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Adminstration to move all semi-autos to NFA status by Executive Order?

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I don't like the idea of an AWB but I guess that I would prefer that scary black guns become an NFA item before they are completely banned.  I think the only problem with this is that it would overwhelm the BATFE and clog up all NFA items and we know they would not add additional staff.

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I don't like the idea of an AWB but I guess that I would prefer that scary black guns become an NFA item before they are completely banned.  I think the only problem with this is that it would overwhelm the BATFE and clog up all NFA items and we know they would not add additional staff.


nope.  I got enough taxes already, without adding a few on stuff I already paid for. LMGTFA!

Edited by R_Bert
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Guest bkelm18
I choose neither. When the man says it's time to register 'em, we'll know it's time to start using 'em.


And 99.9% of those who own them.... wont use them.

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And 99.9% of those who own them.... wont use them.

That's pretty much always been my thought. It would take an organized effort and being pushed ALOT to shake most people out of apathy. No one is just going to start shooting. It would take some form of leadership to say "Enough! Let's go get 'em!" Uprisings and Revolutions always start with an event that truly rallies everyone together. We haven't had that...yet.

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In a Tenth Amendment move, all the Governors of the various States have to do is declare that all non-felonious able-bodied men and all volunteer women between the ages of 18 and 80 in their State are members of the State Militia, (note it on their driver's license or HCP card) and are authorized military style and quality firearms, ammunition, and related supplies, and the feds can go pack sand.

Edited by QuietDan
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No, they do it less openly. And the other outlets have not actively gone after a whistleblower, and pushed the court to approve of openly lying.

But, again, take all media with a grain (the size of your house) of salt. Always question. Remember: No sensationalistic "news" and "fluff" stories, no $ brought in to make a profit. What is the saying I am thinking? "Trust God, all others verify" or something like.

You don't have to look at the other networks more than five minutes to hear a lie. I just don't see your point.


I don't like to hear anyone lie: period. Finding another to blame means nothing to me. If Fox is doing it, and you

and I know all the rest are doing it, so what? Are we just on the hit parade to find a new lyer? I just don't see

the point.


It is well understood that there will be an attempt to grab any gun under the auspice of "saving our children", so

what's new? With all this bantering about of who is better than who, it should stop and we should be fighting a

battle of getting the gun laws reversed and establishing Constitutional justice by getting the right people to make

the right decisions, instead of being so easily distracted. Of course that means stop letting all those factions in

the fight compromising everything they see. That means the NRA, too.


If you're going to bitch about one, you might as well bitch about them all. There are so many people who have

given up on so many fights because certain laws have been on the books for so long, and that is truly depressing.


When the SCOTUS has been setting a trend for several years in favor of the 2nd Amentment, you might think

more people would continue the push to get it back to where it was, instead of letting an emotional issue step

in the way.


When the citizen realizes that the word compromise always hurts them, they might change the way they think

and act. We have compromised our lives away.

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And 99.9% of those who own them.... wont use them.

I think you will find out differently, Spock. :D

We haven't quite reached the point you assume we have. It would be difficult for most to be the first, and then there

would be people claiming those who would would just be Timothy McVeighs, but there is always a point, unless you

are the proverbial frog in the water while the temp is going up.


But I doubt they will succeed getting anything approaching an NFA registry going, this time.

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the AR15 is like the Great White Shark.....It kills very few humans but when it does 

its a war on all of them. The facts are the numbers for the AR15 are the lowest of all 

gun killers,of the 10000 gun related homicides a year 350 are rifles and how many are

AR/AKs is not mentioned but the biggest killer of all calibers combined I read is the 

22LR,cheap little 22 pistols are the real wrecking machines - even Obama knows this

and has commented on it but 22s are not news worthy enough 

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The problem if or when something like this comes down is gun owners are going to be our own worst enemy. The majority are going to do exactly what the government wants without a question for fear of loosing more than their guns. Then those that didn't do what the government wants are going to be turned in by those that already have out of spite. We have already seen it with some hunters stepping back from those of us who own semiautos. I have heard it from different hunters as well as a dealer or two that a bolt action is all a person needs.


