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Postal Service reports a 15.9 BILLION dollar loss

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I am shocked by this. How could this be double what it was last year and most of it from "...due to mounting costs for future retiree health benefits, which made up $11.1 billion of the losses."
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I can see that, mailhandler's copays are only $60/biweekly FOR AN ENTIRE FAMILY! The gov share of that is over $700/month... So from just one basic plan, it costs the post office over $9000 per plan, per year on a family plan. The post office's share of the standard family plan is over $1000/month

Doesn't take very long to get to $1bil when you offer plans like that. Edited by Sam1
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As was said, unlike ANY other section of the government, unlike ANY private company, the USPS gets to fund its retirement at 100%. Congress did this when the USPS was profitable. Before UPS and Fed Ex caught on, before Email, instant messaging, facebook, etc. cut into letter writing.
And now the USPS wants to lower this mandate. Guess who has to allow that? Congress.
Remember when the USPS attempted to close under utilized and overly expensive Post Offices? Did you see what happened? A ton of people protested. Blocked several from closing in the area.
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You want a really scary thought? The post office just has visibility. The rest of the iceberg is the city and state governments, and the unions, who also have a stellar (insert Carl Sagan saying "Trillions and Trillions") debt load looming. Now compound that with the Fed, medicare, social security...

So many programs, government mandated... and each and every time the Congress looted the proceeds. Now they're discussing a 'carbon tax'. I'm [i]sure [/i]the hundreds of billions proceeding from any such tax will go to a good cause... right out of my pocket and into Al Gores', 'cause he has to fund that next beach house [i]somehow[/i]...
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[quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1353042951' post='846395']
In the USPS defense, the fed takes any and all of their profit and puts it in the general fund. A fairly good example of how government runs things. Take from the makers to give to the takers then blame the makers.

I never thought that I would agree with a takers/makers comment, but that what it boils down to and there is no way in hell that the government is giving that money back. Edited by LINKS2K
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[quote name='jcoosi' timestamp='1353029637' post='846279']
The postal service is a joke. I do work on thier mail trucks and the amount some of the higher ups make is just doesnt match for the work they do.

Careful there......the VMF's influence is everywhere. If you think the USPS is a joke, stop soaking up the easy money from them for working on the easiest trucks in the world to work on. Heck, they even provide you with the parts, all you have to do is hang them on. ;)

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Guest Mad4rcn
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=4]I like the post office,hard to beat sending candy and kool aid and a few others things to an APO out of the country for $12.00.[/size][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=4]Sending two or three a week could get exspensive if not for the USPS.[/size][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=4]I could do without the mailbox full of trees I get daily,but all in all,they serve me well.[/size][/font]
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