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Sorry, Glock. I Tried.

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I'm really interested in buying a 10mm handgun, and decided to check out the Glock 20 and 29. Maybe I'm too picky, but neither were the right fit for me. Even though I'm not a huge Glock fan, I'm kinda bummed.

I stopped by that ridiculously over-priced gun store in Williamson County, just to get a feel for my options. I first played with the 29, and there was no way that little thing was gonna work for me. My hands are far too big for such a short grip. I then checked out the 20, but the picky side of me feels like the barrel is about 1/2 in too long. I know that's not much, but it matters to me. If I didn't intend on using it as a carry weapon from time to time, that 1/2 inch probably wouldnt matter. The barrel lenght is one of the reasons I love my XD. The XD40 4" couldn't be any more of a perfect fit for me.

So, if Glock would make the 20 with a barrel that's 1/2-1 inch shorter, or a 29 with grips that are about 1-1/2 inches longer, I'd add a Glock to my collection.

OR..... Springfield Armory could make a damn XD10 4" and everything would remain perfect.

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Guest CleanSeries80

you could check out the Colt Delta Elite. Seems like I heard somewhere that they are about to start production up on them again. Then there's a few custom builders that have commander length 10mm's as well.

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Yea, I'm going to spend some time looking at the other options. I, at first chose the Glock, because they are a bit lighter than the other options. They are also in the price range I was looking to spend. I have a hard time spending $1000 on any gun, but especially a handgun. I'll keep looking.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I saw a PO P16 .40S&W that the barrel had been converted into a 10mm. Can this be done with an XD40? If so, what would it take?

no, the frame is the wrong size. a 10mm gun would likely be based off a Xd-45 frame. and according to a guy on XD-talk with a CAD program, it would be a 16+1 capacity

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Guest bkelm18

I too went into the shop the other day to try out a Glock. After all the hype I've been seeing on here lately, I figured I'd give them another try. Last time I held/shot a Glock was way back in my early days of gun ownership (a whopping 2 and a half years ago), so I thought my tastes would have changed. Soon as I picked it up I knew it was wrong. Still had the feel of a 2x4. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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im a member too but quit going over there when i posted a for sale ad for my HK when i had been there like 6months or so but not a whole lot of posts maybe 20-30, and then they changed the rules on the For sale section and then deleted my thread. no pm or anything

had some good info and everything but administration over there is BS

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Guest bkelm18
as far as im concerned, 10mm is a gimmick round

Thanks for your startling insight that contributes to this thread in no way. :crazy:

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Have only seen the Glock 29s in the shops.Haven't shot anything lighter than a 1911 in that caliber. However after shooting a 27 (.40 s&w) a bit...I am guessing that it would be quite a handful. Would strongly suggest shooting a lightweight 10mm before I paid big buck for one.

10mm is no joke as it just touches the bottom end of .41 magnum power...could deer/hog hunt with one no problem. Anyone who thinks it is not much to talk about hasn't shot one.

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I shot about 40-50 rounds through a Dan Wesson, and yes, it's not for the timid. I'm guessing this is why the Fed's didn't keep it for very long. I know it's not the most popular round, but it's something I'd be comfortable with. If nothing else, I'd like to have one just to have one.

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Don't take it to heart! As far as I'm concerned a gun isnt suitable for self defense unless youve had plenty of experience shooting it. That would be hard to due because of the high price of ammunition.

So let me rephrase: I FEEL like 10mm is a gimmick round TO ME.

Better now? :crazy:

No, Not better. If that opinion was coming from someone other than a complete post whore, I take it with a grain of salt. Since you are nothing more than a post whore, simply trying to increase your post count in order to use certian site features, it means nothing.

Have a wonderful day.;)

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No, Not better. If that opinion was coming from someone other than a complete post whore, I take it with a grain of salt. Since you are nothing more than a post whore, simply trying to increase your post count in order to use certian site features, it means nothing.

Have a wonderful day.:crazy:

too bad you have to pay up to get in the ready room:D

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Thanks for giving me reason to post some more *******. Atleast I had the decency to argue my point, way to jump down someones throat.

I'm sorry. I should have known better than to expect more from a 21 year old. You're acting like a complete moron, and you expect some sort of respect? You're in the wrong place.

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