There are ~300 million guns in the US and if 1/10th of those owners refused they would still be 10x the size of all the military component, active and reserve, of the US. And another thought is this there is no way the government could house and provide for 30 million "criminals".


And for those who think it is not possible look at the Afghans in the 80's. They used pitchforks, flintlocks and Lee enfield rifles to defeat one of the super powers. But the only way people are going to stand up is if they think they are going to win.



Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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The problem if or when something like this comes down is gun owners are going to be our own worst enemy. The majority are going to do exactly what the government wants without a question for fear of loosing more than their guns.

Our government isn't going to let gun control start a civil war..... period. Even though that is what some seem to want.

Between the recent SCOTUS rulings that we have a right to own guns, and Posse Comitatus, do you really believe we can get to the point of military forces at your door wanting your guns? You think military action against American Citizens can be accomplished by the stoke of a pen on an executive order?


Let's be real for a moment. If military forces or Police Officers were ordered to go to homes and confiscate guns; they would refuse. The President would no longer have control of the military and Homeland Security would no longer have any power. I hate Obama, but one thing he is not is ignorant.


And for those who think it is not possible look at the Afghans in the 80's. They used pitchforks, flintlocks and Lee enfield rifles to defeat one of the super powers. But the only way people are going to stand up is if they think they are going to win.

The Soviets? Because on the other side was the United States, China and Saudi Arabia; hardly a bunch of folks with pitchforks.

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If everyone would just stand together and said "NO, we are not going to do it!"  There is no way in Hell the Government could afford to do anything to us. But Dolomite is right, we are being divided.  Just go read the comments in the KNS on a gun related topic and see how many say "I own guns and I see no need in a semi-automatic Assault Rifle.  We should get rid of them!"  People like that irk the hell out of me, because they are too stupid to realize that they are next on the list.  The Gun grabbers tried to get rid of hunting rifles and scopes in the 60's after the Tower Shooting and it almost passed.  They forget that though.

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President. Obama has shown that he will use executive orders to get his way and go around Congress. Now that his reelection is over, public option is on his side, at least in the media, after the school shooting, if the house doesn't go along with his gun bans, he will issue executive order, blame the NRA and go after members of the house to regain control.

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If everyone would just stand together and said "NO, we are not going to do it!"  There is no way in Hell the Government could afford to do anything to us. But Dolomite is right, we are being divided.  Just go read the comments in the KNS on a gun related topic and see how many say "I own guns and I see no need in a semi-automatic Assault Rifle.  We should get rid of them!"  People like that irk the hell out of me, because they are too stupid to realize that they are next on the list.  The Gun grabbers tried to get rid of hunting rifles and scopes in the 60's after the Tower Shooting and it almost passed.  They forget that though.

People are standing together. The people that elected Obama stood together while we were split and they defeated us at the polls. The only way we will win is at the polls. Some of us here tend to get distracted by shiny objects and third party candidates that have absolutely no chance of winning. We (Conservative Republicans) are not united, and the republican party has done a terrible job of getting someone to run that is electable.

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People are standing together. The people that elected Obama stood together while we were split and they defeated us at the polls. The only way we will win is at the polls. Some of us here tend to get distracted by shiny objects and third party candidates that have absolutely no chance of winning. We (Conservative Republicans) are not united, and the republican party has done a terrible job of getting someone to run that is electable.

You are 100% right, the GOP has done a terrible job at getting a person that is gona be one that EVERYONE is gona vote for.

Till that happens we are gona have a hard row to hoe.

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Our government isn't going to let gun control start a civil war..... period. Even though that is what some seem to want.

Between the recent SCOTUS rulings that we have a right to own guns, and Posse Comitatus, do you really believe we can get to the point of military forces at your door wanting your guns? You think military action against American Citizens can be accomplished by the stoke of a pen on an executive order?


Let's be real for a moment. If military forces or Police Officers were ordered to go to homes and confiscate guns; they would refuse. The President would no longer have control of the military and Homeland Security would no longer have any power. I hate Obama, but one thing he is not is ignorant.


The Soviets? Because on the other side was the United States, China and Saudi Arabia; hardly a bunch of folks with pitchforks.


