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With all of the talk about civil unrest and secession...


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[quote name='leroy' timestamp='1353002891' post='846116']
6.8 makes several good points in his post above (...#72..) here. My take on all this is that im a relatively old coot (...66...) and ive never seen as much divisiveness (...other than the vietnam thing...) and grousing about the sorryness of government than ive been hearing and seeing for the last four years. This current crop of idiots has managed to drive the wedge deeper and drag the issues further down the road quicker with their high handed tactics than ive ever seen before. They have re-opened wounds between the government, the people, and the individual states that were inflicted via the bayonet in the post civil war period. They shouldn't have done that. When these issues are re-visited; i predict that there will not be enough carpetbaggers and thugs to enforce much of what they dream of doing. Further, they dont have an army of occupation to enforce this stuff. I predict (...and sincerely hope and pray...) they will loose bad in court. Otherwise, there could be some trouble. When you have otherwise solid citizens talking succession and have third partys like the Tea Party(s) in various states talkin about the things they are talkin about; with bad words dricted toward both political parties and the government; those in those parties and the political operatives need to be concerned.

RE: Violence directed toward those in government. The nobama regieme and its operatives dont need to worry about violent harm comming from the "Rs" and the various freedom loving groups. For the most part, those groups are law abiding citizens who work for a living, and are genuinely concerned about the direction the country is being taken in. The politicos need to be worried about their far left socialist bastard brothers and commie philistine harlot sisters who dont think that they are doin enough to bring the beautiful utopian socialist paradise to the good ole usa. Remember, Jared Loughner aint a right wing nut; he is a left wing nut.



I see any civil "unrest" in the likes of what is going on in Greece. It will occur when the economy completely melts down and the takers march out to "take" because they have not provided for themselves and the workers who have been providing for both themselves and for the takers simply can not continue to do it any longer. Virtually all of what I am reading and hearing of working people arming up is in anticipation of defense of themselves and their families pending any meltdown of the economy and impending lawlessness by takers who come out of their rat holes to take what the workers and actual contributors have left. That is all. As in this quote from an article titled -

[b] Are Americans Preparing for a Revolution?[/b]

"[color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]So why are so many people buying so many guns? Some say they are buying them now before the government forbids anymore sales. Yet others are saying that they are stocking up on weapons, ammunition and food in preparation of America’s collapse."[/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]"I heard from one person who said they believe that America will fall under Obama and the country will go into complete chaos. Food and supplies will become scarce causing millions to riot and loot and steal from others. He said that he intends on protecting his family, his house and supplies from any and all intruders."[/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Georgia, Palatino,]Read more: [url="http://godfatherpolitics.com/8056/are-americans-preparing-for-a-revolution/#ixzz2CKEfFDP3"]http://godfatherpoli.../#ixzz2CKEfFDP3[/url][/font][/color]

[color=#000000]That man is NOT planning civil unrest, but planning on protecting himself and his family [i]from[/i] civil unrest (which is the point I've been trying to make on here for several days).[/color]
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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1353019952' post='846218']
I remember the world was going to end new year's 2000, when Bush was elected, etc. It isn't good, but this too will pass.

Yep Edited by LINKS2K
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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1353019952' post='846218']
I remember the world was going to end new year's 2000, when Bush was elected, etc. It isn't good, but this too will pass.
LOL. You're house can get termites and that will pass too. You won't have a house left if you do nothing, but, hey...it [i]will[/i] pass.

Interestingly, I keep reading letters and emails from people who escaped [u]to[/u] the United States from countries like Cuba, Russia, Poland, Nazi Germany, etc. They say that what they see going on scares them to death and mirrors what went on in those countries when people were saying that it was no big deal.

Those of us old enough to have lived history remember what happened, unlike many who can only read whitewashed versions of history. I fear for my country, but I guess I can know that I lived during the pinnacle of the United States and was personally there to witness her greatness. Glad I'm not very young and have to live 60-80 more years if people think everything will just fix itself. Have fun with that.

I often fantasize what it would be like if you had a time machine and could go back to 1938 and warn people about Hitler, or any other pre-war era. I always come to the same conclusion that it wouldn't work. People back then tried to warn others, they were laughed to scorn, so why would they listen to the guy with the time machine? They wouldn't. Edited by mcurrier
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[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1353022713' post='846235']

LOL. You're house can get termites and that will pass too. You won't have a house left if you do nothing, but, hey...it [i]will[/i] pass.

