but I've heard tell she was a fine person.

Your blessings, count 'em boys.

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Its always good to take a moment to count your blessings in life. Billy Graham once said that "we don't know what our future holds, but we know who holds our future." On this planet, I fear no man. I fear no circumstance. The only thing I fear in life, is living on with the loss of my wife or a child. My heart aches for Eddie and David, and others who have dealt with this type of loss. Hopefully they know the same Father that I know, who is for sure the only one who can give real peace.

I never knew Misty, but I've heard tell she was a fine person.

Your blessings, count 'em boys.


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I met her once, oddly enough just a few weeks before my wife died. She seemed like a genuinely nice person.

Molonlabetn, I hope things have improved for you. If your experience has been like my own, things get easier over time, but little things that used to slide right on by jump out at you now. Take care man.

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  • Administrator

In some ways it seems like it couldn't have been a year. In yet others it seems like much longer ago than that. It's odd how God uses the passage of time to heal wounds, and I pray that this same grace has been applied to Eddie's life.

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you :confused:

Life's still wierd... always will be I guess. Means alot to not be the only one remembering. I haven't made the healthiest choices with regard to dealing with it, more often than not... but it'll all be ok. I do know that I have great friends, who gave me what I needed exactly when I needed it, more than I can repay.

...If your experience has been like my own, things get easier over time, but little things that used to slide right on by jump out at you now...

I know what you mean. Time is a great healer so far.

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Guest JHatmaker

Eddie, I came onto TGO later than I would have liked, and didn't and don't know you very well, but still thought of you when I became aware of everything.

While I can never truely understand what you went through, I'm glad to see you back here, and hope time continues to help as best as it can.

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