I wasn't saying there would be "forces" coming to every door. I do not believe anyone would go door to door, block to block and searching residences. I was saying that one gun owner would turn on another and LE would secure a search warrant. And if a search warrant was issued, based on the word of another, for possession of a banned firearm LE would serve that warrant and make the arrest. It would be silly to think that LE would not execute a search warrant that was legally obtained. That is what I was talking about. And we, as in gun owners, do it to ourselves now. We hear some of the hunting crowd saying there is no need for AR's or AK's. 


As far as the Afghans go I have spoke to a lot of the Muj and in the begining they fought and were successful with very rudimentary weapons. Heck I was speaking to a gov't type that was over there in the begining and he said the Afghans were shooting each other with AK's because they had no clue how they operated. The Muj said one of their best tactics was to hang lanterns around the necks of sheep and goats in the middle of the night. And as the goats roamed it would appear to be a large force to the Soviets. And when the Soviets became distracted with those moving lights the Afghans would flank them. They said they used that tactic a lot in the begining and it was very successful. Yes we did back them but not before the invasion. For years they fought with no help.



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You are 100% right, the GOP has done a terrible job at getting a person that is gona be one that EVERYONE is gona vote for.

Till that happens we are gona have a hard row to hoe.

Until that Happens we are going to have a Democrat for a President. And a Democrat that is pro gun won't get elected. Democrats are electing their paycheck. They want the government to pay them, provide them with health care, raise their children, and keep them safe from guns and criminals (the two go hand in hand in their eyes). They were united this election and they will be united in the next election. Can a republican ever win over that again? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that it would take absolute support from everyone that is against what the Democrats stand for.

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The Gov. tells us what kind of lightbulbs we can buy, what kind of toilet we can buy, and is working on what size soft drink we can buy. Any one that thinks they won't tell us  what kind of guns we can have has their head in the sand.

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Guest AmericanWorkMule
Let's be real for a moment. If military forces or Police Officers were ordered to go to homes and confiscate guns; they would refuse.


Yeah, let's be realistic. It will happen because it has happened.

I bet a few of them loved what they were doing. Getting to be the bully thug, legally?




Edited by AmericanWorkMule
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Guest AmericanWorkMule
    Warning: Graphic Violence. This disturbing video clearly demonstrates the consequences of centralizing government power and disarming citizens. Genocide always follows, leaving millions of innocent victims dead.




Edited by AmericanWorkMule
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Yeah, let's be realistic. It will happen because it has happened.
I bet a few of them loved what they were doing. Getting to be the bully thug, legally?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncq_Nu3dRSI&feature=related

Yeah, I know. I remember being in the Army and me and my buddies were always like "boy, I can't wait for something to happen so we can strip people of their rights and push them around."

In fact, I was in a unit that was deployed to natural disasters such as Andrew and Opal. Man, let me tell you... we were rolling up grannies and gun owners by the gaggle and putting them in concentration camps as we wrung our hands and laughed about their rights.

The silly ones were all the officers I had who would always carry a Constitution handbook on their person, even in Iraq. If it ever came down to it, I guess we'd just shoot those Constitutional "believers" in the back so we can enact our rape and pillage plan.

Yep, automatons and thugs is how I would best describe my brothers in arms.

Sarcasm off.
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Guest macmonkey
the AR15 is like the Great White Shark.....It kills very few humans but when it does 

its a war on all of them. The facts are the numbers for the AR15 are the lowest of all 

gun killers,of the 10000 gun related homicides a year 350 are rifles and how many are

AR/AKs is not mentioned but the biggest killer of all calibers combined I read is the 

22LR,cheap little 22 pistols are the real wrecking machines - even Obama knows this

and has commented on it but 22s are not news worthy enough 


In a discussion with an ER doctor family friend... he see's more 22LR injuries by far over any other calibre.

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The problem we have is that the uneducated/lazy folks that want the government to do everything for them are now in the majority.  They will continue to elect people like Obama and a Democratic Congress.  I don't expect to ever see a Republican President in the White House again in my lifetime. I think things have been bad the last few years and I expect them to get worse.  The United States of America that my parents enjoyed will be no more.  The banning of guns will be the final tipping point as we go over the cliff.  I thank God more and more that I do not have children.

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