Interestingly, I keep reading letters and emails from people who escaped [u]to[/u] the United States from countries like Cuba, Russia, Poland, Nazi Germany, etc. They say that what they see going on scares them to death and mirrors what went on in those countries when people were saying that it was no big deal.

Those of us old enough to have lived history remember what happened, unlike many who can only read whitewashed versions of history. I fear for my country, but I guess I can know that I lived during the pinnacle of the United States and was personally there to witness her greatness. Glad I'm not very younyOug and have to live 60-80 more years if people think everything will just fix itself. Have fun with that.

I often fantasize what it would be like if you had a time machine and could go back to 1938 and warn people about Hitler, or any other pre-war era. I always come to the same conclusion that it wouldn't work. People back then tried to warn others, they were laughed to scorn, so why would they listen to the guy with the time machine? They wouldn't.
[/quote] Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name='mcurrier' timestamp='1353022713' post='846235']

Those of us old enough to have lived history remember what happened, unlike many who can only read whitewashed versions of history. I fear for my country, but I guess I can know that I lived during the pinnacle of the United States and was personally there to witness her greatness. Glad I'm not very young and have to live 60-80 more years if people think everything will just fix itself. Have fun with that.

I often fantasize what it would be like if you had a time machine and could go back to 1938 and warn people about Hitler, or any other pre-war era. I always come to the same conclusion that it wouldn't work. People back then tried to warn others, they were laughed to scorn, so why would they listen to the guy with the time machine? They wouldn't.

Yeah, our nation is living in a time that has some parallels to 1938 where there are people all around the country warning what is happening to America's freedoms and liberties, and nobody seems to be listening to any of the warnings. They are like mindless zombies only concerned about their selfish wants instead of focusing how to be better citizens, and how they can contribute to their country and society for its betterment.
The house is burning down and nobody is paying any attention to it.
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Lester makes a great point there:
[quote]....Vermont may have one of the oldest and biggest secession movements-- Because the USA is too redneck and ain't socialist enough to suit Vermont's sensibilities. Going back to that "don't let the screen door hit you" regionalist vibe which might likely accompany actual secessions.....[/quote]

I think the "secession" thing is, as Lester so eloquently put it: "...A regionalist vibe...."; and its vibin now. In my mind, the next step of the "regionalist vibe" would like like the state(s) (...individually or in groups....) first going to court over whatever "rule" or federal law they dont like; then "nullifying" any law or rule they thought wuz wrong for their particular state. Think of the "right to work" vs "closed shop" thing. I expect that the logical end of this would be a loose confederation of states; each bound by like mindedness on issues dear to that particular people group --- like personal responsibility, workin for a livin, keepin some of your money ya make, spending it as ya see fit, etc, ect. -- on and on. The federal government would be reduced to collecting taxes (...which they would have to send back to the indiviidual states in "block grants"...) and "providing for the common defense". Just like the Founding Fathers envisioned. A truly novel idea.

Think blue states that like everything the nobamanites are doin and red states that like folks to have some control over their lives and finances. It's the ole"....birds of a feather flock together thing...". This time there may not be enough birdseed to go around in the blue states.

A good contrast would be what ya see in Kalafornia vs what ya see in Texas. It's easy to see that the states are already doin this. Look at industrial growth and state government fiscal responsibility in the red states vs the blue states.

I predict that the "secession' movement is actually the "states rights" movement. The federal government would loose power over individual states (....think federal "rules" here; along with "mandates", uniform program rules (...welfare, medicare, etc...), and enviornmental regs (...think coal and water use permits...) and the state governments would determine their own policies based on the "shared values"of that particular state.

I think some "stealth secession" has been goin on for sometime now. That's why ya have growth in the states where somewhat fiscally responsible adults are runnin the show, and net losses of jobs in the places like kalefornia. That is also why this current crop of nobamaites are pushin back in places like wisconsin and south carolina (...think boeing here...) and talkin about instituting "card check" so they can intimidate non-nuion leaning workers in "right to work" states. Its payback and "reprisal" against those who dont see it the nobama "chicago way". It's interestin to me that we now have 33 republican administrations in the states.

Food for thought.
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Guest MilitiaMan
[quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352873070' post='845325']
What do you call the people that are willing to look the other way while it happens?

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[quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1353019952' post='846218']
I remember the world was going to end new year's 2000, when Bush was elected, etc. It isn't good, but this too will pass.
[/quote]It will pass, but which way, and how much damage will occur before it passes? Our country has been going
downhill for so many years. Will it start to come back up? All one can do is hope it gets the right leadership and does
what has to be done so it will pass the right way.

One step forward, two steps back.
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