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Trace Adkins explains Confederate flag earpiece

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[b] Trace Adkins explains Confederate flag earpiece[/b]


Some people need to just get over themselves. All of the political correctness and the constant apologizing is getting old.

I'm a former yankee, got healed of that in 1974. I don't see the problem with a Confederate flag period. It doesn't represent what liberals and those who would claim to be politically correct say that it does. They need to get over it. I could make a list of things that offend me and cry about them (NAACP, BET, UNCF, CBCF, etc.), but I say live and let live. Give it a rest already.
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1354313809' post='853070']
It doesn't represent what liberals and those who would claim to be politically correct say that it does. They need to get over it. I could make a list of things that offend me and cry about them (NAACP, BET, UNCF, CBCF, etc.), but I say live and let live. Give it a rest already.

Amen Edited by BrasilNuts
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if you had friends or family who fought under the swastika would it still be okay to fly that? Or stick it in your ear as the case may be?

The civil war was over 150 years ago, the south lost. Time to move on. It is kind of fun to wonder where we would all be had the south won. Harry Turtledove addressed it, great reading. As to his version, are things better or worse, I dunno.

I occasionally fly a confederate flag, but if I was an entertainer making money from my appearances I would rethink my stance on it. I seriously wonder what he is trying to say by this thing.

Truly the stars and bars offend people. I understand the history with it, and the legacy it has left. It bothers me not in the least. If I was a black man it would probably piss me off. if I had a neighbor who was angered by my flying of that flag I would ease up on it.

I am not sure I understand all the hubub about his. Why stir the pot, and for what reason?
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i would tell my neighbor to get over it. my sister and my in-laws dislike it. i told them tough get over it. it has never been a white or black thing with me i grew up with blacks as neighbors. we played together sometimes ate together. 30 years in business never had a black person beat me out of anything. cant say that about the whites. oh and i have been flying one along with the american flag for many years.
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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1354345598' post='853287']
if I had a neighbor who was angered by my flying of that flag I would ease up on it.

Many people hate guns, guns have killed even more people than the Nazis, maybe even some of your neighbors hate guns.

Are you gonna ease up on those?

I'll PM you my contact info so I can take some of those horrible symbols of death and oppression off your hands. Edited by BrasilNuts
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Its ignorance and hate on the part of most of the people that attack that flag. Its ignorance and distortion of facts that they teach in the schools today that the Civil war was fought over slavery. When I was in school they taught that it was fought over States Rights. Did something change between now and 50 years ago? Of course it did.

Its hate in that many people see that flag as a sign of racism because many people fly that flag as a sign of racism. Does that mean we shouldn’t be allowed to fly it? It’s coming to that.

I was born 100 miles from the Capitol of the Confederacy, and if I had been alive at the time of the war I would have fought on the side of the south. However, I get tired of the ignorant people that think because I moved here from Illinois I am a Yankee. I am not apologizing, make no mistake about it, the North is my home and it’s hopefully where I will return to retire.

The war is over, and it has been for 147 years; the South lost, get over it. But none of us alive today fought in that war. Anyone that pays any attention to my posts knows that I am an unyielding defender of States Rights to the point where as I have said many times States Rights trumps the 2[sup]nd[/sup] Amendment, has since the civil war, and there isn’t any other way the SCOTUS can rule than the way they are now.

The South may have lost the war, but they made sure no one wants to fight that war again. It was because of this we have the States Rights we have today.

All Confederate flags are part of history. They can be flown proudly. The people that don’t want them flown, and the people that make their dumbazz remarks about “Yankees” are both showing their ignorance.
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One thing I don't understand is the apparent double standard that exists in these issues...the Confederate flag is perceived as racist by many...as would be any references to white magazines, beauty pageants, magazines, tv channels/shows, college funds, etc...yet calling those same things BLACK seems to be just fine.What about all the black racist things you see in public everywhewre, why is that ok? Last year I saw a black lady on a new show, cant remember which, but they were talking about racism, and she she was asked if something or other was racist, and she replied, "NO! Blacks cant be racist, only whites."

I just don't understand how that works. I also like that flag. Its a symbol to me of my heritage. Years ago, I decided not to display it publicly because it just seemed to cause controversy, and I dont want to have to hurt someone over a flag. I accepted that perception sometimes is important.
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[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1354345598' post='853287']
if you had friends or family who fought under the swastika would it still be okay to fly that? Or stick it in your ear as the case may be?

It's sad that people who seemingly are on the side of the south immediately think of these type images when nothing could be farther from the truth. Continuing to make such disgusting connections has put our history in the light many now view it.
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I view the various iterations of the Confederate flag not as equivalent to a swastika but, rather, as equivalent to the Don't Tread on Me flag and the original Stars and Stripes. The men who fought in the Revolutionary war owned slaves but that doesn't mean the war was 'about slavery'. It just means that King George III wasn't sneaky or deceptive enough to make slavery an issue in the war - unlike one Abraham Lincoln (even though Lincoln, himself, had already said that he didn't care about freeing the slaves.) Honestly, I think both wars were fought for very similar reasons - a group of people felt they could no longer abide the treatment they were receiving at the hands of the authorities of their government and so they endeavored to win their freedom from said oppressive government and create a government that was more in keeping with their ideals. The biggest difference, to my mind, is that the Colonials won and the Confederates did not.

For that reason, and because I, too, have ancestors who died fighting for the cause represented by those flags, I will respect them and display them whenever and however I please. If someone else doesn't like it, thinks it is equivalent to a swastika or whatever then they are cordially invited to kiss my butt. I couldn't care less what other people think of me. Edited by JAB
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[quote name='JAB' timestamp='1354559422' post='854309']
I view the various iterations of the Confederate flag not as equivalent to a swastika but, rather, as equivalent to the Don't Tread on Me flag and the original Stars and Stripes. The men who fought in the Revolutionary war owned slaves but that doesn't mean the war was 'about slavery'. It just means that King George III wasn't sneaky or deceptive enough to make slavery an issue in the war - unlike one Abraham Lincoln (even though Lincoln, himself, had already said that he didn't care about freeing the slaves.) Honestly, I think both wars were fought for very similar reasons - a group of people felt they could no longer abide the treatment they were receiving at the hands of the authorities of their government and so they endeavored to win their freedom from said oppressive government and create a government that was more in keeping with their ideals. The biggest difference, to my mind, is that the Colonials won and the Confederates did not.

For that reason, and because I, too, have ancestors who died fighting for the cause represented by those flags, I will respect them and display them whenever and however I please. If someone else doesn't like it, thinks it is equivalent to a swastika or whatever then they are cordially invited to kiss my butt. I couldn't care less what other people think of me.

Well said!
Deo Vindice
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Guest uofmeet
[quote name='Mike.357' timestamp='1354345598' post='853287']
if you had friends or family who fought under the swastika would it still be okay to fly that? Or stick it in your ear as the case may be?

Another thing that is messed up. The Swastika was around for WAY before the Nazi's. It is actually a has good meaning behind it.

[b] "The Original Meaning[/b]

The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit [i]svastika[/i] - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix.
Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck."


So, In my opinion, the whole swastika argument is bullsh##.
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[quote name='uofmeet' timestamp='1354563998' post='854349']

Another thing that is messed up. The Swastika was around for WAY before the Nazi's. It is actually a has good meaning behind it.

[b] "The Original Meaning[/b]

The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit [i]svastika[/i] - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix.
Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck."


So, In my opinion, the whole swastika argument is bullsh##.[/quote]

Yeah, Hitler really ruined that for the rest of us. I have a hard time explaining my swastika tats to my Jewish friends too.
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[quote name='TMF' timestamp='1354564922' post='854357']
Yeah, Hitler really ruined that for the rest of us. I have a hard time explaining my swastika tats to my Jewish friends too.

Not to go too far off topic but, unless I am mistaken, when Hitler/the Nazis adopted the Swastika they screwed up and got it backward - so that the Nazi flag actually had a [i]reversed[/i] Swastika. Kind of fitting in that the Swastika meant 'life' and, I believe, was sometimes used as a mystical symbol of protection so that a 'reversed' one would technically mean death, destruction and, I guess, evil. Edited by JAB
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[quote name='JAB' timestamp='1354647627' post='854824']
Not to go too far off topic but, unless I am mistaken, when Hitler/the Nazis adopted the Swastika they screwed up and got it backward - so that the Nazi flag actually had a [i]reversed[/i] Swastika. Kind of fitting in that the Swastika meant 'life' and, I believe, was sometimes used as a mystical symbol of protection so that a 'reversed' one would technically mean death, destruction and, I guess, evil.
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[quote name='JAB' timestamp='1354647627' post='854824']

Not to go too far off topic but, unless I am mistaken, when Hitler/the Nazis adopted the Swastika they screwed up and got it backward - so that the Nazi flag actually had a [i]reversed[/i] Swastika. Kind of fitting in that the Swastika meant 'life' and, I believe, was sometimes used as a mystical symbol of protection so that a 'reversed' one would technically mean death, destruction and, I guess, evil.[/quote]

Ha, I was just making a joke. Regardless what the original denotations are for the swasticker, the current connotations will forever trump that. Kinda like rainbows. Rainbows might be awesome to put on my truck, but everyone would think I'm a homo. Gays own rainbows now. Nazis will forever own swastickers.
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[quote name='TMF' timestamp='1354649380' post='854846']
Ha, I was just making a joke. Regardless what the original denotations are for the swasticker, the current connotations will forever trump that. Kinda like rainbows. Rainbows might be awesome to put on my truck, but everyone would think I'm a homo. Gays own rainbows now. Nazis will forever own swastickers.
True. It was ok to be "gay" back around the turn of the century. That's the 20th Century. 100 years ago. Now it's something else. Even the multi-colored Apple logo has been hijacked.
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[quote name='uofmeet' timestamp='1354563998' post='854349']
Another thing that is messed up. The Swastika was around for WAY before the Nazi's. It is actually a has good meaning behind it.

[b] "The Original Meaning[/b]

The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit [i]svastika[/i] - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix.
Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck."


So, In my opinion, the whole swastika argument is bullsh##.

The confederate flag, actually battle flag has been bastardized. White racists have given it the current meaning.
Just as Nazi Germany has given the swastika the current connotation.

The actual flag of the confederacy only has the battle flag in the upper left hand corner with a red bar that runs on the right side of the flag.. It is called the Confederate Third National Flag. I rarely if ever see that flag flown by anyone. And as far as I know that is still the official flag of the confederacy.
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He ruined those little mustaches too. Was thinking of growing one.

The Confederate Flag is a part of history, and should be treated as historical.

The more modern treatment of the flag lies in the more recent use, and treatment of it. When the equal rights movement was going on, it was used as a counter flag. Neo-Nazi abuse it quite regularly.

Really, it depends on its use. Fly it to show pride in the South? No issue from me. Fly it as historical? No issue. Fly it to show pride in your ancestry? Nope, no issue. Fly it to show hate towards other races? Problem. Fly it to enrage others? Problem. Fly it as a fan of the "Dukes of Hazzard?" For the original show, no. For the bad movie remake, problem.

Due to its more recent misuses, I can see why several have issue with the flag. Instead, they should have issue with those misusing it. Edited by HvyMtl
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